this image contains text
pH! sysop. drome,cosysops. hymn, ultrahigh , kelthar .o v er d o z e. +46.4o!15xxxx aNd 15xxxx .o v e r d o z e.
-+chop, chop+-------------------------------------------------------------+-
yah man.. this logo goes out to drome and his board overdoze...
if you want a logo ansi or ascii call my board higher sense...
drome. od rox more with instinct!
hymn. you hairy thing...
ultrahigh. hmm.. buy smaller clothes..
kelthar. od looks betha now..
dfuse. GO home? not anymore..
.s h a d e. .s h a d e. .s h a d e.
-+chop, chop+-------------------------------------------------------------+-
yah man.. this logo goes out to drome and his board overdoze...
if you want a logo ansi or ascii call my board higher sense...
drome. od rox more with instinct!
hymn. you hairy thing...
ultrahigh. hmm.. buy smaller clothes..
kelthar. od looks betha now..
dfuse. GO home? not anymore..
.s h a d e. .s h a d e. .s h a d e.
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