this image contains text
NOTE: dont view this with menta view it doesnt view the whole thing
society iNfo@!! phoo
well, heres societys pack2, hope you have FUNNNN!!! i sure am!@
heres some news about the ascii div... this is the last pack in which
soc!ascii will release under the name society and in a society pack.... :
soc!ascii is now called morph!ascii and is a division of society... it is run
by wishbringer yeah, that cool phunky lil pink dude... and with the help of frgnfruz, warhawk, blackdawn, subsonic, desperado and some other l33t people.
since danger mouse didnt wanna be ansi co-ord no more, i appointed
illusionX and soul stalker as the new ansi co-ords!
...also, oddballco-founder was missing in action, so our beloved lil
martian judge dredd has replaced him as co-founder well, now we call it prez
...and, that lil fucker sinful flesh has been trying to fuck up society and well this is what we have to say to you sflesh ... FUCK OFF YOU STUPID
BITCH!!!!, that goes to propane too aswell...
...this month weve had some really cool guest entries... id like to
thank, 1 MONGI - for that awesome society 25 liner, which we used for the
memberlist 2 HANDIBOY - for that pod logo 3 DFUSE - for that
l33t eye thing! 4 FLIGHT - for that soc logo that started off as a
joint that we used here... 5 BIOGEN - for that 2 min old school ascii
6 SADISTIC INTENT - cool society logo.
id like to thank everyone who helped with the pack, and everyone who guested
or who did joints...
...more stuff? you want more? WELL YER NOT GETTING IT!@@
l e f t
sadistic intent... went onto sliver
inertia... left due to lack of time
blind sniper... leaving the scene
menace.. went on to pursue his dreams in awe
theruiner... sticky stuff founder,, yeah glue
toxix... kicked due to inactivity
deepsome.. left the scene
rzarector.. inactive?! :
cyanide... left for uhhh dunno
lord draracle... said he was quitting the scene
freefall... left to pursue vga
dracula... left to help with rca
krage... uhh, died?
cryptic... left the scene
erage... died?
bludwulf... killed himself yeah suicide
dropped VGA division
j o i n e d
illusionX... yeah that l33t dude whos now ansi co-ord
reanimator... that awesome dude from twilight joins us
jekyll... a cool pic artist!
concisis... down from magma!
crash... yeah that god!
the silent killer... wow major l33tness joined us!
gz... a cool coder from mercury!
desperado... from the late fuel!a
sims... a cool artist!
words from some seniors //
wishbringer ascii co-ordinator
I am looking forward to the new ascii group, well not exactly new. but we
can be called a new group in other peoples opinions. Morph!ascii will be a
pretty good adition to society. Soc!a was a good thing for society but most
ascii artists like to be in a all ascii group. I am sure the other artists
in society will like it better. The idea of morph was trigered by me and
archangel! yeah that l33t dude as arch would say! We will be a good
compition to other groups! well not remorse just yet! all you ascii
doods that i cant get a hold of. soc!a members.. gimme a shout at
morpha@hotmail.com thanks all will be talking to you in the next morph pack.
poison coding co-ordinator
When i first heard of Society, i thought it was just some new group, that
wouldnt go anywhere. Man was i wrong. Having seen the memberlist in the first
pack, i was amazed. I bet the new memberlist is even better. But anyway, im
sure you already know about this stuff, so ill stop talking nonsense.
Over the past month, i have seen many people come and go. some have been cool
people, some lame, but there has been an amazing flow.
I joined society in its early days as an ansi artist and coder, and i was
very happy to become a senior. The viewer kicked ass last month, and itll be
even better this time. I also had great fun coding the application and request
generator, which had their fair share of fuckups :.
Upon witnessing the birth of morph!ascii societys ascii division, of which
WishBringer is the head, it looks very promising. From the ideas i saw he had
on Irc, its gonna be good, and i look forward to seeing their premier.
One thing that really annoyed me these past few weeks were some lame
wannabies. This is namely WhiteZombie, who just abused his status in the
channel. I hope youre the last.
info about...
m e n t a v i e w --
well, the latest version on mentaview is in this pack!@
mentaview is the society viewer coded by one of our coding
co-ordinators mfire! this is the updated version that can
now view ansi, ascii, rip, some vga, and now bin aswell
m e n t a v i e w
wbs boarddwhq - ontario/canada fatal revengebrazil hq - sp/brazil
XXXXXX-XXXX wait!!@ - wb +55-11-7295-1015 - bad worm
scentmember-brd - alberta/canada the abcb cafetelnet hq - telnet
000000-0000 not up yet - toxix abcb.dyn.ml.org / 808292-1640 - kyo .
neon crayonmember-brd - ont/canada chronic orgaismmember-brd - uk
519472-1350 - mafesto 44-161-427-8214 - poison
the lost citydistro - ont/canada Perverse Fascinationukhq - uk
905294-7602 - psyOnide 44-181-262-9581 - triton
the power of the darksidemb-sc/usa total mass confusioncodinghq? - usa 864639-1007 - bobafett USHQ 606331-9453 - judge dredd
digital rainmember-brd - isreal total mass confusioncodinghq? - usa +972-6-6454979 - spitfire IHQ 606331-9453 - judge dredd
the euphoriummember-brd - nc/usa the living endcanadian hq - tor/can 919!NO-xxxx - nitemare 905XXX-XXXX - lord q
saltdistro board - alberta/canada
403459-0058 - sadistic intent
greets go out to black jack, serial2n, sargon, hitek, tna, fluor, hennifer, warpus, absent spinsister, burps, sor, mr4tune, lint, zeusII, mrage, nahal, everyone else i forgot...
society iNfo@!! phoo
well, heres societys pack2, hope you have FUNNNN!!! i sure am!@
heres some news about the ascii div... this is the last pack in which
soc!ascii will release under the name society and in a society pack.... :
soc!ascii is now called morph!ascii and is a division of society... it is run
by wishbringer yeah, that cool phunky lil pink dude... and with the help of frgnfruz, warhawk, blackdawn, subsonic, desperado and some other l33t people.
since danger mouse didnt wanna be ansi co-ord no more, i appointed
illusionX and soul stalker as the new ansi co-ords!
...also, oddballco-founder was missing in action, so our beloved lil
martian judge dredd has replaced him as co-founder well, now we call it prez
...and, that lil fucker sinful flesh has been trying to fuck up society and well this is what we have to say to you sflesh ... FUCK OFF YOU STUPID
BITCH!!!!, that goes to propane too aswell...
...this month weve had some really cool guest entries... id like to
thank, 1 MONGI - for that awesome society 25 liner, which we used for the
memberlist 2 HANDIBOY - for that pod logo 3 DFUSE - for that
l33t eye thing! 4 FLIGHT - for that soc logo that started off as a
joint that we used here... 5 BIOGEN - for that 2 min old school ascii
6 SADISTIC INTENT - cool society logo.
id like to thank everyone who helped with the pack, and everyone who guested
or who did joints...
...more stuff? you want more? WELL YER NOT GETTING IT!@@
l e f t
sadistic intent... went onto sliver
inertia... left due to lack of time
blind sniper... leaving the scene
menace.. went on to pursue his dreams in awe
theruiner... sticky stuff founder,, yeah glue
toxix... kicked due to inactivity
deepsome.. left the scene
rzarector.. inactive?! :
cyanide... left for uhhh dunno
lord draracle... said he was quitting the scene
freefall... left to pursue vga
dracula... left to help with rca
krage... uhh, died?
cryptic... left the scene
erage... died?
bludwulf... killed himself yeah suicide
dropped VGA division
j o i n e d
illusionX... yeah that l33t dude whos now ansi co-ord
reanimator... that awesome dude from twilight joins us
jekyll... a cool pic artist!
concisis... down from magma!
crash... yeah that god!
the silent killer... wow major l33tness joined us!
gz... a cool coder from mercury!
desperado... from the late fuel!a
sims... a cool artist!
words from some seniors //
wishbringer ascii co-ordinator
I am looking forward to the new ascii group, well not exactly new. but we
can be called a new group in other peoples opinions. Morph!ascii will be a
pretty good adition to society. Soc!a was a good thing for society but most
ascii artists like to be in a all ascii group. I am sure the other artists
in society will like it better. The idea of morph was trigered by me and
archangel! yeah that l33t dude as arch would say! We will be a good
compition to other groups! well not remorse just yet! all you ascii
doods that i cant get a hold of. soc!a members.. gimme a shout at
morpha@hotmail.com thanks all will be talking to you in the next morph pack.
poison coding co-ordinator
When i first heard of Society, i thought it was just some new group, that
wouldnt go anywhere. Man was i wrong. Having seen the memberlist in the first
pack, i was amazed. I bet the new memberlist is even better. But anyway, im
sure you already know about this stuff, so ill stop talking nonsense.
Over the past month, i have seen many people come and go. some have been cool
people, some lame, but there has been an amazing flow.
I joined society in its early days as an ansi artist and coder, and i was
very happy to become a senior. The viewer kicked ass last month, and itll be
even better this time. I also had great fun coding the application and request
generator, which had their fair share of fuckups :.
Upon witnessing the birth of morph!ascii societys ascii division, of which
WishBringer is the head, it looks very promising. From the ideas i saw he had
on Irc, its gonna be good, and i look forward to seeing their premier.
One thing that really annoyed me these past few weeks were some lame
wannabies. This is namely WhiteZombie, who just abused his status in the
channel. I hope youre the last.
info about...
m e n t a v i e w --
well, the latest version on mentaview is in this pack!@
mentaview is the society viewer coded by one of our coding
co-ordinators mfire! this is the updated version that can
now view ansi, ascii, rip, some vga, and now bin aswell
m e n t a v i e w
wbs boarddwhq - ontario/canada fatal revengebrazil hq - sp/brazil
XXXXXX-XXXX wait!!@ - wb +55-11-7295-1015 - bad worm
scentmember-brd - alberta/canada the abcb cafetelnet hq - telnet
000000-0000 not up yet - toxix abcb.dyn.ml.org / 808292-1640 - kyo .
neon crayonmember-brd - ont/canada chronic orgaismmember-brd - uk
519472-1350 - mafesto 44-161-427-8214 - poison
the lost citydistro - ont/canada Perverse Fascinationukhq - uk
905294-7602 - psyOnide 44-181-262-9581 - triton
the power of the darksidemb-sc/usa total mass confusioncodinghq? - usa 864639-1007 - bobafett USHQ 606331-9453 - judge dredd
digital rainmember-brd - isreal total mass confusioncodinghq? - usa +972-6-6454979 - spitfire IHQ 606331-9453 - judge dredd
the euphoriummember-brd - nc/usa the living endcanadian hq - tor/can 919!NO-xxxx - nitemare 905XXX-XXXX - lord q
saltdistro board - alberta/canada
403459-0058 - sadistic intent
greets go out to black jack, serial2n, sargon, hitek, tna, fluor, hennifer, warpus, absent spinsister, burps, sor, mr4tune, lint, zeusII, mrage, nahal, everyone else i forgot...
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