this image contains text
r e m o r s e 4 4
., *4, ,7*,..
.,*/4, 7S
i/ i4, ,7
d . .,/4,7 b. .di
* i * * // .,--
----------------- //, ----------------- .,*/l
*b,. b,..,d :
i n f o *i.
FiLENAME : rmrs-44.zip * /*
SiZE : elephant i :
7b, ,d
m e m b e r s * m1.
FOUNDERS : Necromancer mark@smegma.net
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com b,
Whodini whodni@apt103.net * .
SENiORS : Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org /
Wackie wackie@newmail.com
Arrogance ack@dub56.org
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net
MEMBERS : Aesthetic daveb@phatchick.com
Ansichrist mceedia@hotmail.com
Ant1k antik@junglist.com
Axb axb500@hotmail.com
Brane brane@home.se
Computer Man sam@cmang.com
Drax mickie@frojd.com
Dshay dshay@freemail.com.au
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com
Modium m0dium@hotmail.com
mkrone mkrone@poland.com
Nightrain ericwin@mail.ev1.net
Phz phz@mail.e.pl
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com
Rik-e Martin rm@popstar.com
Sinse one spinseone@deaddrunkenspaniards.com
Talo merlin@remorse.org
Tribal tribal@mindless.com
Triplogic almstedt@themarines.org
Truman 5tarr groove@malditainternet.net
Tum tyagia@union.edu
2112 two11two@earthlink.net
SUPPORT : Crash crash@mp3.org
Radman radman@acid.org
Silicia silicia@inso.darktechg.org
ALUMNI: Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com
Killahertz khz@megarad.com
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
Mr. Kite
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com
Terminator 2
The Messiah messdan@mediaone.com
Tinyz tinyz@prawda.org
Whirr whirr@apt103.net
n e w s
Just when you thought the summer was hot enough, here comes the
newest remorse pack. Though we lost a few souls this month, we
remain as strong as ever. Weve also started work on a new and
redesigned remorse.org so fire up your browser and check it out.
Departing this month are Mjolnir, hexcorrupt, cleaner and Mass
Murderer. They will be missed and we wish them luck in whatever
they do next.
kHz has also been moved up from the alumni section to an active
School will be starting soon, but for most of us in remorse that
doesnt mean squat. We go to work every day and do our best to
draw our boss the most elite ascii that there is. For those in
school, its not too early to start studying. Here is your first
lesson, a mathematical constant:
r *
Nuff said. Lets draw.
tn::remorseLeader tn@mail.acid.org
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful work. You guys rock.
patrick arrogance / 81
., *4, ,7*,..
.,*/4, 7S
i/ i4, ,7
d . .,/4,7 b. .di
* i * * // .,--
----------------- //, ----------------- .,*/l
*b,. b,..,d :
i n f o *i.
FiLENAME : rmrs-44.zip * /*
SiZE : elephant i :
7b, ,d
m e m b e r s * m1.
FOUNDERS : Necromancer mark@smegma.net
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com b,
Whodini whodni@apt103.net * .
SENiORS : Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org /
Wackie wackie@newmail.com
Arrogance ack@dub56.org
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net
MEMBERS : Aesthetic daveb@phatchick.com
Ansichrist mceedia@hotmail.com
Ant1k antik@junglist.com
Axb axb500@hotmail.com
Brane brane@home.se
Computer Man sam@cmang.com
Drax mickie@frojd.com
Dshay dshay@freemail.com.au
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com
Modium m0dium@hotmail.com
mkrone mkrone@poland.com
Nightrain ericwin@mail.ev1.net
Phz phz@mail.e.pl
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com
Rik-e Martin rm@popstar.com
Sinse one spinseone@deaddrunkenspaniards.com
Talo merlin@remorse.org
Tribal tribal@mindless.com
Triplogic almstedt@themarines.org
Truman 5tarr groove@malditainternet.net
Tum tyagia@union.edu
2112 two11two@earthlink.net
SUPPORT : Crash crash@mp3.org
Radman radman@acid.org
Silicia silicia@inso.darktechg.org
ALUMNI: Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com
Killahertz khz@megarad.com
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
Mr. Kite
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com
Terminator 2
The Messiah messdan@mediaone.com
Tinyz tinyz@prawda.org
Whirr whirr@apt103.net
n e w s
Just when you thought the summer was hot enough, here comes the
newest remorse pack. Though we lost a few souls this month, we
remain as strong as ever. Weve also started work on a new and
redesigned remorse.org so fire up your browser and check it out.
Departing this month are Mjolnir, hexcorrupt, cleaner and Mass
Murderer. They will be missed and we wish them luck in whatever
they do next.
kHz has also been moved up from the alumni section to an active
School will be starting soon, but for most of us in remorse that
doesnt mean squat. We go to work every day and do our best to
draw our boss the most elite ascii that there is. For those in
school, its not too early to start studying. Here is your first
lesson, a mathematical constant:
r *
Nuff said. Lets draw.
tn::remorseLeader tn@mail.acid.org
I want to thank everyone for the wonderful work. You guys rock.
patrick arrogance / 81
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