this image contains text
..rune newsle
tter ish4..
its been another interesting month for
all of us at
rune studios.. amidst the seemingly monoton
ous humdrum and
boredom which we call our lives there always seem to b
e those few
moments or special instances that make one take stock of
his surroun-
dings and wonder where the heck he is.. no
t to mention what happened
to his pants.. during these times of crisis and anguish stran
ge things
transpire.. it was in this past month that such happens
tances occurred
and i speak for the good of all those in the scene when i
recount these
horrors that we endured.. it takes a great man -- neigh a
great group of
men -- to overcome such obstacles.. and yet here is rune st
udios with
yet another release.. our little pack.. jus
t for you..
.. the news ..
it seems as though rune studios may finally be getting org
anized and even
approaching the status of a stable group.. the beginning of
the month
was pretty hectic to say the least.. rumors were rampant and
most were
concerning the possible merger of rune and rile.. although i
did hear a
few about reefer and his love ewe.. anyhow those rumors were t
rue about
the merger i mean until the rest of the rune members kicked
some sense
into me.. it seems that the artistes at ru
ne studios are all contented
just being part of a cool small group.. although after a few m
ore rumors
one of which claimed i was leaving it seems that three
or four of our
ranks have gone and joined rile now humid after all..
.. the members ..
we lost a few more members this month for various reasons..
dark force
and liquid gray were axed for inactivity.. and
valacar goes on to seek
fame and glory among the masses of humid.. he was a very talen
ted artist
and coder even with his flakiness.. so good luck with the new
we did pick up a few new members this month as well.. a y
oung local ansi
artist delirious dingo joins us.. he has a lot of r
aw talent and we are
looking forward to many more of his pieces in t
he future.. we also have
regained two of the original rune members..
coolhand and lord raptor
returned this month as vga artists.. finally
blunted returns this month
after being booted for inactivity.. he should be re
leasing an ansi or
two from time to time as well..
.. the closing ..
that does it for us at rune this month.. this pack was a b
it smaller
than usual but confucious say good things come in small pac
kages.. enjoy
the pack and such.. and dont look for me on irc any more..
that bum
grashoper has been hogging the rune account 24/7 for the pa
st few weeks..
oh well.. thats the news and i am outta here..
..rune newsle
tter ish4..
its been another interesting month for
all of us at
rune studios.. amidst the seemingly monoton
ous humdrum and
boredom which we call our lives there always seem to b
e those few
moments or special instances that make one take stock of
his surroun-
dings and wonder where the heck he is.. no
t to mention what happened
to his pants.. during these times of crisis and anguish stran
ge things
transpire.. it was in this past month that such happens
tances occurred
and i speak for the good of all those in the scene when i
recount these
horrors that we endured.. it takes a great man -- neigh a
great group of
men -- to overcome such obstacles.. and yet here is rune st
udios with
yet another release.. our little pack.. jus
t for you..
.. the news ..
it seems as though rune studios may finally be getting org
anized and even
approaching the status of a stable group.. the beginning of
the month
was pretty hectic to say the least.. rumors were rampant and
most were
concerning the possible merger of rune and rile.. although i
did hear a
few about reefer and his love ewe.. anyhow those rumors were t
rue about
the merger i mean until the rest of the rune members kicked
some sense
into me.. it seems that the artistes at ru
ne studios are all contented
just being part of a cool small group.. although after a few m
ore rumors
one of which claimed i was leaving it seems that three
or four of our
ranks have gone and joined rile now humid after all..
.. the members ..
we lost a few more members this month for various reasons..
dark force
and liquid gray were axed for inactivity.. and
valacar goes on to seek
fame and glory among the masses of humid.. he was a very talen
ted artist
and coder even with his flakiness.. so good luck with the new
we did pick up a few new members this month as well.. a y
oung local ansi
artist delirious dingo joins us.. he has a lot of r
aw talent and we are
looking forward to many more of his pieces in t
he future.. we also have
regained two of the original rune members..
coolhand and lord raptor
returned this month as vga artists.. finally
blunted returns this month
after being booted for inactivity.. he should be re
leasing an ansi or
two from time to time as well..
.. the closing ..
that does it for us at rune this month.. this pack was a b
it smaller
than usual but confucious say good things come in small pac
kages.. enjoy
the pack and such.. and dont look for me on irc any more..
that bum
grashoper has been hogging the rune account 24/7 for the pa
st few weeks..
oh well.. thats the news and i am outta here..
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