![Haven! by Proctologist](/pack/sense10/x1/PC-HAVN1.ANS.png)
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: yy ,dl
yyyyyyy : yyy+ +,yy,+uy l: yyyy +yyy, ylP yy, ,dl +yy pC yyl ll ,d l:?g, :l ll ll l: g :l+ yy :+ :l g,: :,P :l,+ ,P, : :l l: : : ll l: P,P,d: ,dP d l: : l ll l l:,g :l l,dP,dl l:.,gl :l l : : : : :l ,dP,d :lP.,ss: :: i l : +. lP l, : : :P :i 1 Options... 6 Options... : 2 Options... 7 Options... : 3 Options... 8 Options... i 4 Options... 9 Options... : 5 Options... 0 Options... :l l, ,b,. .,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Done for Lord Esher, the sysop of yet another board in 403. 932-0935, give it
a call. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
: yy ,dl
yyyyyyy : yyy+ +,yy,+uy l: yyyy +yyy, ylP yy, ,dl +yy pC yyl ll ,d l:?g, :l ll ll l: g :l+ yy :+ :l g,: :,P :l,+ ,P, : :l l: : : ll l: P,P,d: ,dP d l: : l ll l l:,g :l l,dP,dl l:.,gl :l l : : : : :l ,dP,d :lP.,ss: :: i l : +. lP l, : : :P :i 1 Options... 6 Options... : 2 Options... 7 Options... : 3 Options... 8 Options... i 4 Options... 9 Options... : 5 Options... 0 Options... :l l, ,b,. .,d
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Done for Lord Esher, the sysop of yet another board in 403. 932-0935, give it
a call. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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