this image contains text
Sonic Equinox August 1997 pack
-with hearty helpings of:.....
Delphic Oracle!
quip mistigris
Whats new in SE land? Well, this being my second time around as
cheiftan, I still havent a clue whats going on. With summer upon us, I
find that our active memberlist is a finite thing, so Im now on the
lookout for new members. Hey, we all appreciate the help from mist, but SE
cant sustain itself on life support forever.
Whazzat? Hey! look whos back! Zinc is in the house! I dont know
about the rest of you, but Im looking forward to some of that trance hes
known for.
Okay, punks, think ya gots talent? Prove it! I told ya Im looking
for new members, and YOU might be one of them! Music? Code? VGA? Anything
else that would look good in this pack? SEs goal is to provide a forum for
enthusiastic nerds- er, creative people to get their stuff seen. Seen? Seen
by WHOM, you might ask? Glad you asked. As well as being able to extend your
sig by one affil, you K-radder, you can brag about your nerdsome glory to
all your friends! Muhahaha! Who else is watching? Well, for one, Delphic
oracle is watching. Ok, you ask, who the heck is DO? DO makes games. DO has
just sent out their first game with Spectrum Pacific publishing, and now begins
on an even larger project. Of course, while that is still hush-hush, but
an eye is always open for someone with the skills and dedication to put some
decent work on a large-scale game. Whats needed most right now is VGA, but
ANYONE who can make a large enough contribution will be considered.
In the pack
Good vibrations from-
esq-atmq.xm -Atomique
frq-heav.s3m -Find my Heaven
onxmars.s3m -Mars Invades no inspiration from mars attacks..
onxoutl.s3m -Outlash
onxwowi.s3m -World Wishers
onxthrm.s3m -Therm imbedded in SE-WAVE.EXE
onx-lftl.s3m -Lullabye for the Lost playing now, in the exe..
onx-blst.pcx -Generic anime type scene.. classy!
Vibes imported from Mist-
yt-trg18.it Tradgedy 18.
Neos changing his name to Quip! get used to it!
The usual-
SENFO.EXE: the thing running THIS text thingie!
SEAPP.EXE, SEAPP.DAT: application generator
Bits peices
FILEID.DIZ: thanks to quip!
SENFO.TXT: This text in a file.
Getting a hold of us
Entrance to Obscurity 604-555-5555 ETO
Crimson Helm 604-465-4247 Onyx crippled at 2400!*
Daemons Gate 604-948-0363 Mavrik
Fuzzy Doorknob 604-943-4626 Sylphid
Paradoxious 604-931-6984 Tzykaar
Dark Domains 604-469-5851 Raven
DoDEL 604-299-5191 Etana
Sonic Equinox Homepage www.in2nett.com/ETO/SE/index.htm
Mistigris Homepage www.geocities.com/Athens/1758/mist.html
*psst! got a 14.4 external?
-with hearty helpings of:.....
Delphic Oracle!
quip mistigris
Whats new in SE land? Well, this being my second time around as
cheiftan, I still havent a clue whats going on. With summer upon us, I
find that our active memberlist is a finite thing, so Im now on the
lookout for new members. Hey, we all appreciate the help from mist, but SE
cant sustain itself on life support forever.
Whazzat? Hey! look whos back! Zinc is in the house! I dont know
about the rest of you, but Im looking forward to some of that trance hes
known for.
Okay, punks, think ya gots talent? Prove it! I told ya Im looking
for new members, and YOU might be one of them! Music? Code? VGA? Anything
else that would look good in this pack? SEs goal is to provide a forum for
enthusiastic nerds- er, creative people to get their stuff seen. Seen? Seen
by WHOM, you might ask? Glad you asked. As well as being able to extend your
sig by one affil, you K-radder, you can brag about your nerdsome glory to
all your friends! Muhahaha! Who else is watching? Well, for one, Delphic
oracle is watching. Ok, you ask, who the heck is DO? DO makes games. DO has
just sent out their first game with Spectrum Pacific publishing, and now begins
on an even larger project. Of course, while that is still hush-hush, but
an eye is always open for someone with the skills and dedication to put some
decent work on a large-scale game. Whats needed most right now is VGA, but
ANYONE who can make a large enough contribution will be considered.
In the pack
Good vibrations from-
esq-atmq.xm -Atomique
frq-heav.s3m -Find my Heaven
onxmars.s3m -Mars Invades no inspiration from mars attacks..
onxoutl.s3m -Outlash
onxwowi.s3m -World Wishers
onxthrm.s3m -Therm imbedded in SE-WAVE.EXE
onx-lftl.s3m -Lullabye for the Lost playing now, in the exe..
onx-blst.pcx -Generic anime type scene.. classy!
Vibes imported from Mist-
yt-trg18.it Tradgedy 18.
Neos changing his name to Quip! get used to it!
The usual-
SENFO.EXE: the thing running THIS text thingie!
SEAPP.EXE, SEAPP.DAT: application generator
Bits peices
FILEID.DIZ: thanks to quip!
SENFO.TXT: This text in a file.
Getting a hold of us
Entrance to Obscurity 604-555-5555 ETO
Crimson Helm 604-465-4247 Onyx crippled at 2400!*
Daemons Gate 604-948-0363 Mavrik
Fuzzy Doorknob 604-943-4626 Sylphid
Paradoxious 604-931-6984 Tzykaar
Dark Domains 604-469-5851 Raven
DoDEL 604-299-5191 Etana
Sonic Equinox Homepage www.in2nett.com/ETO/SE/index.htm
Mistigris Homepage www.geocities.com/Athens/1758/mist.html
*psst! got a 14.4 external?
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