![Info File for July 1997 by KB/HM](/pack/skism-07/x1/9707NEWS.ANS.png)
this image contains text
Infofile for July 1997
After hearing that One finally died, at about
the same time Skism pack 6 wasreleased, Kracker Jack
, who had a guest appearance in that pack has joined
us asa full-time ansi artist. We welcome him to our
ranks with warm smiles and lotsof handshakes...or so
mething. Also, Pontiff has finally decided to start
releasing again after his very long break. Mystic, a
n up-and-coming coder from our area has also joined o
ur ranks and will be helping out alot with the emag a
nd oth-er odd coding jobs we can think of. Rubix-
69 will be making some neat technosongs to go with mi
ne. Homer left after saying fuck your group during
a long,pointless debate on Trolls BBS Under the Bri
dge. It is rumored that he didntactually quit and
it was an accident, but he was still being a jerk an
d decidedthat our group sucked anyways..UPDATE: Homer
is now back in Skism, aftering hav-ing appologized t
o Kobb and asking to be back in the group. Also, one
week bef-ore this pack was released, we picked up M
C1 for bbs modding and lit, and MxPxfor ansi, ascii,
and bbs modding, and xavii for ascii. Ok, one REALL
Y died thistime, as Formaldehyde merged the remaining
members with our group, we welcomethem.
Our coders are working diligently to finish a
text viewer for our new elect-ronic magazine, SKiSMA
TiK, and will afterwards begin work on a vga version.
Thetext-based one is scheduled for release in pack
8, while the vga one has no timeof release just yet.
The E-Mag is going good, and growing with each re
lease.EMAG UPDATE: Yours truly, after spending many
nights up late working hard withmy coding skills, ma
naged to pull together a fairly decent ansi-based vie
wer forthe emag, with full fading and line-by-line sc
rolling I didnt have time to doa smooth scrolling
version...maybe next month?. Anyways, we will be co
ntinuingto work hard on getting this emag to vga.
Then Pyromanaic will be joining ourranks as an on-sce
ne reporter for interviews and reviews of various art
new blood
As always, we are always looking out for peopl
e to join Skism, and we alwaysconsider every applica
tion we receive. To apply to skism, run the skism ap
plic-ation generator program skapp.exe and upload
the .app file to South of Heavenat 847/490-0172, alon
g with a few samples of your prior work *necessary f
or ad-mission to the group*. You will be notified o
f our decision within two days.
bbs modding?
Well, the demand for bbs mods these days has
drastically declined. It seemsas though anything tha
t you may need for a board to be modded has been done
, andto do it again would just be stupid. We are de
ciding amongst ourselves whetherto keep the bbs moddi
ng department or to just forget about it, and let peo
ple goget some bbs modding packs. The final decis
ion will be included in the nextpacks info file.
Confused with this info file? Good. I did such a good
job of informing youthat your brain is too full, now
the ansis will look better! Until next month,keep o
n drawing, tracking, coding, or writing, it will pay o
ff in the end.
-- kobb.skism founder
j u l y 1
9 9 7
p a c k s
e v e n
Infofile for July 1997
After hearing that One finally died, at about
the same time Skism pack 6 wasreleased, Kracker Jack
, who had a guest appearance in that pack has joined
us asa full-time ansi artist. We welcome him to our
ranks with warm smiles and lotsof handshakes...or so
mething. Also, Pontiff has finally decided to start
releasing again after his very long break. Mystic, a
n up-and-coming coder from our area has also joined o
ur ranks and will be helping out alot with the emag a
nd oth-er odd coding jobs we can think of. Rubix-
69 will be making some neat technosongs to go with mi
ne. Homer left after saying fuck your group during
a long,pointless debate on Trolls BBS Under the Bri
dge. It is rumored that he didntactually quit and
it was an accident, but he was still being a jerk an
d decidedthat our group sucked anyways..UPDATE: Homer
is now back in Skism, aftering hav-ing appologized t
o Kobb and asking to be back in the group. Also, one
week bef-ore this pack was released, we picked up M
C1 for bbs modding and lit, and MxPxfor ansi, ascii,
and bbs modding, and xavii for ascii. Ok, one REALL
Y died thistime, as Formaldehyde merged the remaining
members with our group, we welcomethem.
Our coders are working diligently to finish a
text viewer for our new elect-ronic magazine, SKiSMA
TiK, and will afterwards begin work on a vga version.
Thetext-based one is scheduled for release in pack
8, while the vga one has no timeof release just yet.
The E-Mag is going good, and growing with each re
lease.EMAG UPDATE: Yours truly, after spending many
nights up late working hard withmy coding skills, ma
naged to pull together a fairly decent ansi-based vie
wer forthe emag, with full fading and line-by-line sc
rolling I didnt have time to doa smooth scrolling
version...maybe next month?. Anyways, we will be co
ntinuingto work hard on getting this emag to vga.
Then Pyromanaic will be joining ourranks as an on-sce
ne reporter for interviews and reviews of various art
new blood
As always, we are always looking out for peopl
e to join Skism, and we alwaysconsider every applica
tion we receive. To apply to skism, run the skism ap
plic-ation generator program skapp.exe and upload
the .app file to South of Heavenat 847/490-0172, alon
g with a few samples of your prior work *necessary f
or ad-mission to the group*. You will be notified o
f our decision within two days.
bbs modding?
Well, the demand for bbs mods these days has
drastically declined. It seemsas though anything tha
t you may need for a board to be modded has been done
, andto do it again would just be stupid. We are de
ciding amongst ourselves whetherto keep the bbs moddi
ng department or to just forget about it, and let peo
ple goget some bbs modding packs. The final decis
ion will be included in the nextpacks info file.
Confused with this info file? Good. I did such a good
job of informing youthat your brain is too full, now
the ansis will look better! Until next month,keep o
n drawing, tracking, coding, or writing, it will pay o
ff in the end.
-- kobb.skism founder
j u l y 1
9 9 7
p a c k s
e v e n
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