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Another Ansi Masterpiece By Godsung ROC
Spider-Man Is A Copyright of Marvel
Too Fucking Hostile
Sysop: Zealot
There Comes a time when people just have to go their seperate ways. When I
started ROC I had noidea it would come so soon. But it seems that I need to
leave ROC and go my own seperate way. For now I am leaving the scene. Ill stil
lbe around but as far as ansi goes Im going to go hide away and study and maybe
return someday, join another group or even rejoin ROC. But for now I need time
to build up my skills to the point where I am happy with them. No I will not be
starting another group in the future and do not know where I will go if and whe
nI do decide to rejoin the scene. Best of luck to ROC and all the members that
have helped ROC progress. Goodbye everyone and maybe someday you will see
another Godsung ansi.
-Godsung Ex-ROC Pres.
Spider-Man Is A Copyright of Marvel
Too Fucking Hostile
Sysop: Zealot
There Comes a time when people just have to go their seperate ways. When I
started ROC I had noidea it would come so soon. But it seems that I need to
leave ROC and go my own seperate way. For now I am leaving the scene. Ill stil
lbe around but as far as ansi goes Im going to go hide away and study and maybe
return someday, join another group or even rejoin ROC. But for now I need time
to build up my skills to the point where I am happy with them. No I will not be
starting another group in the future and do not know where I will go if and whe
nI do decide to rejoin the scene. Best of luck to ROC and all the members that
have helped ROC progress. Goodbye everyone and maybe someday you will see
another Godsung ansi.
-Godsung Ex-ROC Pres.
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