this image contains text
.db. .,. .db..db.
l .dd.l
.,*. l .,*.
.*,. * 4
l . . 4
l . d l . ld l 4
.*. ,Il Sl I,I .*.
. SI,II SS ..
lISSl./ ... /.l
4*. / .*l
4 S A R S N E W S
.db. Welcome to the first official release of SARS! .db.
Since the last unofficial realease 000,
* weve had FIVE new members join so far, *
.d and in the following order: b. k1
4 l
Tainted - Eats dinner from the trash bin
Mekanik - Collector of discarded soda cans
Aesthetic - Breaks old ladies legs for crack
Abstrakt - Borrows dollars from hookers
Maxxtro - Sells drugs to handicapped kids
..and since this is more or less our first
pack, there is really no other news besides
the fact that no, we are not dead.
.d So until the next pack, we are.... b.
4 l
.. I I ..
.. l well, it sounds good anyways. l ..
l .dd.l
.,*. l .,*.
.*,. * 4
l . . 4
l . d l . ld l 4
.*. ,Il Sl I,I .*.
. SI,II SS ..
lISSl./ ... /.l
4*. / .*l
4 S A R S N E W S
.db. Welcome to the first official release of SARS! .db.
Since the last unofficial realease 000,
* weve had FIVE new members join so far, *
.d and in the following order: b. k1
4 l
Tainted - Eats dinner from the trash bin
Mekanik - Collector of discarded soda cans
Aesthetic - Breaks old ladies legs for crack
Abstrakt - Borrows dollars from hookers
Maxxtro - Sells drugs to handicapped kids
..and since this is more or less our first
pack, there is really no other news besides
the fact that no, we are not dead.
.d So until the next pack, we are.... b.
4 l
.. I I ..
.. l well, it sounds good anyways. l ..
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