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: Mster Truman 5tarr. The Method Man.
// e n g l i s h
Well, i couldnt produce much ascii this month because of some final
exams for the school yeah! i fuckin finished my secondary studies.
So, i dont have enough material for a real colly. Anyway, i already
designed my next collection inside my mind, and you must take this
as a preview for my second production under the Remorse label
called Fitter Happier, releasing in rmrs-20.
So hewe go, 6 logos showing my brand new explorations in ascii work.
: e s p a o l
Bueno, no pude producir mucho ascii este mes porque tuve que dar
algunos exmenes finales para el colegio termine la secudaria!. :
Asi que no tengo material suficiente para una colly en serio. De .
todas maneras ya la tengo diseada y esto se trata de una preview
de mi segunda colly para remorse, que va a salir en rmrs-20. Se va a
llamar Fitter Happier.
. Asi que aqu vamos, 6 logos que muestran mis nuevas exploraciones .
en ascii.
/ Sebastian.
/oO Truman 5tarr tr5tarr on irc
- /
fitter/ the second ciRCE transgression .. /
/ happier /
,,x**x t h e
ll / / //
afs *xxxx tr5
t r a n s g r e s s ! o n /
fitter/ najbar-aj0 dangera. authorities are alert .. /
/ happier /
--/-- // /--/ tr5
/d a n g e r a/
fitter/ Remorse 1981. Preparedness make as powerfull. .. /
/ happier /
/ tr5/--/ //
/ : / r e m o r s e 8 1 /
fitter/ sir em0. master of juggernauts. .. /
/ happier /
em0 s1r
//---------------------- ---------------------tr5------
fitter/ The Kung Fu Theatre. .. /
/ happier /
t H e :....
/ / t H e a t r e
fitter/ wham being. remember: god love his children. .. /
/ happier /
./ tr5
.. : t h e w h a m b e i n g
fitter/ yen pox. nothing but opium seedz. .. /
/ happier /
:/ o
o yen-pox
/ / o
Jump out of bed as soon you hear the alarm clock.
You may also find it useful spending five minutes each morning
saying to yourself:
Every day in every way I am gettin better and better.
Perhaps it is a good idea to start a new day with the right frame of mind.
Thats all.
Greets for my buddies in Argentina: rantes, nervioz, peyo, simon, cromos,
merlin, larry, arlequin, sludge, bandido, spektor. I love you guys.
And my camarades in Remorse: Nmancer, Omi, Ack, bj, SpeedFreak, Necronite,
tum, and those i forgot.
I really have no hope for 1998. But i wish you all a very happy new year.
What else can i say?
: Mster Truman 5tarr. The Method Man.
// e n g l i s h
Well, i couldnt produce much ascii this month because of some final
exams for the school yeah! i fuckin finished my secondary studies.
So, i dont have enough material for a real colly. Anyway, i already
designed my next collection inside my mind, and you must take this
as a preview for my second production under the Remorse label
called Fitter Happier, releasing in rmrs-20.
So hewe go, 6 logos showing my brand new explorations in ascii work.
: e s p a o l
Bueno, no pude producir mucho ascii este mes porque tuve que dar
algunos exmenes finales para el colegio termine la secudaria!. :
Asi que no tengo material suficiente para una colly en serio. De .
todas maneras ya la tengo diseada y esto se trata de una preview
de mi segunda colly para remorse, que va a salir en rmrs-20. Se va a
llamar Fitter Happier.
. Asi que aqu vamos, 6 logos que muestran mis nuevas exploraciones .
en ascii.
/ Sebastian.
/oO Truman 5tarr tr5tarr on irc
- /
fitter/ the second ciRCE transgression .. /
/ happier /
,,x**x t h e
ll / / //
afs *xxxx tr5
t r a n s g r e s s ! o n /
fitter/ najbar-aj0 dangera. authorities are alert .. /
/ happier /
--/-- // /--/ tr5
/d a n g e r a/
fitter/ Remorse 1981. Preparedness make as powerfull. .. /
/ happier /
/ tr5/--/ //
/ : / r e m o r s e 8 1 /
fitter/ sir em0. master of juggernauts. .. /
/ happier /
em0 s1r
//---------------------- ---------------------tr5------
fitter/ The Kung Fu Theatre. .. /
/ happier /
t H e :....
/ / t H e a t r e
fitter/ wham being. remember: god love his children. .. /
/ happier /
./ tr5
.. : t h e w h a m b e i n g
fitter/ yen pox. nothing but opium seedz. .. /
/ happier /
:/ o
o yen-pox
/ / o
Jump out of bed as soon you hear the alarm clock.
You may also find it useful spending five minutes each morning
saying to yourself:
Every day in every way I am gettin better and better.
Perhaps it is a good idea to start a new day with the right frame of mind.
Thats all.
Greets for my buddies in Argentina: rantes, nervioz, peyo, simon, cromos,
merlin, larry, arlequin, sludge, bandido, spektor. I love you guys.
And my camarades in Remorse: Nmancer, Omi, Ack, bj, SpeedFreak, Necronite,
tum, and those i forgot.
I really have no hope for 1998. But i wish you all a very happy new year.
What else can i say?
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