this image contains text
. / / / / / mer /
/ / /./ / / // / // / w3 lUV j3w
/ / - // bL4Ck aZz!
/ oO // //
r e m r s e / / /
hP! / / t w
. t h i r t y / / / /
: +aFS-REq! / :
One more time. We OWN. I own. Fuck everyone. //1981. / :
: - Thoughts: merlin@remorse.org - Feelings: hiro@remorse.org
: F O R E W A R D
: I just read R-TM.TXT. Im dead. Kill me now before I try
: my next colly. Im very excited about Remorses current
: lineup. I think with the addition of the new members, this
. is the best lineup weve ever had. It also helps that some
: of our best artists ever who usually dont draw have come up
: to draw. So, while 32 rocks, 33 is going to be just as
: good. Thanks, Remorse Members!
: - Chef Whodini aka Agent 614 aka Prisoner 103
: T H E M E S S A G E
. Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere I go.
: But thats not THE message.
: THE message can be found in r-tm.txt nestled snugly within
: the vast pillowy cleavage of the porn queen we lovingly call
: Remorse. Nothing I can say about The Message will do it
. justice, so just make sure you check it out for yourselves.
: So whats new since rmrs-31? Well if you look back, I made
. a comment about something coming on April 1 that could be a
: great April Fools joke. As it turns out, I was suprisingly
: accurate. A certain merger was squashed, resulting in us
: getting exactly what we wanted while having to give up
: nothing in return. Ha!
. We are also doing something new in leadership. Starting with
: I assume this pack, there will be two administrative teams
: working on assembling the product every time out. It looks
: to have a lot of potential, and I will be intrigued to see
: what becomes of it.
. Did I tell you to check out r-tm yet? Do it anyway. In fact,
: go check it now. Ill still be here when you get back.
. Done? Good. Lets continue with the happenings of our wacky
: family. As thoughts turn to spring fever and summer lust,
: we once again find ourselves in a period of membership
: flux. People come, and people go, but only the ones that
: join really matter in the grand scheme of things. Coming on
: board this time around are kayozz, subsonic, sudiphed, and
. kaeslogic. Our belated apologies go out to polymorph for
: omitting him from the last member listing.
: Anyone interested in pictures of the monstrosity I call my
: left testicle in a pre-operative state should contact me
. WindRider as soon as possible. Get your requests in soon,
: because before too long it will just be normal sized. Trust
: me, youll be sorry if you miss out.
: Just something for everyone to consider. Get out there, enjoy
: life, and never forget that once youre dead and gone few men
. will give a damn about you or what youve done. All you can
: hope for is to make a positive impact on the people around you.
: Help out where you can, but dont sell your future short.
: This ones for you, Krissy. We believe in you.
: -WindRider May 1 1999 .
: The Elitist Leadership: sponsored by Gatorade :
. Necromancer, WindRider, Cain, Pariah, Whodini, unnamed guy .
. Oppressed Bastards: sponsored by Nike :
Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar, Black Dawn, :
Biogen, Brane, Cannabis, Computerman, Cypher Hex, Emok, Erick :
Sermon, Erupt, Gwydian, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist, :
KillaHertz, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Poskgubbe, Sairoku, .
Spinsane, Tzeentch, The Upright Man, zerohour, Zerostar :
Alumni: sponsored by Depends undergarments :
Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Kaleidas, Megga Hertz, :
The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicron, :
Terminator2, Tinyz, and all our forgotten friends. .
Official Mascot:and the guy who still hasnt sent my ACiD n64:
RadMan, with special appearances by RadBaby and RadFiancee :
. * if you were left off the list, contact the leadership. :
: C L O S I N G W O R D S .
: Whatever forms they come in, be they physical or computer,
: getting a virus can be a real bitch. So far we have two
: confirmed cases of CIH wiping out the machines of members.
: Make sure you get to your doctor at least once a year for a
. general check-up. Invest in or just warez a good anti-virus
: program for your computer. Take care of both of them like
: your life depended on it, because it does.
: Do yourself a favor tomorrow. Turn off the computer, grab a
: book, and get outside. If you can, go for a leisurely drive
. in the country. At the very least, just get out and enjoy the
: sun.
: Spring is here in full force. I could bullshit you about
: rebirth and renewal, but thats what spring is. Good things
: are coming. Hopefully youll be here to witness them. So to
: all the nay-sayers and doom merchants out there, heres a
: heartfelt sentiment sure to make your day:
: Until the end of time, youre here because of those who
: have gone before. Without them, you are nothing. Bow down
. and worship accordingly.
: Now get out there and have some fun.
. -WindRider
:.n!n!n+n!n!n!!+nn! . ...:.. .
+P n . REMORSE 32 :
. . . . . +. jMay 2 1999 :
i +. ji i. , : +. jnn-, ! .
i :i :i : :i. : :
ississississsssss .:
/ / /./ / / // / // / w3 lUV j3w
/ / - // bL4Ck aZz!
/ oO // //
r e m r s e / / /
hP! / / t w
. t h i r t y / / / /
: +aFS-REq! / :
One more time. We OWN. I own. Fuck everyone. //1981. / :
: - Thoughts: merlin@remorse.org - Feelings: hiro@remorse.org
: F O R E W A R D
: I just read R-TM.TXT. Im dead. Kill me now before I try
: my next colly. Im very excited about Remorses current
: lineup. I think with the addition of the new members, this
. is the best lineup weve ever had. It also helps that some
: of our best artists ever who usually dont draw have come up
: to draw. So, while 32 rocks, 33 is going to be just as
: good. Thanks, Remorse Members!
: - Chef Whodini aka Agent 614 aka Prisoner 103
: T H E M E S S A G E
. Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere I go.
: But thats not THE message.
: THE message can be found in r-tm.txt nestled snugly within
: the vast pillowy cleavage of the porn queen we lovingly call
: Remorse. Nothing I can say about The Message will do it
. justice, so just make sure you check it out for yourselves.
: So whats new since rmrs-31? Well if you look back, I made
. a comment about something coming on April 1 that could be a
: great April Fools joke. As it turns out, I was suprisingly
: accurate. A certain merger was squashed, resulting in us
: getting exactly what we wanted while having to give up
: nothing in return. Ha!
. We are also doing something new in leadership. Starting with
: I assume this pack, there will be two administrative teams
: working on assembling the product every time out. It looks
: to have a lot of potential, and I will be intrigued to see
: what becomes of it.
. Did I tell you to check out r-tm yet? Do it anyway. In fact,
: go check it now. Ill still be here when you get back.
. Done? Good. Lets continue with the happenings of our wacky
: family. As thoughts turn to spring fever and summer lust,
: we once again find ourselves in a period of membership
: flux. People come, and people go, but only the ones that
: join really matter in the grand scheme of things. Coming on
: board this time around are kayozz, subsonic, sudiphed, and
. kaeslogic. Our belated apologies go out to polymorph for
: omitting him from the last member listing.
: Anyone interested in pictures of the monstrosity I call my
: left testicle in a pre-operative state should contact me
. WindRider as soon as possible. Get your requests in soon,
: because before too long it will just be normal sized. Trust
: me, youll be sorry if you miss out.
: Just something for everyone to consider. Get out there, enjoy
: life, and never forget that once youre dead and gone few men
. will give a damn about you or what youve done. All you can
: hope for is to make a positive impact on the people around you.
: Help out where you can, but dont sell your future short.
: This ones for you, Krissy. We believe in you.
: -WindRider May 1 1999 .
: The Elitist Leadership: sponsored by Gatorade :
. Necromancer, WindRider, Cain, Pariah, Whodini, unnamed guy .
. Oppressed Bastards: sponsored by Nike :
Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar, Black Dawn, :
Biogen, Brane, Cannabis, Computerman, Cypher Hex, Emok, Erick :
Sermon, Erupt, Gwydian, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist, :
KillaHertz, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Poskgubbe, Sairoku, .
Spinsane, Tzeentch, The Upright Man, zerohour, Zerostar :
Alumni: sponsored by Depends undergarments :
Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Kaleidas, Megga Hertz, :
The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicron, :
Terminator2, Tinyz, and all our forgotten friends. .
Official Mascot:and the guy who still hasnt sent my ACiD n64:
RadMan, with special appearances by RadBaby and RadFiancee :
. * if you were left off the list, contact the leadership. :
: C L O S I N G W O R D S .
: Whatever forms they come in, be they physical or computer,
: getting a virus can be a real bitch. So far we have two
: confirmed cases of CIH wiping out the machines of members.
: Make sure you get to your doctor at least once a year for a
. general check-up. Invest in or just warez a good anti-virus
: program for your computer. Take care of both of them like
: your life depended on it, because it does.
: Do yourself a favor tomorrow. Turn off the computer, grab a
: book, and get outside. If you can, go for a leisurely drive
. in the country. At the very least, just get out and enjoy the
: sun.
: Spring is here in full force. I could bullshit you about
: rebirth and renewal, but thats what spring is. Good things
: are coming. Hopefully youll be here to witness them. So to
: all the nay-sayers and doom merchants out there, heres a
: heartfelt sentiment sure to make your day:
: Until the end of time, youre here because of those who
: have gone before. Without them, you are nothing. Bow down
. and worship accordingly.
: Now get out there and have some fun.
. -WindRider
:.n!n!n+n!n!n!!+nn! . ...:.. .
+P n . REMORSE 32 :
. . . . . +. jMay 2 1999 :
i +. ji i. , : +. jnn-, ! .
i :i :i : :i. : :
ississississsssss .:
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