this image contains text
,ai ., -. sargon- Im making a mud
,iYYYf .i! .iYa, . Loki- -sargon- * Loki beats sargon
jYYYYYL *. *!ia. with a bloodstained toddler
jYY!!*a, . !@*. Loki- maybe hell make that one of
ji! .ai: 4L ., . @a ! . the weapons.
jF j! j: Ji@ !. : . .
: ::i: T:,* *!L T ., ..
TL .aiia,!aaaiL T. . .
Ta,. -*!f :.!jL . :
! . 4 :: !L T: :....
.iL . : :ia i . ..:
. .. jia,. . . : ::. .!....: :.
j! ji. .,aF . : cM ,
. ::7 jL Tiz f.,.ia.
:: .aL .,!, !*!.. ,iaF jL .
,i*L . .aaJi! jF . *!: ,
Q : ::iL :: : :.!4: !L,. :i.a*q.
TL,* jf . :!f .:i: ! j: !Y. !f. T:: :
: Tf .. T,,a* :L :.. ii*jYYL !: 7 jL .. . ...
:: TL . : *a,.JL J@.i. :.*, flashtraffik
j for everyones favori ji te bloodstained hebrew toddler, jules.
.. jules, you know I dont color, so go ahead and color this if you
want .. this could be a menu, or something, I dont care. this is because
of that really shitty logo I drew you.. this ones shittier, but I figure
two wrongs make a right. long live hen fap.
,iYYYf .i! .iYa, . Loki- -sargon- * Loki beats sargon
jYYYYYL *. *!ia. with a bloodstained toddler
jYY!!*a, . !@*. Loki- maybe hell make that one of
ji! .ai: 4L ., . @a ! . the weapons.
jF j! j: Ji@ !. : . .
: ::i: T:,* *!L T ., ..
TL .aiia,!aaaiL T. . .
Ta,. -*!f :.!jL . :
! . 4 :: !L T: :....
.iL . : :ia i . ..:
. .. jia,. . . : ::. .!....: :.
j! ji. .,aF . : cM ,
. ::7 jL Tiz f.,.ia.
:: .aL .,!, !*!.. ,iaF jL .
,i*L . .aaJi! jF . *!: ,
Q : ::iL :: : :.!4: !L,. :i.a*q.
TL,* jf . :!f .:i: ! j: !Y. !f. T:: :
: Tf .. T,,a* :L :.. ii*jYYL !: 7 jL .. . ...
:: TL . : *a,.JL J@.i. :.*, flashtraffik
j for everyones favori ji te bloodstained hebrew toddler, jules.
.. jules, you know I dont color, so go ahead and color this if you
want .. this could be a menu, or something, I dont care. this is because
of that really shitty logo I drew you.. this ones shittier, but I figure
two wrongs make a right. long live hen fap.
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