this image contains text
movie title or something
Release date ..... dd/mm/yyyy
Street date ...... dd/mm/yyyy
Genre ............
Votes ............
Rating ...........
Source ...........
Format ...........
Video ............
Audio ............
Subs .............
Size ............. xx * 15 Mb x CDs
IMDB ....... http://www.imdb.com/
Movie information
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
Release notes
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
Group notes
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
ascii by webpige0 of Superior Art Creations 2005!
movie title or something
Release date ..... dd/mm/yyyy
Street date ...... dd/mm/yyyy
Genre ............
Votes ............
Rating ...........
Source ...........
Format ...........
Video ............
Audio ............
Subs .............
Size ............. xx * 15 Mb x CDs
IMDB ....... http://www.imdb.com/
Movie information
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
Release notes
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
Group notes
cutnpaste somewhere to extend the box
ascii by webpige0 of Superior Art Creations 2005!
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