this image contains text
,, .,. db, ,gSSb, Sg,
,b, .db,,b,.,gSb, ,gSb, ,SggSP?P?P?PP?P?PP? ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gS P ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gS P ,gPSg,j j j jP jb,j jP ! ?l g,l l l g,l g,l l g,+g,!, ,P!, ,P! P!, ,P!, ,P! P!, ,P!b, ,P ggggggggggggggggS**SS*?S ?S?P * ?P l . l pC : .
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Indecent wanted me to do him this for his new e-magazine Hooked.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
,b, .db,,b,.,gSb, ,gSb, ,SggSP?P?P?PP?P?PP? ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gS P ,gPSg, ,gPSg, ,gS P ,gPSg,j j j jP jb,j jP ! ?l g,l l l g,l g,l l g,+g,!, ,P!, ,P! P!, ,P!, ,P! P!, ,P!b, ,P ggggggggggggggggS**SS*?S ?S?P * ?P l . l pC : .
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---Indecent wanted me to do him this for his new e-magazine Hooked.
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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