this image contains text
blkjack posk is so cool :
. . ........ . /don
. . . don
// . ./ . . bigdicks dont scare
/ / you,because youve
/ / been a hoe too long.
aCk- posk slept with my mother.
drawing with slashes and underscores..
my claim to fame is that I didnt use the dollar sign.
remorse presents!
or maybe this:
remorse presents!
kts crew member to the FULLEST
jaystar youre in remorse dude?
rockon yeh.
jaystar tinyz
rockon you?
jaystar katharsis kts
rockon how come you released with remorse?
jaystar cuz im like the old-school ascii god
rockon isnt that sucking your own dick?
jaystar nope, ask the remorse senior staff
jaystar i was doing ascii before remorse was a pipe dream
jaystar back in 92
r3pr3z3t1nG LoVeLy!
with my friends from REMORSE
poskgubbe / remorse / presents / lust is entrusted temporary relief / colly
Im not the run of the mill cuz for the mill I dont run . krs-one
jaystarz the more sure you can be that
hardcore sex and
fist jobs
are the reason she wants to come by...
wh0d esc - in the PC scene its kts 1....
. prizmrock fince-a dustin hoecakes! .
. fornicating and phallic intervention .
fuck the index. you gotta hit FIND to find your logos
/o /x
/ / I had this ready
for the last pack
northwest /rs thclone but I saved it in
/ / / the wrong directory
raves! /
/o /x
one of those /rs pirates
deals that / / / gone
dont go through / crazy
/ / pirates / / /
/ gone / / /
/ crazy! / / /
x o / /:/ / / / / / /
/ p / /
/ / pirates / /
/ gone / /
/ crazy! / /
/ / pirates / /
/ gone / /
/ crazy! / /
x o / /:/ / / / / /
/ p /
/o /x
/ / / trance
/ induced
/o /x
the hop side of /rs
rap / / /
I symbolize the hop side of rap,
because the hip side is wack!
-- emanon - acid9
/o /x
absurdistan /rs
/o /x
hiro protagonist!
/ / / mimic killers:
/ operation destroy
/o /x
herbman hustling /rs its a reggae song
/o /x
divine order! /rs
/o /x
youre in
/ / / south bronx!
/o /x
sponsored by
my man don rapello /rs finlandia vodka
/o /x
/rs protagonist
gin tonic
/ / / / gin / / /
/ / / / tonic! / /
kts!a fileid.diz
/o /x
shark attack! /rs
/ / / shark attack
/ picks up chicks..
shark attack is unique among human experiences.
what could possibly equal being eaten alive by a monster fish?
- h. david baldridge
/o /x
extreme /rs
hardcore / / /
/o /x
goombaland! /rs
/ i / /i i / / i
/ / / / i i / i i/ i / / . i
i / i i / / /i i/ /i / /i i i / i / /i i
i /i i i/ / /i i i / / / i /i i i / i / /i i
ii/i/i/ ii// i
/o /x
joint with /rs cracktech 2000
KAYOZZ / / /
a aaaaaaaa
a a
a ./ / . ../ / / /
aa / / /
a / /
a a // zz/m /
a aa ..
a ./ / ./ / aa
a / / a
a : / a
a /. a
a : / /
/ // a
a / / / /
a a
/ a
a /
Cr4ckT3ch2000 / / a
sysop: infect /
anal ascii for disco74
i /i /i
/ / / / / / . /i i i
/ / / / / / /:/i i i
/ / / / / / / / // i i i
// / :/ //i/i i i
--------------------------------/--------------------------/i i
beautiful and great
x x// I heard the quote at school
/ / i
/ / /i / / /
/ / /i / / / / /
/ / i / /i / / / /
i/ / i
i / /: /
i / / / / /
i / / / /
i / // / /
i / // /
everything is going great today.. //
I wont even try to kill myself
it might just work today!
for your mom!
dead alcoholics
digital inferno
dj lemon
don rapello
frostbyte for necrite
/ // / / / / / i / / /
/ // //i/ / /
fuck u
/o /x
mjolnir poskgubbe /rs
MJoLNiR! / / / / / /
PuMa CReW aWeSoMe TWo
/o /x
modules /rs
/ / / for astarte
/o /x
volatile requested
nothing /rs nothing..
/ / / not sure if it meant
/ nothing or nothing
/o /x
pgc fileid.diz /rs
/ / / pirates gone crazy
/o /x
phobia /rs
/o /x
presents /rs
/o /x
productivity /rs
/o /x
psxgames /rs
/o /x
puma fileid.diz /rs
---- THe PuMa SHoW! ----
-- MJoLNiR! PoSKGuBBe --
/o /x
quantity /rs
vs. quality / / /
/o /x
razor 1911 /rs
/ / / fileid.diz
/o /x
check the 2 on top
remorse /rs
/ / / fileid.diz
/o /x
squeez /rs
/ / / for hiro p.
/o /x
the reckoning /rs
/ / / for sperm whale
/o /x
thors hammer /rs
/ / / a.k.a.
/o /x
for hirohitop.
true playa ascii /rs
/ / / we dont play!
/o /x
unseen fate /rs
/o /x
volatile /rs
volatile shockg is a true renegade
volatile posk is too, so his tinyz
/o /x
we created /rs for hiro
this shit / / / protagonista
hIRO-81 I fear tinyz, whodini, posk, shock g, and uhm, a couple other people
who have always definied for me something unique and specific in the
creative process - the people whove never been defined, the true
/o /x
slap her! /rs
j sez:
or better yet, hurt her emotionally,
say this is how you made me feel!
whats up with XXXXX?
and DUZY CHUY asciis by don rapello... thanks man!!!
dedicated dedicated to the niggaz running game...
dedicated dedicated to the chicks who do the same...
- DAS EFX dedicated
boner k-spiff phobia
bugsy letharic prizm
cardiac mca redd
cyberkid mjolnir riot
daze motionman rza
doitall mr.dawson shock-g
don rapello mr.x. sparr
dune necrom spermwhale
eerie necronite sulphur
fahrenheit omicron tinyz
gimle pariah whodini
hashie phaserx hiro protagonist
bitstream pmk cypherhex
thclone whirr blade
folar prst you
to add yourself to the list, e-mail: posk@remorse.org
hIRO-81 So thenme.txt comes out, kts 18?, and its the bomb - and posks
style is just.. wack..
. .don
duzy chuy big dicks
in polish
lust is entrusted temporary relief /
... tropical fish jump in to coral reef ?
-swollen members sm on the rocks
- poskgubbe! all time ascii releases -
filename release name release date filesize group
1 KTS!TZ16.ZIP - kts pack16 - fall 94 - 35k - kts
2 THENME.TXT - the nme-kts pack 17 - december 94 - 215k - kts
3 KTS-NBK.TXT - natural born killers-18 - spring 95 - 210k - kts
4 . - unnamed colly - fall 95 - 30k - kts
5 FRUITO1.BOT - but mom its only heroin - spring 96 - 24k - kts
6 KOWOBORG.TXT - kow of borg - spring 96 - 39k - kts
6 IJ-KWBG.TXT - same as above 32k?? - trank
7 POSK-BBS.001 - bong brothers 1 - summer 96 - 16k - bbs
8 PKTS-RAY.TXT - raymond ebanks - fall 96 - 20k - kts
9 PKTS-DEC.TXT - decepticons - december 96 - 28k - kts
10 PKTS-DCI.TXT - dunston checks in - jan 97 - 31337b - kts
11 KTS-HULA.TXT - hula baloo balai - spring 97 - 54k - kts
12 KTS-LADY.TXT - sorry Im a lady - spring 97 - 31337b - kts
13 KTS-BAM.TXT - bad ass motherfuckers - summer 97 - 27k - kts
14 KTS-DRHU.TXT - dr hustla is best - january 98 - 18k - kts
15 RMRS-PMD.TXT - poskgubbe making dollars - spring 98 - 31k - remorse
16 KTS-YEAH.TXT - draw ascii - spring 98 - 55k - kts
17 P-BLADE.TXT - blade one crew - spring 98 - 65k - puma
18 P-PERFEC.TXT - the perfect combination - summer 98 - 215k - puma
19 P-SPICEW.TXT - spice world - fall 98 - 21k - puma
20 P-E-P-PU.TXT - evil pedestrian - fall 98 - 60k - puma
21 r-r-r-r.txt - ascii picks up chicks - november 98 - ??? - remorse
22 r-ocks.txt - lust is entrusted
rmrs-28.zip? - temporary relief - november 98 - 100k - remorse
chronologically ordered
-- if you have any of my ascii releases not listed here, please contact me!
if I were you Ace Id turn stop and turn back!
if you were me then Id be you, and I use your body to
get to the top. You cant stop me no matter who you are!
-ace ventura, pet detective
in 87 its got to be the right girl!
. . ........ . /don
. . . don
// . ./ . . bigdicks dont scare
/ / you,because youve
/ / been a hoe too long.
aCk- posk slept with my mother.
drawing with slashes and underscores..
my claim to fame is that I didnt use the dollar sign.
remorse presents!
or maybe this:
remorse presents!
kts crew member to the FULLEST
jaystar youre in remorse dude?
rockon yeh.
jaystar tinyz
rockon you?
jaystar katharsis kts
rockon how come you released with remorse?
jaystar cuz im like the old-school ascii god
rockon isnt that sucking your own dick?
jaystar nope, ask the remorse senior staff
jaystar i was doing ascii before remorse was a pipe dream
jaystar back in 92
r3pr3z3t1nG LoVeLy!
with my friends from REMORSE
poskgubbe / remorse / presents / lust is entrusted temporary relief / colly
Im not the run of the mill cuz for the mill I dont run . krs-one
jaystarz the more sure you can be that
hardcore sex and
fist jobs
are the reason she wants to come by...
wh0d esc - in the PC scene its kts 1....
. prizmrock fince-a dustin hoecakes! .
. fornicating and phallic intervention .
fuck the index. you gotta hit FIND to find your logos
/o /x
/ / I had this ready
for the last pack
northwest /rs thclone but I saved it in
/ / / the wrong directory
raves! /
/o /x
one of those /rs pirates
deals that / / / gone
dont go through / crazy
/ / pirates / / /
/ gone / / /
/ crazy! / / /
x o / /:/ / / / / / /
/ p / /
/ / pirates / /
/ gone / /
/ crazy! / /
/ / pirates / /
/ gone / /
/ crazy! / /
x o / /:/ / / / / /
/ p /
/o /x
/ / / trance
/ induced
/o /x
the hop side of /rs
rap / / /
I symbolize the hop side of rap,
because the hip side is wack!
-- emanon - acid9
/o /x
absurdistan /rs
/o /x
hiro protagonist!
/ / / mimic killers:
/ operation destroy
/o /x
herbman hustling /rs its a reggae song
/o /x
divine order! /rs
/o /x
youre in
/ / / south bronx!
/o /x
sponsored by
my man don rapello /rs finlandia vodka
/o /x
/rs protagonist
gin tonic
/ / / / gin / / /
/ / / / tonic! / /
kts!a fileid.diz
/o /x
shark attack! /rs
/ / / shark attack
/ picks up chicks..
shark attack is unique among human experiences.
what could possibly equal being eaten alive by a monster fish?
- h. david baldridge
/o /x
extreme /rs
hardcore / / /
/o /x
goombaland! /rs
/ i / /i i / / i
/ / / / i i / i i/ i / / . i
i / i i / / /i i/ /i / /i i i / i / /i i
i /i i i/ / /i i i / / / i /i i i / i / /i i
ii/i/i/ ii// i
/o /x
joint with /rs cracktech 2000
KAYOZZ / / /
a aaaaaaaa
a a
a ./ / . ../ / / /
aa / / /
a / /
a a // zz/m /
a aa ..
a ./ / ./ / aa
a / / a
a : / a
a /. a
a : / /
/ // a
a / / / /
a a
/ a
a /
Cr4ckT3ch2000 / / a
sysop: infect /
anal ascii for disco74
i /i /i
/ / / / / / . /i i i
/ / / / / / /:/i i i
/ / / / / / / / // i i i
// / :/ //i/i i i
--------------------------------/--------------------------/i i
beautiful and great
x x// I heard the quote at school
/ / i
/ / /i / / /
/ / /i / / / / /
/ / i / /i / / / /
i/ / i
i / /: /
i / / / / /
i / / / /
i / // / /
i / // /
everything is going great today.. //
I wont even try to kill myself
it might just work today!
for your mom!
dead alcoholics
digital inferno
dj lemon
don rapello
frostbyte for necrite
/ // / / / / / i / / /
/ // //i/ / /
fuck u
/o /x
mjolnir poskgubbe /rs
MJoLNiR! / / / / / /
PuMa CReW aWeSoMe TWo
/o /x
modules /rs
/ / / for astarte
/o /x
volatile requested
nothing /rs nothing..
/ / / not sure if it meant
/ nothing or nothing
/o /x
pgc fileid.diz /rs
/ / / pirates gone crazy
/o /x
phobia /rs
/o /x
presents /rs
/o /x
productivity /rs
/o /x
psxgames /rs
/o /x
puma fileid.diz /rs
---- THe PuMa SHoW! ----
-- MJoLNiR! PoSKGuBBe --
/o /x
quantity /rs
vs. quality / / /
/o /x
razor 1911 /rs
/ / / fileid.diz
/o /x
check the 2 on top
remorse /rs
/ / / fileid.diz
/o /x
squeez /rs
/ / / for hiro p.
/o /x
the reckoning /rs
/ / / for sperm whale
/o /x
thors hammer /rs
/ / / a.k.a.
/o /x
for hirohitop.
true playa ascii /rs
/ / / we dont play!
/o /x
unseen fate /rs
/o /x
volatile /rs
volatile shockg is a true renegade
volatile posk is too, so his tinyz
/o /x
we created /rs for hiro
this shit / / / protagonista
hIRO-81 I fear tinyz, whodini, posk, shock g, and uhm, a couple other people
who have always definied for me something unique and specific in the
creative process - the people whove never been defined, the true
/o /x
slap her! /rs
j sez:
or better yet, hurt her emotionally,
say this is how you made me feel!
whats up with XXXXX?
and DUZY CHUY asciis by don rapello... thanks man!!!
dedicated dedicated to the niggaz running game...
dedicated dedicated to the chicks who do the same...
- DAS EFX dedicated
boner k-spiff phobia
bugsy letharic prizm
cardiac mca redd
cyberkid mjolnir riot
daze motionman rza
doitall mr.dawson shock-g
don rapello mr.x. sparr
dune necrom spermwhale
eerie necronite sulphur
fahrenheit omicron tinyz
gimle pariah whodini
hashie phaserx hiro protagonist
bitstream pmk cypherhex
thclone whirr blade
folar prst you
to add yourself to the list, e-mail: posk@remorse.org
hIRO-81 So thenme.txt comes out, kts 18?, and its the bomb - and posks
style is just.. wack..
. .don
duzy chuy big dicks
in polish
lust is entrusted temporary relief /
... tropical fish jump in to coral reef ?
-swollen members sm on the rocks
- poskgubbe! all time ascii releases -
filename release name release date filesize group
1 KTS!TZ16.ZIP - kts pack16 - fall 94 - 35k - kts
2 THENME.TXT - the nme-kts pack 17 - december 94 - 215k - kts
3 KTS-NBK.TXT - natural born killers-18 - spring 95 - 210k - kts
4 . - unnamed colly - fall 95 - 30k - kts
5 FRUITO1.BOT - but mom its only heroin - spring 96 - 24k - kts
6 KOWOBORG.TXT - kow of borg - spring 96 - 39k - kts
6 IJ-KWBG.TXT - same as above 32k?? - trank
7 POSK-BBS.001 - bong brothers 1 - summer 96 - 16k - bbs
8 PKTS-RAY.TXT - raymond ebanks - fall 96 - 20k - kts
9 PKTS-DEC.TXT - decepticons - december 96 - 28k - kts
10 PKTS-DCI.TXT - dunston checks in - jan 97 - 31337b - kts
11 KTS-HULA.TXT - hula baloo balai - spring 97 - 54k - kts
12 KTS-LADY.TXT - sorry Im a lady - spring 97 - 31337b - kts
13 KTS-BAM.TXT - bad ass motherfuckers - summer 97 - 27k - kts
14 KTS-DRHU.TXT - dr hustla is best - january 98 - 18k - kts
15 RMRS-PMD.TXT - poskgubbe making dollars - spring 98 - 31k - remorse
16 KTS-YEAH.TXT - draw ascii - spring 98 - 55k - kts
17 P-BLADE.TXT - blade one crew - spring 98 - 65k - puma
18 P-PERFEC.TXT - the perfect combination - summer 98 - 215k - puma
19 P-SPICEW.TXT - spice world - fall 98 - 21k - puma
20 P-E-P-PU.TXT - evil pedestrian - fall 98 - 60k - puma
21 r-r-r-r.txt - ascii picks up chicks - november 98 - ??? - remorse
22 r-ocks.txt - lust is entrusted
rmrs-28.zip? - temporary relief - november 98 - 100k - remorse
chronologically ordered
-- if you have any of my ascii releases not listed here, please contact me!
if I were you Ace Id turn stop and turn back!
if you were me then Id be you, and I use your body to
get to the top. You cant stop me no matter who you are!
-ace ventura, pet detective
in 87 its got to be the right girl!
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