this image contains text
h whats up all? yes this is zipperhead,
the artist you hate to hate. im doing
/ this ansi for an old homie. me and
saturn-32 go way back. hes the one who
s got me in mft. so call him up! anyways,
h if you want a kool 100+ line ansi, logo,
i or sextoys for yo momma, you can reach me
v on belfast, packaged rebellion, the sonic
e equinox, or any other cool art board im on.
zh of shiver hits you with another 100+ line ansi
spawn and batman are taken from images spawn vs. batman
saturn-32s the sonic equinox
602-841-0624 NUP:Force Ten
16.8 Dual Good Msgs No Ratios
staff: Saturn-32ROCK/LL2
Lancelot Dist/Member Board
ROCK Magazine HQ/Member Board
Spit Dist Fire Dist Poison Dist
Shiver Member Board
Alive Member Board
Poison Net Fire Net
Goopy Stat box Idea: Maestro Nation94
saturn-32 - heres your damn ansi you god-damned slavedriver! :
mass delusion - i am nota crook! i am not a crook! :
deranged evil - that loader sounds good even on my pc speaker :
betrayer - hows this for my first shiver ansi?
maurice - eat a fat dickyou packaged rebellion crashing fuck!!
s greets greets greets grees greets greets greets grees greets greets gr
zh-tse1.ans195 lines long90 original 10 maestros goop
h whats up all? yes this is zipperhead,
the artist you hate to hate. im doing
/ this ansi for an old homie. me and
saturn-32 go way back. hes the one who
s got me in mft. so call him up! anyways,
h if you want a kool 100+ line ansi, logo,
i or sextoys for yo momma, you can reach me
v on belfast, packaged rebellion, the sonic
e equinox, or any other cool art board im on.
zh of shiver hits you with another 100+ line ansi
spawn and batman are taken from images spawn vs. batman
saturn-32s the sonic equinox
602-841-0624 NUP:Force Ten
16.8 Dual Good Msgs No Ratios
staff: Saturn-32ROCK/LL2
Lancelot Dist/Member Board
ROCK Magazine HQ/Member Board
Spit Dist Fire Dist Poison Dist
Shiver Member Board
Alive Member Board
Poison Net Fire Net
Goopy Stat box Idea: Maestro Nation94
saturn-32 - heres your damn ansi you god-damned slavedriver! :
mass delusion - i am nota crook! i am not a crook! :
deranged evil - that loader sounds good even on my pc speaker :
betrayer - hows this for my first shiver ansi?
maurice - eat a fat dickyou packaged rebellion crashing fuck!!
s greets greets greets grees greets greets greets grees greets greets gr
zh-tse1.ans195 lines long90 original 10 maestros goop
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