this image contains text
: :l l .,, .
lSS,. Sg . gS i g. :
i**S l:.:l **l *l
:: 7b. :l b..d lSS,.*7b, *
l ., 7b i :b .d: *S 7Sg.
l . 7 li. l: 7*l :l Sg.7b.7 ,. .b.
:: 7i :l.,: :7* l: b. 7b 7 i
l .d7g@l :.gSSg :i li. 7b..d
l .dd7.l : :7 7*
:gySS*.7 d7 d. *gSSS lS.d7g@l .
d7 i d d7l .dd7 i
l: .dl i i l g :gySS*.g7 .d
:i ii 7 i .,g7 d d7
gygb b 7b,,l: l i
EMOKRMRSb* b *Si iiiiiiiiiiii i
. Sgyg** :::::::::::: .. . . .
r e m o r s e 3 4 - w e a r e r e m o r s e l e s s ! @
. .gS7 .:.
i7b. 7: :::
:: : :l 7b. li .. :::.......
dlb.b ::
.db.7blb. ::
.S@@Sb b. :
Sb 7S . .
. d7 .
d news34
Since its school season again, that means its time for yet another
amazing rmrs pack. The only major things to come out of the past while
aside from some people wandering off to try their hand at forming a
group, is that this is most likely my final Remorse pack for a while.
I just dont have the funds to pay the bills, so it looks like my net
connect will be dead by Sept 6. Not that its a real loss, considering
I probably wont have a place to live for too much longer after that.
So now Im hunting around for a backyard to pitch a tent in for a while
until things work out.
Im not sure how this will impact the group. Id like to think that
someone else will step up into a leadership position, and Im sure
someone will. However, odds are I wont see it happen. So to the
person that takes over, good luck and best wishes to you. Im pulling
for you.
As for now, its business as usual. Good work came in from people this
time around, and Im proud of how it turned out. Congrats. Thanks to
emok for the nfo art.
New members this pack? Probably.
Hey, its been fun for the past year or so trying to lead these
goofs in some direction. Maybe Ill be back with more wisdom for
everyone again in 35, but that may require a small miracle. Keep the
faith, and everything will work out.
Addendum: After four years of doing jack shit, ogre triumphantly
returns with, well, youll see. Can you say bloat? I knew you could.
1981 until the end of time.
. .gS7
i7b. .d7: .:.
:: :l 7@7 li ::: .:::::.
dlb :::
.db. lb. : :
.S@@Sb :b. :: :
Sb .S . : .
7 members
Ships Captain : Engine Room Crew :
Necromancer Pariah, Whodini, WindRider
Passengers :
Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar, Brane, Computerman, Cypher Hex,
Emok, Erupt, Gwydian, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Polymorph, Poskgubbe, r0man,
Sairoku, Spinsane, Subsonic, Tzeentch, The Upright Man, Zerostar,
Restless Natives :
Arrogance, Black Dawn, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
Kaleidas, KillaHertz, Megga Hertz, The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite,
Necronite, Ogre, Omicron, Terminator2, Tinyz
The Ships Doctor Who Is Constantly Drunk Off His Ass : RadMan
Comm Officer, Responsible For Making Fresh Coffee : Darkcube
* AS ALWAYS, if your name wasnt on the list and it should be, contact the
guys in charge to clear it up.
:.d77b. .d77b. g.:7S.
:l :l l l:7l
l: l7b,. 7b,.l d* - remorse / EFnet
lSS,. Sg . gS i g. :
i**S l:.:l **l *l
:: 7b. :l b..d lSS,.*7b, *
l ., 7b i :b .d: *S 7Sg.
l . 7 li. l: 7*l :l Sg.7b.7 ,. .b.
:: 7i :l.,: :7* l: b. 7b 7 i
l .d7g@l :.gSSg :i li. 7b..d
l .dd7.l : :7 7*
:gySS*.7 d7 d. *gSSS lS.d7g@l .
d7 i d d7l .dd7 i
l: .dl i i l g :gySS*.g7 .d
:i ii 7 i .,g7 d d7
gygb b 7b,,l: l i
EMOKRMRSb* b *Si iiiiiiiiiiii i
. Sgyg** :::::::::::: .. . . .
r e m o r s e 3 4 - w e a r e r e m o r s e l e s s ! @
. .gS7 .:.
i7b. 7: :::
:: : :l 7b. li .. :::.......
dlb.b ::
.db.7blb. ::
.S@@Sb b. :
Sb 7S . .
. d7 .
d news34
Since its school season again, that means its time for yet another
amazing rmrs pack. The only major things to come out of the past while
aside from some people wandering off to try their hand at forming a
group, is that this is most likely my final Remorse pack for a while.
I just dont have the funds to pay the bills, so it looks like my net
connect will be dead by Sept 6. Not that its a real loss, considering
I probably wont have a place to live for too much longer after that.
So now Im hunting around for a backyard to pitch a tent in for a while
until things work out.
Im not sure how this will impact the group. Id like to think that
someone else will step up into a leadership position, and Im sure
someone will. However, odds are I wont see it happen. So to the
person that takes over, good luck and best wishes to you. Im pulling
for you.
As for now, its business as usual. Good work came in from people this
time around, and Im proud of how it turned out. Congrats. Thanks to
emok for the nfo art.
New members this pack? Probably.
Hey, its been fun for the past year or so trying to lead these
goofs in some direction. Maybe Ill be back with more wisdom for
everyone again in 35, but that may require a small miracle. Keep the
faith, and everything will work out.
Addendum: After four years of doing jack shit, ogre triumphantly
returns with, well, youll see. Can you say bloat? I knew you could.
1981 until the end of time.
. .gS7
i7b. .d7: .:.
:: :l 7@7 li ::: .:::::.
dlb :::
.db. lb. : :
.S@@Sb :b. :: :
Sb .S . : .
7 members
Ships Captain : Engine Room Crew :
Necromancer Pariah, Whodini, WindRider
Passengers :
Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar, Brane, Computerman, Cypher Hex,
Emok, Erupt, Gwydian, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Polymorph, Poskgubbe, r0man,
Sairoku, Spinsane, Subsonic, Tzeentch, The Upright Man, Zerostar,
Restless Natives :
Arrogance, Black Dawn, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
Kaleidas, KillaHertz, Megga Hertz, The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite,
Necronite, Ogre, Omicron, Terminator2, Tinyz
The Ships Doctor Who Is Constantly Drunk Off His Ass : RadMan
Comm Officer, Responsible For Making Fresh Coffee : Darkcube
* AS ALWAYS, if your name wasnt on the list and it should be, contact the
guys in charge to clear it up.
:.d77b. .d77b. g.:7S.
:l :l l l:7l
l: l7b,. 7b,.l d* - remorse / EFnet
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