this image contains text
.......... ....:secular..... ..........
.psh. colly...
...........:.: : amiga :.:...........
:.....: style ......:
................ ascii : ................
colly by pasha/Secular
: .. .r.e.b.u.s..... ....
psh .. ..
:................c.o.l.l.y........ / :
/ : intro : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
hey guys! welcome to my new colly. heres a little colly done for secular
ascii pack number 5. well, i hope youll enjoy viewing it. if you want some
oldschool ascii then send your requests and commends to psh@mail.ru.
/p.s. this colly was created on a amiga computer. use amiga.com afs.com for
best viewing, if you are pc user, of coz.
/p.p.s. amiga rulez, always and forever !!!
/ : menu : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ no. / logo or diz says... / made for
o1. cafe2000 cafe2000 staff
o2. cafe2k cafe2000 staff
o3. excess team info excess team
o4. paradox2k paradox2k staff
o5. pavit corp. info vitalypavit corporation
o6. ru.amiga faq 1 rdc
o7. ru.amiga faq 2 rdc
o8. secular ascii group self request
o9. sekoolar self request
1o. we make ascii... self request
11. e.d.p. diz excess team zx spectrum division
12. e.s.e. diz excess team. zx spectrum division
13. excess team diz excess team. zx spectrum division
14. homer simpson diz the forge of mb party. my ascii compo work
/ : o1.cafe2000 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
computer art festival 2000
summer, kazan, russia .
/ : o2.cafe2k : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
.---Computer Art Festival 2000. Kazan, Russia. Summer2000-----.
2 days underground xUssr scene meeting
4 platforms: zx spectrum, bk pdp-11 commands, pc and amiga
more 20 compos with funny compo
more 100 elite sceners
more 300 visitors
and many others...
/ : o3.excess team info : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/psh : : :
another name of quality /
1o.o3.2ooo .
last news :
: blahblahblah :
/ / actual memberslist :
: o1. :
: o2. :
: o3. :
last releases :..
: o1. :
: o2. :
: o3. :
last words
: blahblahblah :
/ : o4.paradox2k : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
. /psh
demoscene party : . / /
6 may , 2000 year / /
rostov-on-don , russia .
pc and zx compos .
www.pdx2k.org :
/ : o5.pavit corp. info : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
. .. ...group..
. .. ...info... / /
. psh :
o1.news... .. . . :
o2.members... .. .
o3.last releases... .. . / :
o4.notes... .. . /
/ : o6.ru.amiga faq 1 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o7.ru.amiga faq 2 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o8.secular ascii group: rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o9.sekoolar : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : 1o.we make ascii... : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
:: .. / psh
:: we make ascii... .........:
::... ...:: : dedicated to ascii scene
/ : 11.e.d.p. diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
Excess DeLuxe Paint /
Best ZX Spectrum graphic tool /
/ c ZK System/Excess team
/ : 12.e.s.e. diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
- -- Excess Sample Editor ------------ -- -
- -- Best ZX Spectrum music tool ----- -- -
- -- c ZK System/Excess team ------- -- -
-update-release-2ooo------------psh--- -- -
/ : 13.excess team diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
- ----------/-team- ---------- -/
/-----excess progs pack-- ---
/ This pack contains the best
Excess teams progs for /
/ ZX Spectrum 1994-2000 years
/ : 14.homer simpson diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
Homer Simpson in Russia !!! Again !!!
7 pasha/secular special for ascii compo 7
/ps this is my first ascii picture...
/ : outro : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
all done !!!
thank you for watching !!!
4D.AdelaidA.Antares.BrainWave.CEG.Concern Chaos.Excess.Flash.PAVIT.SandS.Scene
amigarus, ascii and z80 pplz
music support:
Baz0FFt/Plumka Poomer
Amiga computer
CygnusED Professional 4.2, ANSI-draw 1.01
contact with Secular:
contact with me:
.......... ....:secular..... ..........
.psh. colly...
...........:.: : amiga :.:...........
:.....: style ......:
................ ascii : ................
.......... ....:secular..... ..........
.psh. colly...
...........:.: : amiga :.:...........
:.....: style ......:
................ ascii : ................
colly by pasha/Secular
: .. .r.e.b.u.s..... ....
psh .. ..
:................c.o.l.l.y........ / :
/ : intro : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
hey guys! welcome to my new colly. heres a little colly done for secular
ascii pack number 5. well, i hope youll enjoy viewing it. if you want some
oldschool ascii then send your requests and commends to psh@mail.ru.
/p.s. this colly was created on a amiga computer. use amiga.com afs.com for
best viewing, if you are pc user, of coz.
/p.p.s. amiga rulez, always and forever !!!
/ : menu : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ no. / logo or diz says... / made for
o1. cafe2000 cafe2000 staff
o2. cafe2k cafe2000 staff
o3. excess team info excess team
o4. paradox2k paradox2k staff
o5. pavit corp. info vitalypavit corporation
o6. ru.amiga faq 1 rdc
o7. ru.amiga faq 2 rdc
o8. secular ascii group self request
o9. sekoolar self request
1o. we make ascii... self request
11. e.d.p. diz excess team zx spectrum division
12. e.s.e. diz excess team. zx spectrum division
13. excess team diz excess team. zx spectrum division
14. homer simpson diz the forge of mb party. my ascii compo work
/ : o1.cafe2000 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
computer art festival 2000
summer, kazan, russia .
/ : o2.cafe2k : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
.---Computer Art Festival 2000. Kazan, Russia. Summer2000-----.
2 days underground xUssr scene meeting
4 platforms: zx spectrum, bk pdp-11 commands, pc and amiga
more 20 compos with funny compo
more 100 elite sceners
more 300 visitors
and many others...
/ : o3.excess team info : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/psh : : :
another name of quality /
1o.o3.2ooo .
last news :
: blahblahblah :
/ / actual memberslist :
: o1. :
: o2. :
: o3. :
last releases :..
: o1. :
: o2. :
: o3. :
last words
: blahblahblah :
/ : o4.paradox2k : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
. /psh
demoscene party : . / /
6 may , 2000 year / /
rostov-on-don , russia .
pc and zx compos .
www.pdx2k.org :
/ : o5.pavit corp. info : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
. .. ...group..
. .. ...info... / /
. psh :
o1.news... .. . . :
o2.members... .. .
o3.last releases... .. . / :
o4.notes... .. . /
/ : o6.ru.amiga faq 1 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o7.ru.amiga faq 2 : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o8.secular ascii group: rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : o9.sekoolar : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
/ : 1o.we make ascii... : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
:: .. / psh
:: we make ascii... .........:
::... ...:: : dedicated to ascii scene
/ : 11.e.d.p. diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
Excess DeLuxe Paint /
Best ZX Spectrum graphic tool /
/ c ZK System/Excess team
/ : 12.e.s.e. diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
- -- Excess Sample Editor ------------ -- -
- -- Best ZX Spectrum music tool ----- -- -
- -- c ZK System/Excess team ------- -- -
-update-release-2ooo------------psh--- -- -
/ : 13.excess team diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
- ----------/-team- ---------- -/
/-----excess progs pack-- ---
/ This pack contains the best
Excess teams progs for /
/ ZX Spectrum 1994-2000 years
/ : 14.homer simpson diz : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
Homer Simpson in Russia !!! Again !!!
7 pasha/secular special for ascii compo 7
/ps this is my first ascii picture...
/ : outro : rebus colly : sclr :
psh : : : :
all done !!!
thank you for watching !!!
4D.AdelaidA.Antares.BrainWave.CEG.Concern Chaos.Excess.Flash.PAVIT.SandS.Scene
amigarus, ascii and z80 pplz
music support:
Baz0FFt/Plumka Poomer
Amiga computer
CygnusED Professional 4.2, ANSI-draw 1.01
contact with Secular:
contact with me:
.......... ....:secular..... ..........
.psh. colly...
...........:.: : amiga :.:...........
:.....: style ......:
................ ascii : ................
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