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Ptarmigan Knight of Shiver Productions Presents If anyone would like to purchase an ansi from me, I can be reached on a number of networks or through any Shiver or Glory member board
The Crimson Waters Staff: Proze, Assaylant, Ptarmigan Knight SHV - Shiver Canadian Headquarters WAR - War Enterprises Canadian Headquarters LAP - Lapse Canadian Headquarters PAG - Pagan Canadian Headquarters VOR - Visions of Reality Canadian Headquarters WBL - Wballz Ansi Team Canadian Sack EVO - Evolution Magazine World Headquarters iMC - International Message Couriers World Hub STL - Steel Network Canadian Main Hub NOK - Nokturnal Network Mail Network CHS - Chaos Net Node Site GLR - Glory Warez Couriers Member Board O-5 - Zero to Five Days Warez Only HPC - Hacking / Phreaking / Carding VRA - Virus / Anarchy - Support Dedicated to Artists That Are Trying to Make a Difference 6 1 3 - 8 2 5 - 8 9 3 4
The Crimson Waters Staff: Proze, Assaylant, Ptarmigan Knight SHV - Shiver Canadian Headquarters WAR - War Enterprises Canadian Headquarters LAP - Lapse Canadian Headquarters PAG - Pagan Canadian Headquarters VOR - Visions of Reality Canadian Headquarters WBL - Wballz Ansi Team Canadian Sack EVO - Evolution Magazine World Headquarters iMC - International Message Couriers World Hub STL - Steel Network Canadian Main Hub NOK - Nokturnal Network Mail Network CHS - Chaos Net Node Site GLR - Glory Warez Couriers Member Board O-5 - Zero to Five Days Warez Only HPC - Hacking / Phreaking / Carding VRA - Virus / Anarchy - Support Dedicated to Artists That Are Trying to Make a Difference 6 1 3 - 8 2 5 - 8 9 3 4
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