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The Lion King? Fuck nahh! This ansi by vG! of SUiCiDE... mad props go outto Liquid Jesus, GraveSeeker,Crimson Tide, Rad Man, Black Francis, Mister E,
and all yall mofuckahs I forgot... peace!
suicide presents its second pack for MAY 1995 with submissions from: vengeance lost soul electric poet shattered vG!
s u i c i d e m a y 9 5
p a c k
Hello again...
Well, we made it to the second pack cynics everywhere huff, and wevegone through a lot of changes in the past month, mostly in members... heres a
little rundown of the month in review:
1 You might notice that submissions this month are WAY the fuck down there,
and this has a lot to do with lack of communication between members. In
the next month well be taking on a lot of new members, and the submissions
will be up, I promise
2 Wildhawk of VIP and SCD has unexpectadly come through with version 1.o
of SUiCiDE ViEW, earning my undying gratitude and this is the best part no
3 A previously unknown VGA artist named Deathblow has joined SUiCiDE and will hopefully prove to be a useful addition.
4 Mordare has joined SUiCiDE as a writer
5 Pyro and Dark Knight have left/been dismissed from SUiCiDE, citing some
problem with last months pack. Well miss all their submissions... oh wait
THERE WERE NONE! What can we say? Shit happens. Then it quits.
6 Chopper emerged from the nether and a 1000+ phone bill to notify us of soon
-to-be-here submissions, and also his membership to Razor 1911. Congrats!
7 Still reading? Good for you! Ya got heart, kid.
8 vG! Suicide Fonts will be discontinued for May unless an enormous amount of
feedback surfaces. Reason being that theres just too many 10. However
Wildhawk has expressed interest in doing some.
9 Vengeance has applied to ACiD as a writer, but will continue /w scd even
if accepted.
10 Airborne of iCE has said he will be making ASCii for the group in the near future
Thats about it... enjoy the pack... enjoy the spring... run through fields withboxes of dusch in your hand... whatever... b-bye...
and all yall mofuckahs I forgot... peace!
suicide presents its second pack for MAY 1995 with submissions from: vengeance lost soul electric poet shattered vG!
s u i c i d e m a y 9 5
p a c k
Hello again...
Well, we made it to the second pack cynics everywhere huff, and wevegone through a lot of changes in the past month, mostly in members... heres a
little rundown of the month in review:
1 You might notice that submissions this month are WAY the fuck down there,
and this has a lot to do with lack of communication between members. In
the next month well be taking on a lot of new members, and the submissions
will be up, I promise
2 Wildhawk of VIP and SCD has unexpectadly come through with version 1.o
of SUiCiDE ViEW, earning my undying gratitude and this is the best part no
3 A previously unknown VGA artist named Deathblow has joined SUiCiDE and will hopefully prove to be a useful addition.
4 Mordare has joined SUiCiDE as a writer
5 Pyro and Dark Knight have left/been dismissed from SUiCiDE, citing some
problem with last months pack. Well miss all their submissions... oh wait
THERE WERE NONE! What can we say? Shit happens. Then it quits.
6 Chopper emerged from the nether and a 1000+ phone bill to notify us of soon
-to-be-here submissions, and also his membership to Razor 1911. Congrats!
7 Still reading? Good for you! Ya got heart, kid.
8 vG! Suicide Fonts will be discontinued for May unless an enormous amount of
feedback surfaces. Reason being that theres just too many 10. However
Wildhawk has expressed interest in doing some.
9 Vengeance has applied to ACiD as a writer, but will continue /w scd even
if accepted.
10 Airborne of iCE has said he will be making ASCii for the group in the near future
Thats about it... enjoy the pack... enjoy the spring... run through fields withboxes of dusch in your hand... whatever... b-bye...
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