this image contains text
S . H . A . R . E . a . n . d . E . N . J . O . Y
Sector:1 Pack-A
Artists: s-two, rav3n, orcus, the-saint, zaca, icebox, f0st, protect
Release Date: 8.15.2000
Pack Size: 1,850kb
*Rlease Info*
s-two zaca
s2za-sector1.gif: zaca originaly rendered the ring and i took it from there.
s2-caddie.gif: made for a friend, a cadalac rip-off.
s2-gallos.gif: image manipulation, got really bored.
s2-projecteq8.jpg: eyewire contest entry, image manipulation.
s2-sae.jpg: more image manipulation, black white origional.
s2-lizbiz.gif: logo which won 2nd place www.lizbiz.com.
orc-portraitjune2000.jpg: portrait of a woman, all freehand w/ a wacom tablet
orc-portraitmay2000.jpg: portrait of a woman, all freehand w/ a wacom tablet
orc-kalisto.jpg: installer
ts-installer-s1.jpg: installer for shock
ts-installer-s2.jpg: installer for shock
ts-class.jpg: logo for class
ib-3dfade.jpg: sae logo
ib-crypt.jpg: sae logo
ib-tunes4.jpg: amazing tunes III splash screen
ib-gold.jpg sae logo
rvn-dimentionX.jpg: 3d textures
rvn-mythinstallergfx.jpg: myth installer
rvn-oceanmoon.jpg: 3d rendering
rvn-tfdlp.jpg: sometimes we just let raven do what hes gotta do!
rvn-untitled.jpg: untitled
f0e-retaliaton.jpg: sureal art
f0e-saegraph.jpg: sae tag
f0e-angus-dei.jpg: sureal art
ect-wildstyle.jpg: 2d, 3d, photomosic.
ect-genius.jpg: creative self portrait
za-thecave.jpg: 3d, cave render
*Interview w/ Rav3n 8/7/00*
by s-two
s-two raven.. you there?
rav3n yeah
rav3n was just regestering for my free tom green mousepad
s-two haha.. nice! so how long have you been an artist
rav3n well, i was really into drawing as a kid, but i got into pc art in 1992-1993 on our 386, using paintbrush
s-two paintbrush? huh.. hehe.
rav3n yeah, its an old win3.x program
s-two ya i know!
rav3n oh.. i see
s-two well, what groups have you been affiliated with since youve first showed intrest in the art scene?
rav3n well, defacto2 was the 1st artscene-related group i joined. i became the co-leader of the design division several
months later and helped release an artpack, the 1st one in over a year.. not long after i joined x-pression, and did work
on ogn/dvn intros and such, but i left xps after a no-dual-grouping rule came into effect
rav3n then, in late 1999, i joined share and enjoy.. an art/demo group.
rav3n of course, then there was also eq8
s-two alright..
s-two whos your favorite artist in the scene today?
rav3n wow, thats a big question..
* rav3n thinks
rav3n i really like the work of catbones ACiD, fli7e, YOU, Mindseye, and the pixel art of seffren
rav3n i cant really choose a favorite :P
s-two nice.. well how about a little about you.. whats your name, and where were you born?
rav3n my name is Tyrone, and i was born in Alberta, Canada.
rav3n id rather not get more specific then that
s-two alright.. umm, whats the rav3n got under the hood?
rav3n huh?
s-two whats the spects on your machine
s-two ?
rav3n ohhh
rav3n p200 / 32ram / 12.5 hd ..not very impressive
rav3n ..but it gets the job done
s-two well you certianly seem to use it very well.
rav3n thx
s-two ive noticed recently your art has changed. you backing away from the 3d lifestyle?
rav3n naw, im still very much into 3d, im just experementing alot with new methods.. take dimention X for example
in this artpack.. it does not look all that 3d-ish, but it is still a 3d render of a volumaric texture
rav3n but id like to really learn photoshop, and get much more into 2d as well
rav3n maybe you could teach me o
s-two haha.. maybe. thats about it man. thanks for the interview raven!
rav3n np :
All art contained in this artpack is Copyrightc its respected owner.
S . H . A . R . E . a . n . d . E . N . J . O . Y
Sector:1 Pack-A
Artists: s-two, rav3n, orcus, the-saint, zaca, icebox, f0st, protect
Release Date: 8.15.2000
Pack Size: 1,850kb
*Rlease Info*
s-two zaca
s2za-sector1.gif: zaca originaly rendered the ring and i took it from there.
s2-caddie.gif: made for a friend, a cadalac rip-off.
s2-gallos.gif: image manipulation, got really bored.
s2-projecteq8.jpg: eyewire contest entry, image manipulation.
s2-sae.jpg: more image manipulation, black white origional.
s2-lizbiz.gif: logo which won 2nd place www.lizbiz.com.
orc-portraitjune2000.jpg: portrait of a woman, all freehand w/ a wacom tablet
orc-portraitmay2000.jpg: portrait of a woman, all freehand w/ a wacom tablet
orc-kalisto.jpg: installer
ts-installer-s1.jpg: installer for shock
ts-installer-s2.jpg: installer for shock
ts-class.jpg: logo for class
ib-3dfade.jpg: sae logo
ib-crypt.jpg: sae logo
ib-tunes4.jpg: amazing tunes III splash screen
ib-gold.jpg sae logo
rvn-dimentionX.jpg: 3d textures
rvn-mythinstallergfx.jpg: myth installer
rvn-oceanmoon.jpg: 3d rendering
rvn-tfdlp.jpg: sometimes we just let raven do what hes gotta do!
rvn-untitled.jpg: untitled
f0e-retaliaton.jpg: sureal art
f0e-saegraph.jpg: sae tag
f0e-angus-dei.jpg: sureal art
ect-wildstyle.jpg: 2d, 3d, photomosic.
ect-genius.jpg: creative self portrait
za-thecave.jpg: 3d, cave render
*Interview w/ Rav3n 8/7/00*
by s-two
s-two raven.. you there?
rav3n yeah
rav3n was just regestering for my free tom green mousepad
s-two haha.. nice! so how long have you been an artist
rav3n well, i was really into drawing as a kid, but i got into pc art in 1992-1993 on our 386, using paintbrush
s-two paintbrush? huh.. hehe.
rav3n yeah, its an old win3.x program
s-two ya i know!
rav3n oh.. i see
s-two well, what groups have you been affiliated with since youve first showed intrest in the art scene?
rav3n well, defacto2 was the 1st artscene-related group i joined. i became the co-leader of the design division several
months later and helped release an artpack, the 1st one in over a year.. not long after i joined x-pression, and did work
on ogn/dvn intros and such, but i left xps after a no-dual-grouping rule came into effect
rav3n then, in late 1999, i joined share and enjoy.. an art/demo group.
rav3n of course, then there was also eq8
s-two alright..
s-two whos your favorite artist in the scene today?
rav3n wow, thats a big question..
* rav3n thinks
rav3n i really like the work of catbones ACiD, fli7e, YOU, Mindseye, and the pixel art of seffren
rav3n i cant really choose a favorite :P
s-two nice.. well how about a little about you.. whats your name, and where were you born?
rav3n my name is Tyrone, and i was born in Alberta, Canada.
rav3n id rather not get more specific then that
s-two alright.. umm, whats the rav3n got under the hood?
rav3n huh?
s-two whats the spects on your machine
s-two ?
rav3n ohhh
rav3n p200 / 32ram / 12.5 hd ..not very impressive
rav3n ..but it gets the job done
s-two well you certianly seem to use it very well.
rav3n thx
s-two ive noticed recently your art has changed. you backing away from the 3d lifestyle?
rav3n naw, im still very much into 3d, im just experementing alot with new methods.. take dimention X for example
in this artpack.. it does not look all that 3d-ish, but it is still a 3d render of a volumaric texture
rav3n but id like to really learn photoshop, and get much more into 2d as well
rav3n maybe you could teach me o
s-two haha.. maybe. thats about it man. thanks for the interview raven!
rav3n np :
All art contained in this artpack is Copyrightc its respected owner.
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