![Chicken chokin' by Proctologist](/pack/sense13/x1/PC-CHOKE.ANS.png)
this image contains text
, ? ,gP,,,.?Sg,
b,. SS ,gP dSg,?b Yg,. ,dl ? lSg,? ll ,, ,d ll b :P ,b,,d, ,Pl ,P?ggP,gSSg,?SSSSP jl l l,dSg,?,,?.,,,,.?b,,bd ll P? jl,db,?P lP.,,?P ,,gg, l ,P,b P LP?P? ll pCP db,Pl o lb,,dl , lSl., ?b,,dP SS,d. L ? b,,b,SS,db, ,g, ,,,p ggP?P l ,..,g+SSSSP PP*+ ,Sb, P d,SS**,dP ,S l ,**,dP?g, ,dP ,gS SSg,b,?P , ..,,gSjL ?ggSl l, d , l,. ?L ?s,.,gl l l ll ,SSg+ P ?l : ,,. l,b, d dSg,,db ,, ?b?b ,P,,,l?l ?,?l SSSggggg,+. ?ll,:,SP b,, s,.., ,S,?P ll l ll SS**SP l ?b,L ,,i, P.,,ggggg l db llb,?L ?P db ? ,dl :,,: b,?L b, l ?P : l l: lSeNSEl :,P* Lggdb,.. dl bd :: b, ,gS,P?P j l ll P?, db, ?P j : ,Sl l L P dPd: .. :: l,? PP, ?S ,P,ll l ll :b,,Sl ., ,P d : ?P: l P ? dl P d :b dl : ,Sl l lb,,d,l l : l P gl ?P?P,: l : ,Sl , db d : : S P P?P :l l S** l l P,S,g,,d: l: :l jP?P :l : l: l : lP,ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggg l
P dSP,: :l :b, ,dP dNiKeY NiKeY l
ggggggP,d, l :l
,dP,d ?b, ,dgggggggg,...SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSb,SSPP,. .,S? b ll ll ,b, d?b, ,t ,+ dP P?b S* l lP ?l ? ?P .,,. ?P , ,gSSg, l . ?P
Sb ,dl b, ,dP ,,dg, ,gS, ., ,, 4b,g, ?b, lb q,?bdl ?SP,,gSg,?b, ?,b ?l pC l: g,. ,d ?L b,.,,L ?,,S*? :P??, ? : l,P*?P,gg,.?: l d,P, : S? : +yyyy,,db? ll ?.,db, lsss lP,gg+ l :l l jP.4L ,b,? : d d l: P :: l db l . ?Sg,?P ll :L l ,d, ,l l ?P l ,P,,.L ,db, lb,?j,SS** 4b,,dP,d ?S l ..?S.,P..,,ggSSb,SS ?b,.,dP,b l.gS ,db,..,b,?SSP,d P,Sl *?S,..,gS ,db
?Pg, ?l?S*?* l d, ?P P ?P
?P , Lost Paradize
Wanna help me choke my chicken?!
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---The chicken was taken from a Garfield comic but the rest is original. And, itssupposed to be a noose in his left hand. :
Dying Soul After I drew the pic I asked Scrye who this could be for, he said
you. So I did the logo and, well... here it is. Hope ya like it. :
And I thought Id mention that its 69 lines including the quote. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
b,. SS ,gP dSg,?b Yg,. ,dl ? lSg,? ll ,, ,d ll b :P ,b,,d, ,Pl ,P?ggP,gSSg,?SSSSP jl l l,dSg,?,,?.,,,,.?b,,bd ll P? jl,db,?P lP.,,?P ,,gg, l ,P,b P LP?P? ll pCP db,Pl o lb,,dl , lSl., ?b,,dP SS,d. L ? b,,b,SS,db, ,g, ,,,p ggP?P l ,..,g+SSSSP PP*+ ,Sb, P d,SS**,dP ,S l ,**,dP?g, ,dP ,gS SSg,b,?P , ..,,gSjL ?ggSl l, d , l,. ?L ?s,.,gl l l ll ,SSg+ P ?l : ,,. l,b, d dSg,,db ,, ?b?b ,P,,,l?l ?,?l SSSggggg,+. ?ll,:,SP b,, s,.., ,S,?P ll l ll SS**SP l ?b,L ,,i, P.,,ggggg l db llb,?L ?P db ? ,dl :,,: b,?L b, l ?P : l l: lSeNSEl :,P* Lggdb,.. dl bd :: b, ,gS,P?P j l ll P?, db, ?P j : ,Sl l L P dPd: .. :: l,? PP, ?S ,P,ll l ll :b,,Sl ., ,P d : ?P: l P ? dl P d :b dl : ,Sl l lb,,d,l l : l P gl ?P?P,: l : ,Sl , db d : : S P P?P :l l S** l l P,S,g,,d: l: :l jP?P :l : l: l : lP,ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggg l
P dSP,: :l :b, ,dP dNiKeY NiKeY l
ggggggP,d, l :l
,dP,d ?b, ,dgggggggg,...SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSb,SSPP,. .,S? b ll ll ,b, d?b, ,t ,+ dP P?b S* l lP ?l ? ?P .,,. ?P , ,gSSg, l . ?P
Sb ,dl b, ,dP ,,dg, ,gS, ., ,, 4b,g, ?b, lb q,?bdl ?SP,,gSg,?b, ?,b ?l pC l: g,. ,d ?L b,.,,L ?,,S*? :P??, ? : l,P*?P,gg,.?: l d,P, : S? : +yyyy,,db? ll ?.,db, lsss lP,gg+ l :l l jP.4L ,b,? : d d l: P :: l db l . ?Sg,?P ll :L l ,d, ,l l ?P l ,P,,.L ,db, lb,?j,SS** 4b,,dP,d ?S l ..?S.,P..,,ggSSb,SS ?b,.,dP,b l.gS ,db,..,b,?SSP,d P,Sl *?S,..,gS ,db
?Pg, ?l?S*?* l d, ?P P ?P
?P , Lost Paradize
Wanna help me choke my chicken?!
--------------circumcise here---------------------------------------ouch!---The chicken was taken from a Garfield comic but the rest is original. And, itssupposed to be a noose in his left hand. :
Dying Soul After I drew the pic I asked Scrye who this could be for, he said
you. So I did the logo and, well... here it is. Hope ya like it. :
And I thought Id mention that its 69 lines including the quote. :
. - - ---proctologist-- - - .
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