this image contains text
thats a colly for a board called recoil... fer phluid.
. oO / .
.. menu name ..
command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
---------------- r e c o i l o p d b y p h l u i d ----------------
: -mjay?!:
: goodbye pal, bring some shit next time ya call :
heres da quote of da week:
if ya let it go, just make shure it wont go in my face
. wELL cUM tEW... .
: rECOIL, oPERATED bY pHLUID... rUNNING xxxxxxx v.xxx :
. xx.x mODEM, xx bLASTING lINES. .
. a r e a l i s t .
first file area name fourth file area name
: second file area name fifth file area name :
. third file area name sixth file area name .
/ / / -mjay?!
c o n f e r e n c e s
: conference 1 conference 4 :
. conference 2 conference 5 .
conference 3 conference 6
greets: phluid.
. oO / .
.. menu name ..
command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
command line command line command line
---------------- r e c o i l o p d b y p h l u i d ----------------
: -mjay?!:
: goodbye pal, bring some shit next time ya call :
heres da quote of da week:
if ya let it go, just make shure it wont go in my face
. wELL cUM tEW... .
: rECOIL, oPERATED bY pHLUID... rUNNING xxxxxxx v.xxx :
. xx.x mODEM, xx bLASTING lINES. .
. a r e a l i s t .
first file area name fourth file area name
: second file area name fifth file area name :
. third file area name sixth file area name .
/ / / -mjay?!
c o n f e r e n c e s
: conference 1 conference 4 :
. conference 2 conference 5 .
conference 3 conference 6
greets: phluid.
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