this image contains text
-------------- some quality boards may be listed up there ---------------
/ / /sLiVER
/ / /28/11/1995
/ // /pREsENTS: /
aN aSCii / /
pACK: / /
kTSaSC, //
/ x-ESS?, //
/ bC! 1995 /
Partically In ANSI Where Available!
p a r e n t a l w a r n i n g !
a lot of asciis are made while my
massive file transfers from several
bbses and internet. all whats
requested is requested, and all other
is done for fun. try to enjoy. this
really felt a bit too large, but...
/ / sLV
,- l/
s l i v e r ,-
- ---------------------------------------------. -.l
, . . ,. , . , sLV . ,
. , katharsisasc , .,
l ,
l l l
l/ x!eSS...
l : ,/ / /
------------------------------------ aND bC! ---+---------.
,------- l l .. l . o ---------------
j@@. dA tuRtlEzzz.
oo ---
// : l
/ // sLv/ .
, / l
girls - the wonders of the world. baari auki koko yn :
- - ------------------------------.------ - - ohoh? - - -----------
, / A
--. @ @ T . tO // aLL SK
--- / SI aRtiSTs!
// // I ,----------.
o X //
/ okI...:Lets ContiNu@ WItH a MigHty ASskee For PSNHR
/ . and eveel :
o it waS maDe whiLe a TraDe, bUT so? .
u :
btW - iT SAyS *WASSUP?* ..If You Didnt Figure It..
?? ? . ?
: ?? /
/ l / ?? . / / / ??
/ . /: / / ? ,/
/ @ ? ?
/ / : ??sLivEr?: l
?? l . . ? ?
? ?? ? ? ?
? ? --- . ??
, ? ??
?? ? / xX c ?? ? ??
? ? / -- ? ??
itkisitk onnesta, jos naisin sua kunnolla?
uPz... This OnE aLrEaDy Was TheRE, But SO?!? /
NeXt OnE LiKEs To SAy *X!ESS* to MiKee MousE.. /
dOne wHiLe a TRadE toO /
l : ,/ / /
: :!sLiver:
nEXt cUMMiNg Is Da RUMA AsscIi fOr d-mn... :
/ / / -rUMA
// /, sLaikkA--/ c /
/ : ,-- RUmour MAsters
/ / . : 1995
c o0 .
---------------- -kTS- -------------- - --- -
/ Made WhILE a TrADe- foR kTSpOzzzEh
. . /sLV
l l/
- - -------- k a t h a r s i s a s c i i 9 5 -------- - -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aRT hEAVEN fOR cARAmON! l ., l
,, , / l
. , , . , l , / , l
- --------,sLvkTS!--------------------------- - -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aToMiC GaRdEN fOr fATALiTY! l ., l
, A T O M I C G A R D E N /
/ l : / l/ / / l/ / L
/ / . l/ / : l/ / / v
operated by bkakablalblba .
supporting blalblbalb
connected to blalbllal
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cOdiNG foR CARaMON! , l ., l
its the spirit - caramon 1995
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
dARkSiDE foR TrANCER! , l ., l
l : : / : / /
. . l/ / . / :
l / l / : / l/ .
/ /sLV/
all known brainlez coders! members calls here daily. .
and other inf ois allowed to o l :
l/ /
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
//O /
:O// / / , /
l . /: / l/ / /
: l/ / : : l/ /
: l/ -------: /
l /l l/sLV
- ----------- d i s t r i b u t i o n d i r e c t o r i e s ----------- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / .::..
dIsTRO fOR cARAMONTHE cUBE! ..:::::::::::::::..
in ANSI where ever available.........:::::::::::::::::::::::::..
//O /
:O// / / , /
l . /: / l/ / /
: l/ / : : l/ /
: l/ -------: /
l /l l/sLV
- ----------- d i s t r i b u t i o n d i r e c t o r i e s ----------- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
sKuLL? fOr PiRAtEdOOdz? l ., l
,. Did you know that piracy is a crime?
,. Copying a commercial software
. , isnt legal and it causes
, ,. . money loss to the author of
. ,/. , the software.
,. But wadda hell about it
..One copy cant cause any harm..
!!! So what are you waiting?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----o------- - -
sKuLL? fOr PiRAtEdOOdz? l ,--, l -hikijtk
in ANSI, where available.. -- / on hdss!
,. Did you know that piracy is a crime?
,. Copying a commercial software
. , isnt legal and it causes
, ,. . money loss to the author of
. ,/. , the software.
,. But wadda hell about it
..One copy cant cause any harm..
!!! So what are you waiting?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
pHONEbOOTh for PuHELIN! l ., l
/ .---- - l /
/ l/ / / l/ /
-----l: / / :
/ / :. / . l
- ----/l/ ./ ,----- -
/ / l l
- ------ - - ----------ascii by sliver/ktsbc!-------------- - - ---- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
rEVoLUtION for aPOLLo! l ., l
l/ / l/ / : / / / : : :
: : . / / . . l . :
,: /sLvktS!alx!Ess : .
,::: this is da place . / :.:
:: for da informeichon.. : / :::
::. +358-m-oon-vitun-elite-jee-joo? ,::
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
uNDERgROUNd fOR CaRaMON! l ., l
. : , , h/p/a/v/c/d :
. . occultism .
: : : + other...
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
vIOLeNT sOLUTiON fOR kID cAIN l ., l
/ : / l
/ / /l . / / :l
/ //: l / l : /
. / : / :l
/ l . /
/ / .l : . : / : :
...ongelman voi toki ratkaista puhumalla, mutta toimiiko se?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
wAREz fOR PuHELIN! l ., l
/ /O /O /
/ / / /-- / /--l /
/ / l / / / / /
/ / / / l /
//Ol //
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
requEStS fOr PuHELiN. l ., l
l// / : . : / / /
: / l . . / l : : ,
l .l l / l/ . .l :
slv l l /
. l
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
gIZmOZ! fOR sWIFT! l ., l
l/ / : l / : l /
/ . l / / : . l //
/l l/ . l /
/ ----- /-- sLiver! --------/
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
kILLiNg ZoNE foR AiRWoLF l ., l
Aaaaaaaaarghz! ---------- / /,---./
// / l :l . : :
l / / / .l : . / .
/ : l .l l
: . l : ,---- l
l .l .
. , SLV
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cHoPsHOP fOr SpOONmAN! l ., l
, . , sLiveR! .
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cHiTcHAT fOr pUHELiN/CP! l ., l
,., :/O
, : l /
, , l . : / - - ----cHiT cHAT--- -
. , l
. , / . l :
/ .l :: .
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aSCiiaRT fOr pUHELiN! l ., l
/ / / / l . /
: / l/: : :/
l l/ . / / . .
: / : :l/ /
/--- sLiver --- ./ /
asciis - the wonders of the world? fuck! . /
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
sPuTNiKS wORLD fOR jUdAS/bC! l ., l
/ / / l /
/ / ----- l . / / l/
/ / / :Sliver--/
/ / l/ / . /
/ / / : l / /
//O . /
l l : x lX / ,
anarchy in finland.asc . / / //
------------------------ for the cube - ---//
l. SLV
/ / / :l/
/ : / l .
: : :: l
ll /l /l l-:-sLiver-------
l l : x lX / ,
anarchy in finland.ans . does it / / //
,----------------------work?- / / //
------------------------ for the cube - ---//
:::::::::::l::::::: ::
/ / : ,/ . : :l/
. : / :: . / l . .
:.: . : :: l
l l : x lX / ,
the cellar . / / //
------------------------ for presence - ---//
, , t h e ,. :.
, c e l l a r : , .l
. l/ / :l/ :l/
. / . / . / l /.
.,l/ l / l //, .
/ / /--sLiver-- . l,
- ---------- - - /l /l
s c e n e / a s c i i / a r f o s / d r o n e / b c ! .
s y s o p / p r e s e n c e / w h a t e v e r ,:
+ 3 8 5 - x x - x x x x x x x x ,:::
- ----------------------------------------------------:@:--
next ascii really would like to say copy to sliver l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
bC!cOPY? l/ : l l/ / l :
----------- .ll / .-----------
l,--------sLV l l
next ascii really would like to say erase to sliver l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/ l/ / l// : l/ /
,--------- ----- l l/ ----------------
bC!dEL? ----.l-----l-----.l-----.l----.sLV
next ascii really would like to say nup! to NuP! l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
l/ /
l l sLV--/0-
------l------- /-
next ascii really would like to say arctic circle to NuP! .....
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
: / /l l /
::: l/ / // : /l // /
.: .:: : . l : : // :
. :: l .---.: . . .
:::l::l::.arcticcircle------ -:----.l
: ::::::: / : l/ / // : .-----. /
. ::::: // : . : . l : l/ /:
: ::::: :l :.------l . / .
. :.:::llsLiverbC!l -----ll
: :. : hei nuppinuppinuppihanipuppeli tnneinfo!
next ascii really would like to say bC! to sLiver
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/ bRAinLEZ cODERS! / / /
l/ // / :
: / / l/ .ll
. / / slV
l/ / l . :
next ascii really would like to say members to sliver
---- cocococ
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
sLV / : l/ / / : / l/ / / : /
/ . / . l/ / / . l/ /
next ascii really would like to say boards to sliver
// -x-/-X- // c sliver of kz
l/ / l l . l . l/ /
next ascii really would like to say internet to sliver
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
.---- l ---, /.---- : ---, l
Sl : / l/ / / : . l/ /
L . l : / . / l :
next ascii really would like to say puhelin to puhelin
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/l : /l
/l / l / / / :
l l/ / : : : l/ / :----- : .
. // . . . /: .l : . :
: l :l l .l . .
:l -----sLiveR---- -----:- - l
l -------
next ascii really would like to say sounds to sliver?!
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/---- /,----. l /
,- l l : -
/ l/ l l . l l/
----------------:---------fROm oUteRzPAcE---------:--------------- - -
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ascii: download
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: puhelin
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/ / / eli kopio ohjelmia
l l / omalle kotiptteellesi.
l/ ll
/: / sLvl :
. l . .
l l l
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ascii: upload
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: puhelin
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
l-----. /
: l/ / . l l /
l / l l /
l: sLVll/
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: bc!
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
multitrio-orgasmi version 6.9s
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: copy
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
bC!cOPY? l/ : l l/ / l :
,---------- .ll / .-----------
l,--------sLV l l
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: erase
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/ l/ / l// : l/ /
,--------- ----- l l/ ----------------
bC!dEL? ----.l-----l-----.l-----.l----.sLV
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: sounds
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/---- /,----. l /
,- l l -
/ l/ l l l l/
----------------:---------fROm oUteRzPAcE---------:--------------- - -
/ / o O
greetings and respects to l l
/ / theese doodz: -----/
/ / heap -.-.-
/ / pnshr /
/ / caramon / / / / /
/ / laama / -. / / /
/ / slithermorph / /
/ / zenith l l/ l l
/ / tinyz and respects
/ / pskgubbe
/ / mikee mouse / / .
/ / / reflex -. / / / :
/ / doodle / ,/ o
/ / / sparr /l l
/ / mov
/ / trane
/ puhelin o /
/ d136 : l
/ / vision ,--.,--,.
/ slave o ./ / / ./
/ pango //
/ betacarotine
/ sternone / /
/ / vissy /./, / s o d o n t
/ / darkdruid c O d /
/ / mostly harmless / s t a r t c r y i n g
/ / hooligan --//
/ / / spuetnikokki / Y E T !
/ / / teuvo tursas :
/ / / humanoid .
/ / / shock g
/ / aids
/ / stube ,------.
/ / ousku : :::
/ / kalapuikko : . tytill on hiukset :
/ trancer . / .
/ weasel pojilla on korvat.
/ analofobia : .
/ lestic : . koirilla on jalat.
/ / holojam .
/ methyl ------
/ myssy kay tee es dominoi
/ / jipsoft
/ / / render ex-ii es es dominoi kanssa
/ / / 00
/ / / jyrk:. bee see dominoiva on mys!
/ / / dune .
/ / alpha :
/ / netron l,-.,-.
/ / braindead ,,.o.
/ / vinis /----
/ copter :
/ maniac . - ------ oTA MiNUT sYLIIN?
/ tarot
/ lobster //
/ / neocortex 3d phongpingblurpz!
/ candyman / / morphing 7800faces
/ jazz //
/ / dr.dom
/ / / fortune - XcUSE Me mEiSSR dOmiNAtORr -
/ / / johto
/ / / tpseli yask kombinaa da staempi oon
/ / / sein
/ / spikey ,---,
/ / newis / / / ----
/ / lumen / // /
/ / greaser :/ / /
/ nup! . //
/ herbie rAkKaUdeSTA.
/ lalli vAI rASkAUdeSt?
/ all the members of katharsisascii
/ / all the members of brainlez coders!
/ all the members of shiny hacking people
/ all the members of rumour masters
/ / all the members of x!ess
/ / / all the members of hiljaa! who ever you are
/ / / all the members of eilen
/ / / all the members of cool productions
/ / / all the members of ahven
/ / all the members of kosmic free music foundation
/ / all the members of kone .
/ / all the members of tehdas .
/ / all the members of naama ::
/ all the users of the tombstone :.
/ all the users of da arpacube l::::::.. .
/ all the pupils of alppilan lukio
/ all the girls who are worth looking/whatever at
/ / + all the great dudes i forgot...
/ + all the great dudes listed before this line
/ loop greetz
,sLV ,
, ,. / 7 /
, . all the material in the orginal version of this pack
is made by sliver. none of them are copied from the
others, or made with any convertors or ready fonts.
, use freely the asciis/ansis, but DO NOT REMOVE my
, signature!
: /: / .l / :
: l . : / // :
: sLvl l--- / :
: / /-/ /- // 0 // / /- /- -, 0 /- / /-/ /- :
: / .-. - / l---. -, / :
: l/llll/ :
: - w a r p e d ! - :
: my tendency for dependency, is offending me, its upending me. :
: im pretending see, to be strong and free, from my dependency. :
: its warping me. :
: so much love, so rare to dare. afraid of ever being there. :
: take me home, i need repair. take me please, to anywhere. :
: descend, all the way, all the way. :
: descended from demented men. struggle with the art of zen. :
: please dont look too close at me, you might not like, :
: what you see. :
: descend, all the way, all the way, :
: everyday, warped and seared of being there. :
: night craving sends me crawling. beg for mercy, oh, does it show? :
: a vacancy - thats full of holes. hold me please, im feeling cold. :
: descend, all the way, all the way, :
: everyday, warped and seared of being there. :
: - red hot chili peppers :
,sLV ,
, . l l , l l l /
. e-mail. sliver@tombstone.fipnet.fi
: bbs. +35803401608, msg to sliver
send me requests, comments, your ascii packs,
or whatever comes to your mind.
- sliver / few groups.
a message to TINYZ/KTS: e-mail me, let me know the situation
of the earth quaking group of ours.
a message to MIKEE MOUSE: are you busted or what the hell?
e-mail me if possible. i have some
important things to talk about!
a message to iLAIT/BC!: e-mail to BC@TOMBSTONE.FIPNET.FI,
or send message in CM or TRIPLEX,
and now.. even this pack cant last eternally, so :
its about time to say bye, coz its THE END! :
-- -o- -o-
-o- -o- : -
7 . -
f i n a l l y , i t s a l l o v e r !
and all whats left, is right
----,-,------------ the real quality board list is here --------------,-,----
The TombStone +358-0-3401608 1.6gb Caramon v34bis
Crystal Moon +358-0-3433474 1.2gb Zenith v34bis
? +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1gb Myssy v32bis
Transcentral +358-0-2715168 1.1gb Dr.Dom v34bis
Krakpot +358-0-8094895 1.2gb d136 v32bis
Atomic Garden +358-51-3750907 0.8gb Fatality v34bis
The Cellar +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2gb Presence v34bis
Bahia Island +358-71-3644023 1.2gb Vissy v34bis
DarkSide 1 +358-0-2941594 1.8gb Trancer v32bis
2 +358-0-2940467 v34bis
Anarchy In Finland +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.5gb The Cube v34bis
Arctic Circle +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x.xgb NuP! v34bis
... these bbs:es sure are worth calling at ...
----,-,-------- some quality boards MAY BE listed down there ---------,-,----
/ / /sLiVER
/ / /28/11/1995
/ // /pREsENTS: /
aN aSCii / /
pACK: / /
kTSaSC, //
/ x-ESS?, //
/ bC! 1995 /
Partically In ANSI Where Available!
p a r e n t a l w a r n i n g !
a lot of asciis are made while my
massive file transfers from several
bbses and internet. all whats
requested is requested, and all other
is done for fun. try to enjoy. this
really felt a bit too large, but...
/ / sLV
,- l/
s l i v e r ,-
- ---------------------------------------------. -.l
, . . ,. , . , sLV . ,
. , katharsisasc , .,
l ,
l l l
l/ x!eSS...
l : ,/ / /
------------------------------------ aND bC! ---+---------.
,------- l l .. l . o ---------------
j@@. dA tuRtlEzzz.
oo ---
// : l
/ // sLv/ .
, / l
girls - the wonders of the world. baari auki koko yn :
- - ------------------------------.------ - - ohoh? - - -----------
, / A
--. @ @ T . tO // aLL SK
--- / SI aRtiSTs!
// // I ,----------.
o X //
/ okI...:Lets ContiNu@ WItH a MigHty ASskee For PSNHR
/ . and eveel :
o it waS maDe whiLe a TraDe, bUT so? .
u :
btW - iT SAyS *WASSUP?* ..If You Didnt Figure It..
?? ? . ?
: ?? /
/ l / ?? . / / / ??
/ . /: / / ? ,/
/ @ ? ?
/ / : ??sLivEr?: l
?? l . . ? ?
? ?? ? ? ?
? ? --- . ??
, ? ??
?? ? / xX c ?? ? ??
? ? / -- ? ??
itkisitk onnesta, jos naisin sua kunnolla?
uPz... This OnE aLrEaDy Was TheRE, But SO?!? /
NeXt OnE LiKEs To SAy *X!ESS* to MiKee MousE.. /
dOne wHiLe a TRadE toO /
l : ,/ / /
: :!sLiver:
nEXt cUMMiNg Is Da RUMA AsscIi fOr d-mn... :
/ / / -rUMA
// /, sLaikkA--/ c /
/ : ,-- RUmour MAsters
/ / . : 1995
c o0 .
---------------- -kTS- -------------- - --- -
/ Made WhILE a TrADe- foR kTSpOzzzEh
. . /sLV
l l/
- - -------- k a t h a r s i s a s c i i 9 5 -------- - -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aRT hEAVEN fOR cARAmON! l ., l
,, , / l
. , , . , l , / , l
- --------,sLvkTS!--------------------------- - -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aToMiC GaRdEN fOr fATALiTY! l ., l
, A T O M I C G A R D E N /
/ l : / l/ / / l/ / L
/ / . l/ / : l/ / / v
operated by bkakablalblba .
supporting blalblbalb
connected to blalbllal
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cOdiNG foR CARaMON! , l ., l
its the spirit - caramon 1995
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
dARkSiDE foR TrANCER! , l ., l
l : : / : / /
. . l/ / . / :
l / l / : / l/ .
/ /sLV/
all known brainlez coders! members calls here daily. .
and other inf ois allowed to o l :
l/ /
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
//O /
:O// / / , /
l . /: / l/ / /
: l/ / : : l/ /
: l/ -------: /
l /l l/sLV
- ----------- d i s t r i b u t i o n d i r e c t o r i e s ----------- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / .::..
dIsTRO fOR cARAMONTHE cUBE! ..:::::::::::::::..
in ANSI where ever available.........:::::::::::::::::::::::::..
//O /
:O// / / , /
l . /: / l/ / /
: l/ / : : l/ /
: l/ -------: /
l /l l/sLV
- ----------- d i s t r i b u t i o n d i r e c t o r i e s ----------- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
sKuLL? fOr PiRAtEdOOdz? l ., l
,. Did you know that piracy is a crime?
,. Copying a commercial software
. , isnt legal and it causes
, ,. . money loss to the author of
. ,/. , the software.
,. But wadda hell about it
..One copy cant cause any harm..
!!! So what are you waiting?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----o------- - -
sKuLL? fOr PiRAtEdOOdz? l ,--, l -hikijtk
in ANSI, where available.. -- / on hdss!
,. Did you know that piracy is a crime?
,. Copying a commercial software
. , isnt legal and it causes
, ,. . money loss to the author of
. ,/. , the software.
,. But wadda hell about it
..One copy cant cause any harm..
!!! So what are you waiting?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
pHONEbOOTh for PuHELIN! l ., l
/ .---- - l /
/ l/ / / l/ /
-----l: / / :
/ / :. / . l
- ----/l/ ./ ,----- -
/ / l l
- ------ - - ----------ascii by sliver/ktsbc!-------------- - - ---- -
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
rEVoLUtION for aPOLLo! l ., l
l/ / l/ / : / / / : : :
: : . / / . . l . :
,: /sLvktS!alx!Ess : .
,::: this is da place . / :.:
:: for da informeichon.. : / :::
::. +358-m-oon-vitun-elite-jee-joo? ,::
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
uNDERgROUNd fOR CaRaMON! l ., l
. : , , h/p/a/v/c/d :
. . occultism .
: : : + other...
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
vIOLeNT sOLUTiON fOR kID cAIN l ., l
/ : / l
/ / /l . / / :l
/ //: l / l : /
. / : / :l
/ l . /
/ / .l : . : / : :
...ongelman voi toki ratkaista puhumalla, mutta toimiiko se?
nEXt tHing WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
wAREz fOR PuHELIN! l ., l
/ /O /O /
/ / / /-- / /--l /
/ / l / / / / /
/ / / / l /
//Ol //
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
requEStS fOr PuHELiN. l ., l
l// / : . : / / /
: / l . . / l : : ,
l .l l / l/ . .l :
slv l l /
. l
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
gIZmOZ! fOR sWIFT! l ., l
l/ / : l / : l /
/ . l / / : . l //
/l l/ . l /
/ ----- /-- sLiver! --------/
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
kILLiNg ZoNE foR AiRWoLF l ., l
Aaaaaaaaarghz! ---------- / /,---./
// / l :l . : :
l / / / .l : . / .
/ : l .l l
: . l : ,---- l
l .l .
. , SLV
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cHoPsHOP fOr SpOONmAN! l ., l
, . , sLiveR! .
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
cHiTcHAT fOr pUHELiN/CP! l ., l
,., :/O
, : l /
, , l . : / - - ----cHiT cHAT--- -
. , l
. , / . l :
/ .l :: .
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
aSCiiaRT fOr pUHELiN! l ., l
/ / / / l . /
: / l/: : :/
l l/ . / / . .
: / : :l/ /
/--- sLiver --- ./ /
asciis - the wonders of the world? fuck! . /
nEXt aSSki WiLL be / cCCCCCCCCc
-----oo------- - -
sPuTNiKS wORLD fOR jUdAS/bC! l ., l
/ / / l /
/ / ----- l . / / l/
/ / / :Sliver--/
/ / l/ / . /
/ / / : l / /
//O . /
l l : x lX / ,
anarchy in finland.asc . / / //
------------------------ for the cube - ---//
l. SLV
/ / / :l/
/ : / l .
: : :: l
ll /l /l l-:-sLiver-------
l l : x lX / ,
anarchy in finland.ans . does it / / //
,----------------------work?- / / //
------------------------ for the cube - ---//
:::::::::::l::::::: ::
/ / : ,/ . : :l/
. : / :: . / l . .
:.: . : :: l
l l : x lX / ,
the cellar . / / //
------------------------ for presence - ---//
, , t h e ,. :.
, c e l l a r : , .l
. l/ / :l/ :l/
. / . / . / l /.
.,l/ l / l //, .
/ / /--sLiver-- . l,
- ---------- - - /l /l
s c e n e / a s c i i / a r f o s / d r o n e / b c ! .
s y s o p / p r e s e n c e / w h a t e v e r ,:
+ 3 8 5 - x x - x x x x x x x x ,:::
- ----------------------------------------------------:@:--
next ascii really would like to say copy to sliver l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
bC!cOPY? l/ : l l/ / l :
----------- .ll / .-----------
l,--------sLV l l
next ascii really would like to say erase to sliver l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/ l/ / l// : l/ /
,--------- ----- l l/ ----------------
bC!dEL? ----.l-----l-----.l-----.l----.sLV
next ascii really would like to say nup! to NuP! l
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
l/ /
l l sLV--/0-
------l------- /-
next ascii really would like to say arctic circle to NuP! .....
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
: / /l l /
::: l/ / // : /l // /
.: .:: : . l : : // :
. :: l .---.: . . .
:::l::l::.arcticcircle------ -:----.l
: ::::::: / : l/ / // : .-----. /
. ::::: // : . : . l : l/ /:
: ::::: :l :.------l . / .
. :.:::llsLiverbC!l -----ll
: :. : hei nuppinuppinuppihanipuppeli tnneinfo!
next ascii really would like to say bC! to sLiver
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/ bRAinLEZ cODERS! / / /
l/ // / :
: / / l/ .ll
. / / slV
l/ / l . :
next ascii really would like to say members to sliver
---- cocococ
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
sLV / : l/ / / : / l/ / / : /
/ . / . l/ / / . l/ /
next ascii really would like to say boards to sliver
// -x-/-X- // c sliver of kz
l/ / l l . l . l/ /
next ascii really would like to say internet to sliver
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
.---- l ---, /.---- : ---, l
Sl : / l/ / / : . l/ /
L . l : / . / l :
next ascii really would like to say puhelin to puhelin
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/l : /l
/l / l / / / :
l l/ / : : : l/ / :----- : .
. // . . . /: .l : . :
: l :l l .l . .
:l -----sLiveR---- -----:- - l
l -------
next ascii really would like to say sounds to sliver?!
// --/-- // c sliver of kz
/---- /,----. l /
,- l l : -
/ l/ l l . l l/
----------------:---------fROm oUteRzPAcE---------:--------------- - -
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ascii: download
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: puhelin
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/ / / eli kopio ohjelmia
l l / omalle kotiptteellesi.
l/ ll
/: / sLvl :
. l . .
l l l
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ascii: upload
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: puhelin
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
l-----. /
: l/ / . l l /
l / l l /
l: sLVll/
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: bc!
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
multitrio-orgasmi version 6.9s
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: copy
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
bC!cOPY? l/ : l l/ / l :
,---------- .ll / .-----------
l,--------sLV l l
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: erase
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/ l/ / l// : l/ /
,--------- ----- l l/ ----------------
bC!dEL? ----.l-----l-----.l-----.l----.sLV
--l--/-----------------------------------+----------------------- -
gIRLS, tHE wONDERS oF tHE wORLD ansi: sounds
--- -------------------------------------+ req by: sliver
//l/ made by sliver maybe? l l --------------- - -
/---- /,----. l /
,- l l -
/ l/ l l l l/
----------------:---------fROm oUteRzPAcE---------:--------------- - -
/ / o O
greetings and respects to l l
/ / theese doodz: -----/
/ / heap -.-.-
/ / pnshr /
/ / caramon / / / / /
/ / laama / -. / / /
/ / slithermorph / /
/ / zenith l l/ l l
/ / tinyz and respects
/ / pskgubbe
/ / mikee mouse / / .
/ / / reflex -. / / / :
/ / doodle / ,/ o
/ / / sparr /l l
/ / mov
/ / trane
/ puhelin o /
/ d136 : l
/ / vision ,--.,--,.
/ slave o ./ / / ./
/ pango //
/ betacarotine
/ sternone / /
/ / vissy /./, / s o d o n t
/ / darkdruid c O d /
/ / mostly harmless / s t a r t c r y i n g
/ / hooligan --//
/ / / spuetnikokki / Y E T !
/ / / teuvo tursas :
/ / / humanoid .
/ / / shock g
/ / aids
/ / stube ,------.
/ / ousku : :::
/ / kalapuikko : . tytill on hiukset :
/ trancer . / .
/ weasel pojilla on korvat.
/ analofobia : .
/ lestic : . koirilla on jalat.
/ / holojam .
/ methyl ------
/ myssy kay tee es dominoi
/ / jipsoft
/ / / render ex-ii es es dominoi kanssa
/ / / 00
/ / / jyrk:. bee see dominoiva on mys!
/ / / dune .
/ / alpha :
/ / netron l,-.,-.
/ / braindead ,,.o.
/ / vinis /----
/ copter :
/ maniac . - ------ oTA MiNUT sYLIIN?
/ tarot
/ lobster //
/ / neocortex 3d phongpingblurpz!
/ candyman / / morphing 7800faces
/ jazz //
/ / dr.dom
/ / / fortune - XcUSE Me mEiSSR dOmiNAtORr -
/ / / johto
/ / / tpseli yask kombinaa da staempi oon
/ / / sein
/ / spikey ,---,
/ / newis / / / ----
/ / lumen / // /
/ / greaser :/ / /
/ nup! . //
/ herbie rAkKaUdeSTA.
/ lalli vAI rASkAUdeSt?
/ all the members of katharsisascii
/ / all the members of brainlez coders!
/ all the members of shiny hacking people
/ all the members of rumour masters
/ / all the members of x!ess
/ / / all the members of hiljaa! who ever you are
/ / / all the members of eilen
/ / / all the members of cool productions
/ / / all the members of ahven
/ / all the members of kosmic free music foundation
/ / all the members of kone .
/ / all the members of tehdas .
/ / all the members of naama ::
/ all the users of the tombstone :.
/ all the users of da arpacube l::::::.. .
/ all the pupils of alppilan lukio
/ all the girls who are worth looking/whatever at
/ / + all the great dudes i forgot...
/ + all the great dudes listed before this line
/ loop greetz
,sLV ,
, ,. / 7 /
, . all the material in the orginal version of this pack
is made by sliver. none of them are copied from the
others, or made with any convertors or ready fonts.
, use freely the asciis/ansis, but DO NOT REMOVE my
, signature!
: /: / .l / :
: l . : / // :
: sLvl l--- / :
: / /-/ /- // 0 // / /- /- -, 0 /- / /-/ /- :
: / .-. - / l---. -, / :
: l/llll/ :
: - w a r p e d ! - :
: my tendency for dependency, is offending me, its upending me. :
: im pretending see, to be strong and free, from my dependency. :
: its warping me. :
: so much love, so rare to dare. afraid of ever being there. :
: take me home, i need repair. take me please, to anywhere. :
: descend, all the way, all the way. :
: descended from demented men. struggle with the art of zen. :
: please dont look too close at me, you might not like, :
: what you see. :
: descend, all the way, all the way, :
: everyday, warped and seared of being there. :
: night craving sends me crawling. beg for mercy, oh, does it show? :
: a vacancy - thats full of holes. hold me please, im feeling cold. :
: descend, all the way, all the way, :
: everyday, warped and seared of being there. :
: - red hot chili peppers :
,sLV ,
, . l l , l l l /
. e-mail. sliver@tombstone.fipnet.fi
: bbs. +35803401608, msg to sliver
send me requests, comments, your ascii packs,
or whatever comes to your mind.
- sliver / few groups.
a message to TINYZ/KTS: e-mail me, let me know the situation
of the earth quaking group of ours.
a message to MIKEE MOUSE: are you busted or what the hell?
e-mail me if possible. i have some
important things to talk about!
a message to iLAIT/BC!: e-mail to BC@TOMBSTONE.FIPNET.FI,
or send message in CM or TRIPLEX,
and now.. even this pack cant last eternally, so :
its about time to say bye, coz its THE END! :
-- -o- -o-
-o- -o- : -
7 . -
f i n a l l y , i t s a l l o v e r !
and all whats left, is right
----,-,------------ the real quality board list is here --------------,-,----
The TombStone +358-0-3401608 1.6gb Caramon v34bis
Crystal Moon +358-0-3433474 1.2gb Zenith v34bis
? +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1gb Myssy v32bis
Transcentral +358-0-2715168 1.1gb Dr.Dom v34bis
Krakpot +358-0-8094895 1.2gb d136 v32bis
Atomic Garden +358-51-3750907 0.8gb Fatality v34bis
The Cellar +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2gb Presence v34bis
Bahia Island +358-71-3644023 1.2gb Vissy v34bis
DarkSide 1 +358-0-2941594 1.8gb Trancer v32bis
2 +358-0-2940467 v34bis
Anarchy In Finland +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0.5gb The Cube v34bis
Arctic Circle +xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x.xgb NuP! v34bis
... these bbs:es sure are worth calling at ...
----,-,-------- some quality boards MAY BE listed down there ---------,-,----
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