this image contains text
bssssssss ssss ssssss sssss ssssssssssssdi
P i n f o f i l e ,i
P4P b,. .,s:
o S@ssssssss@SS .hdr - pc .
6 :s0ap information file: P bkground - msd
. , 4. endfont - cn ,
Sb ss,,....,,s
,+. eh yo this is Prizm here again, to SS
,dP . start off this months nfo file.. ok this month 4
. . was a pretty good month for us.. we gained a handfull i
+. . of new members.. and lost none.. here we go.. :
.++.j . .
+.. . ok.. coming from the recently deseased Basic, was the
president himself, kaleidas. Now kaleidas is one of the
. most respected ascii artist in the scene, and were happy
. to have him releaseing his smooth asciis with us..
. Next up is defiant, a great pic/font artist, who always
seems to come out with an original style..
. s0ap also welcomes cain wholl be dualingpfft ascii with
,+ his group Oasis. Were glad to have cain, as youll see
. he did some pretty fuxen leet soap fonts for this release..
. Jeepee also joins up, and will be dualing ascii with fire.
. Jeepees great to have, not only for his artwork, but also
. cuz he sounds pretty funny on teleconferneces yeeehuh
+. ok. Another fire ascii dualer, is EconoChrist, the straight
b. jacking hustla coming straight outta North Carolina.
Echrist can doodle up some sweet color fonts, and his accent
,dP also makes him fun to have on confs: yeehAWZ. and lazt but
. not leet, we have cidica, wholl be doing secret sweat-
. shop-type work for s0ap : . werd.
,+ hmm.. some other misc shit.. ok.. lord regulator has decided
. to make his handle simply Regulator, so dont be confused.
. Also, s0ap had a little scrap with a newly founded group
+. called get this kiddies : s0up. yes, sounds a lil
,s. familiar, dont it son? its an all-ascii group too, so
. 4. after some arguing over how the name sounded too much like
. .d s0ap, they decided to change their name. whewf
i the s0ap vmb is still up at 1-800-925-9999 ,, 471. But
: we heard that the boxes on 9259999 were being monitored,
4b. so we havent called for awhile to read the messages..
Oh yeah. s0ap ushq is now pHs land Of lettuce. leet.
.++. . Bambooz, where are ya at... i didnt release yer work, cuz
,+ i wasnt sure if it was done. plus i deleted it:
+. lates. thaz all fOe me. ill pass the cabbage over to jestOr
.+ -- and nOW a small word from our sponsor
. . ok. now that ive got the cabbage. ill speak my word.
,+ . first off.. we had a decent conference this month
, with an great big thanks to gloom/drchaos .. the conf
. i ended up being 2 hours overdue.. making the conf a
+. .- -. fucking long one ending shortly after.. 4pm on er ..
. . . like 7 or 9 hours? i think. anyways it was pretty cool.
after reptile turned down the musac and started prankin
. , for those who were there, the runaway shit was hillar
.+ so once again , big thanks to them and the people that
,+ took part.
. quick notice out to steven adams. PLEASE DO NOT GO BACK
. STABBING SOAP MEMBERS . i read the sp4zn3t posts.
. +,+ prizm isnt a prick . and msd wasnt insulting you.
+. standard is standard.
,- -. . anywayz. i throw out a greet to melvin. why. cuz he ::
. rules or sumthing. ss
. +,+ thats my word this month. phear sOAP and all we stand 4.
.. i ... - pRIZM s0ap senior prm@cyberspc.mb.ca
. ..: .. ..,d
.+ i. . - jESTOR s0ap prezident ,s+ 4
. .--- . ----- --. ---- - ---.,..d
.+,?Sa . ,?Sa ,a@S?Sa P ,?Sa
. ,a@S: ,a@S: ,a@S: i
1: 1: ,a@S 1: :
yyyyyyyyyy : 1:
y yyyyyyyy : :P? : : y
:P? :a,,,ad :? :
-- :a,,,a : :a,,,aa :P?--
? :P? ? :P? ? :P? ? ..,
? .., ? .., ? .., ?
bssssssss ssss ssssss sssss ssssssssssssdi
P i n f o f i l e ,i
P4P b,. .,s:
o S@ssssssss@SS .hdr - pc .
6 :s0ap information file: P bkground - msd
. , 4. endfont - cn ,
Sb ss,,....,,s
,+. eh yo this is Prizm here again, to SS
,dP . start off this months nfo file.. ok this month 4
. . was a pretty good month for us.. we gained a handfull i
+. . of new members.. and lost none.. here we go.. :
.++.j . .
+.. . ok.. coming from the recently deseased Basic, was the
president himself, kaleidas. Now kaleidas is one of the
. most respected ascii artist in the scene, and were happy
. to have him releaseing his smooth asciis with us..
. Next up is defiant, a great pic/font artist, who always
seems to come out with an original style..
. s0ap also welcomes cain wholl be dualingpfft ascii with
,+ his group Oasis. Were glad to have cain, as youll see
. he did some pretty fuxen leet soap fonts for this release..
. Jeepee also joins up, and will be dualing ascii with fire.
. Jeepees great to have, not only for his artwork, but also
. cuz he sounds pretty funny on teleconferneces yeeehuh
+. ok. Another fire ascii dualer, is EconoChrist, the straight
b. jacking hustla coming straight outta North Carolina.
Echrist can doodle up some sweet color fonts, and his accent
,dP also makes him fun to have on confs: yeehAWZ. and lazt but
. not leet, we have cidica, wholl be doing secret sweat-
. shop-type work for s0ap : . werd.
,+ hmm.. some other misc shit.. ok.. lord regulator has decided
. to make his handle simply Regulator, so dont be confused.
. Also, s0ap had a little scrap with a newly founded group
+. called get this kiddies : s0up. yes, sounds a lil
,s. familiar, dont it son? its an all-ascii group too, so
. 4. after some arguing over how the name sounded too much like
. .d s0ap, they decided to change their name. whewf
i the s0ap vmb is still up at 1-800-925-9999 ,, 471. But
: we heard that the boxes on 9259999 were being monitored,
4b. so we havent called for awhile to read the messages..
Oh yeah. s0ap ushq is now pHs land Of lettuce. leet.
.++. . Bambooz, where are ya at... i didnt release yer work, cuz
,+ i wasnt sure if it was done. plus i deleted it:
+. lates. thaz all fOe me. ill pass the cabbage over to jestOr
.+ -- and nOW a small word from our sponsor
. . ok. now that ive got the cabbage. ill speak my word.
,+ . first off.. we had a decent conference this month
, with an great big thanks to gloom/drchaos .. the conf
. i ended up being 2 hours overdue.. making the conf a
+. .- -. fucking long one ending shortly after.. 4pm on er ..
. . . like 7 or 9 hours? i think. anyways it was pretty cool.
after reptile turned down the musac and started prankin
. , for those who were there, the runaway shit was hillar
.+ so once again , big thanks to them and the people that
,+ took part.
. quick notice out to steven adams. PLEASE DO NOT GO BACK
. STABBING SOAP MEMBERS . i read the sp4zn3t posts.
. +,+ prizm isnt a prick . and msd wasnt insulting you.
+. standard is standard.
,- -. . anywayz. i throw out a greet to melvin. why. cuz he ::
. rules or sumthing. ss
. +,+ thats my word this month. phear sOAP and all we stand 4.
.. i ... - pRIZM s0ap senior prm@cyberspc.mb.ca
. ..: .. ..,d
.+ i. . - jESTOR s0ap prezident ,s+ 4
. .--- . ----- --. ---- - ---.,..d
.+,?Sa . ,?Sa ,a@S?Sa P ,?Sa
. ,a@S: ,a@S: ,a@S: i
1: 1: ,a@S 1: :
yyyyyyyyyy : 1:
y yyyyyyyy : :P? : : y
:P? :a,,,ad :? :
-- :a,,,a : :a,,,aa :P?--
? :P? ? :P? ? :P? ? ..,
? .., ? .., ? .., ?
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