this image contains text
7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7 ?7 7 ?7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7
, ?m ?m m ,m
m, ? .,d 7 .,d ,. ?
?qp, 7 7 7 ?b,
.,m .,m .,m .,m .,m,,,,
::: secular is constant :
::: artpack number 4 :
::: february, 19, 2000 - the release yypa******aqyyq ...:
::: ,gg, ? :..:
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TP ,::::::::::::....:
::: p****qypa******aqy ?mmma****aqyq :::::
::: here we are again! **** ,gg, ? ?T ,qp, T :::::
::: as was promised, ,mmm :::::
::: secular comes with b TP , TP :::::
::: a larger artpack mmmm @uyyu@ :::::
::: with more quality mm mm ...:::::...
::: asciis. :::::::::
::: this month was spent without digi. dont know what was his :::::
::: occupation, but the result is absense of his art in this pack. :::
::: three new members in secular wow!:
::: - podo. a cool block ascii artist from poland.
::: he also draws good ansi, but were pure ascii...
::: hey, podo! thanks for a cool ascii for me. :
::: - as-d. a great new school drawing man, again from
::: russia. he has contributed many good asciis. this
::: info-file layout is also his.
::: - meph!sto. a man making wonderful old school as
::: far as the others say. hes good in ansi too,
::: but still... he included lots of high quality
::: os works. note, theyre made on pc, so look
::: at them on pc with a pc font, not amiga!. russian.
::: btw, the beginning backbone of the secular
::: ascii group was from russia digi, dizz, pasha,
::: slash, xaoc, zeroix - all of them are russians.
::: ps. again two font files included. pc.com is for
::: all asciis with .asc extension, and amiga.com for
::: all those having .txt in the end. pasha insists
::: his collies are seen well only with that amiga.com,
::: dont even try looking at them with your standart
::: pc font. and people... amiga.com afs.com, dont
::: be afraid...
::: official secular to noches //thelo0p: we still want
::: you in, just send some other of your works.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: p***q :::::::::::
qypa*****aya******aqyaqypa******aqyqypa*****aya******aqya ****qyyq :::
,gg, ,gg, ? ,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ?T ,gg, T :.:
?P , :::
b TP TP ,b paammyb TP TP , TP , :::
mmmmmm@mmmmmy@mmmmmm@mmmmmy :.:
:::..members... . .
::: as-d - ns - as
::: digi - ns, cl - dg
::: dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
::: meph!sto - os - mph
::: pasha - os, as - psh
::: podo - ba - p0d
::: slash - ns - sl
::: xaoc - ns - xc
::: zeroix - ns - zix
::: ns new school, os old school, as amiga style
::: ba block ascii, cl colored
:::..guests... . .
::: jashiin //nrg
::: noches //thelo0p
::: spinsane //remorse!81
::: thank you, people!
:::............................. p***q ::::::::::::::::::::::::: p***q :::::
pyya****aqyqyya****aqyqpa******qy ***qyqpa******qyyqya****aqy ***qy
T ,qp, T ,qp, ,gg, ,ggyyy**qp ? ,qp, T ,gyyT
y T ,qp, T y
TP TP b TP TP ? ?P ,b TP TP ?
::. . our official e-mail is : :::
::: secular@mail.ru :::::
::: . send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks. :::::::::
::. also you can request any other members e-mail .:::::::::::.
::: sending a message to this one. :::::
::: . new members are always welcome. send your asciis :::::
::: to the e-mail written before. :::::
::: . guests, youre welcome too! :::::
nfo-file layout by as-d
7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7 ?7 7 ?7 ,qp, 7 ,qp, 7
, ?m ?m m ,m
m, ? .,d 7 .,d ,. ?
?qp, 7 7 7 ?b,
.,m .,m .,m .,m .,m,,,,
::: secular is constant :
::: artpack number 4 :
::: february, 19, 2000 - the release yypa******aqyyq ...:
::: ,gg, ? :..:
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TP ,::::::::::::....:
::: p****qypa******aqy ?mmma****aqyq :::::
::: here we are again! **** ,gg, ? ?T ,qp, T :::::
::: as was promised, ,mmm :::::
::: secular comes with b TP , TP :::::
::: a larger artpack mmmm @uyyu@ :::::
::: with more quality mm mm ...:::::...
::: asciis. :::::::::
::: this month was spent without digi. dont know what was his :::::
::: occupation, but the result is absense of his art in this pack. :::
::: three new members in secular wow!:
::: - podo. a cool block ascii artist from poland.
::: he also draws good ansi, but were pure ascii...
::: hey, podo! thanks for a cool ascii for me. :
::: - as-d. a great new school drawing man, again from
::: russia. he has contributed many good asciis. this
::: info-file layout is also his.
::: - meph!sto. a man making wonderful old school as
::: far as the others say. hes good in ansi too,
::: but still... he included lots of high quality
::: os works. note, theyre made on pc, so look
::: at them on pc with a pc font, not amiga!. russian.
::: btw, the beginning backbone of the secular
::: ascii group was from russia digi, dizz, pasha,
::: slash, xaoc, zeroix - all of them are russians.
::: ps. again two font files included. pc.com is for
::: all asciis with .asc extension, and amiga.com for
::: all those having .txt in the end. pasha insists
::: his collies are seen well only with that amiga.com,
::: dont even try looking at them with your standart
::: pc font. and people... amiga.com afs.com, dont
::: be afraid...
::: official secular to noches //thelo0p: we still want
::: you in, just send some other of your works.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: p***q :::::::::::
qypa*****aya******aqyaqypa******aqyqypa*****aya******aqya ****qyyq :::
,gg, ,gg, ? ,gg, ,gg, ,gg, ?T ,gg, T :.:
?P , :::
b TP TP ,b paammyb TP TP , TP , :::
mmmmmm@mmmmmy@mmmmmm@mmmmmy :.:
:::..members... . .
::: as-d - ns - as
::: digi - ns, cl - dg
::: dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
::: meph!sto - os - mph
::: pasha - os, as - psh
::: podo - ba - p0d
::: slash - ns - sl
::: xaoc - ns - xc
::: zeroix - ns - zix
::: ns new school, os old school, as amiga style
::: ba block ascii, cl colored
:::..guests... . .
::: jashiin //nrg
::: noches //thelo0p
::: spinsane //remorse!81
::: thank you, people!
:::............................. p***q ::::::::::::::::::::::::: p***q :::::
pyya****aqyqyya****aqyqpa******qy ***qyqpa******qyyqya****aqy ***qy
T ,qp, T ,qp, ,gg, ,ggyyy**qp ? ,qp, T ,gyyT
y T ,qp, T y
TP TP b TP TP ? ?P ,b TP TP ?
::. . our official e-mail is : :::
::: secular@mail.ru :::::
::: . send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks. :::::::::
::. also you can request any other members e-mail .:::::::::::.
::: sending a message to this one. :::::
::: . new members are always welcome. send your asciis :::::
::: to the e-mail written before. :::::
::: . guests, youre welcome too! :::::
nfo-file layout by as-d
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