this image contains text
. Arctic Insan
ity .,sS,.
Ss,. Main
This is the menuset i did for Arctic Ins
anity for a favor
of the sysop
Mind Freeze . Anyways...if you would like one
en just write to me at : dARKSHAd@hWBBS.GBGM-UMC.ORG or
just write to me basically on every bbs affilia
ted with SiN
and for you guys bbs who i haven
t called then just write
to me and ill call ya sometime.
Well layter!
Ss,.dARKSHADOw95 .,sS
. Arctic Insan
ity .,sS,.
Ss,. Main
This is the menuset i did for Arctic Ins
anity for a favor
of the sysop
Mind Freeze . Anyways...if you would like one
en just write to me at : dARKSHAd@hWBBS.GBGM-UMC.ORG or
just write to me basically on every bbs affilia
ted with SiN
and for you guys bbs who i haven
t called then just write
to me and ill call ya sometime.
Well layter!
Ss,.dARKSHADOw95 .,sS
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