this image contains text
80x50. .. .............. the style.2.death/wu-trank/81 still stand
WE ::::::::: ::
CR .....................::
EA :: ......... . /.
TE :: :::::::::
D :: :::::::::
TH :: :::::::::
IS :: :::::::::
R e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
SH ... .
IT :::::::::
More oldschool than most of you kids can even claim to be. :::::::::
Art by Whodini Remorse, one of the TRUE oldschool since Remorse pack 1.
::::::: N E W S
::::::: Well, despite popular opinion, here we are again. And here I
::::::: am again. The pack is a bit late. I was left with a affairs
::::::: being a bit up in the air. To add to that, a few disloyal
::::::: members cain, spinsane, phreak klass, etc were making quite
::::::: a ruckus in the political aspects of the scene. Sorry guys,
::::::: Remorse is *NOT* dead. Anyone can talk about being part of
::::::: the 81, but in all honesty, could you see the real 81 core
::::::: leaving the group and joining another group?
::::::: Arlequin has released a *very* cool project of his. Its
::::::: a mixture of ASCII and music. Its included in the pack in
::::::: EXPLORA.ZIP. Check it out.
::::::: We have a new member. Pesho. Originally from Argentina,
::::::: he draws a kickass oldschool style ASCII. The memberlist is
::::::: up. ***If you are not on the memberlist, you are not part of
::::::: the group***. If you think there is an error, contact me
::::::: via email.
::::::: whodini@apt103.net
: m . e . m . b . e . r . s
If you are the :::::
cash money millionares, :::::
why do remorse members
make more money? .Founders.
...:.. . Necromancer, Whodini
. .Senior Staff.
WindRider, Whodini, Ohseven
.ACiD Founder.
Rad Man
Arlequin, AXB, Badspirit, Baltazar,
Erupt, Gwydian, Merlin, Mjolnir, Mydknight, Palmore,
Pesho, Polymorph, Poskgubbe, Subsonic, Tzeentch,
The Upright Man, Zerostar, Zerohour.
Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
Kaleidas, Killahertz, Megga Hertz, The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite,
Necronite, Ogre, Omicron, Terminator2, Tinyz.
::: guest appearances by Dwarf FILEID.DIZ, Spinsane SP-RMCO.ASC, and
::: Wise-K REHAB!.TXT.
WE ::::::::: ::
CR .....................::
EA :: ......... . /.
TE :: :::::::::
D :: :::::::::
TH :: :::::::::
IS :: :::::::::
R e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
SH ... .
IT :::::::::
More oldschool than most of you kids can even claim to be. :::::::::
Art by Whodini Remorse, one of the TRUE oldschool since Remorse pack 1.
::::::: N E W S
::::::: Well, despite popular opinion, here we are again. And here I
::::::: am again. The pack is a bit late. I was left with a affairs
::::::: being a bit up in the air. To add to that, a few disloyal
::::::: members cain, spinsane, phreak klass, etc were making quite
::::::: a ruckus in the political aspects of the scene. Sorry guys,
::::::: Remorse is *NOT* dead. Anyone can talk about being part of
::::::: the 81, but in all honesty, could you see the real 81 core
::::::: leaving the group and joining another group?
::::::: Arlequin has released a *very* cool project of his. Its
::::::: a mixture of ASCII and music. Its included in the pack in
::::::: EXPLORA.ZIP. Check it out.
::::::: We have a new member. Pesho. Originally from Argentina,
::::::: he draws a kickass oldschool style ASCII. The memberlist is
::::::: up. ***If you are not on the memberlist, you are not part of
::::::: the group***. If you think there is an error, contact me
::::::: via email.
::::::: whodini@apt103.net
: m . e . m . b . e . r . s
If you are the :::::
cash money millionares, :::::
why do remorse members
make more money? .Founders.
...:.. . Necromancer, Whodini
. .Senior Staff.
WindRider, Whodini, Ohseven
.ACiD Founder.
Rad Man
Arlequin, AXB, Badspirit, Baltazar,
Erupt, Gwydian, Merlin, Mjolnir, Mydknight, Palmore,
Pesho, Polymorph, Poskgubbe, Subsonic, Tzeentch,
The Upright Man, Zerostar, Zerohour.
Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
Kaleidas, Killahertz, Megga Hertz, The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite,
Necronite, Ogre, Omicron, Terminator2, Tinyz.
::: guest appearances by Dwarf FILEID.DIZ, Spinsane SP-RMCO.ASC, and
::: Wise-K REHAB!.TXT.
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