this image contains text
Splatt Pack 2 December 1, 1996
Wow. Youd be surprised how much of a hit Splatt
pack 1 was. I
cant even remember how many people messaged me on irc and said
that pack
ruled or cool, how can I join? One person even said
, Cool pack. Want
some more pics like that? So this little joke isn
t that stupid, is it?
If it makes some people happy, the least I can do is take an hour
out of a
month to do a header for this file and to write a little bit that
s been on
my mind. Id just like to say that we take no cred
it for these pictures
featured in the Splatt packs, we did not
take them, we simply made a large
compilation of them and are releasing about 20 every month
. If you didnt
like the first pack, then you probably shouldnt go any further t
han this
in the newsletter. If you did like the pack, then you
re cool. There are
more to come. :
-- The Silent Killer
Well, its another month of Splatt and Im sure yo
ure all looking
forward to see what weve got in store for you this month, but fi
rst read our
newsletter! Weve had a lot of comments on SPLT1196.ZIP
after its release.
Some good, some bad, and some we dont want to discuss. We will
talk about
that later, but first lets talk about Splatt. Though
we are the only group
to release pictures of dead mutilated people, we ar
e still a group. What do
you do when you see a group offering a pack you dont like? You
dont get it
of course. That is the only advice i can give you people that fi
nd pictures
of dead people offending. DONT GET THE FUCKING PACK!
But.. I know there are
those of you out there that, for some reason, love looking at pic
tures of dead
mutilated bodies. That is what we are here for. Ok, lets get o
n with this..
--- What the scene had to say about SPLT1196.ZIP irc quot
es ---
litoz umm its too sick and stuff..
ir it was wIERd!@
eVer splattgay
glue splatt isnt gay
magnatOp if somebody likes those packs theyre stupid as all
fucking hell
spo0k this pack is the most worthless waste of a half meg, i
f you look at
this and enjoy it, or think its a funny joke, yer a sick worthles
fuck... i hope the fact that ppl were mutilated and had their brai
smashed in just so you could have a few laughs makes you sleep bet
pariah i thought it kicked ass
greyy splt1196.zip rocked..
nahal splatt scared the shit out of me
follower made me think twice about scattering my brains all
over the wall
with a shotgun
flair it was interesting, im not into that kind of stuff..
but it didnt
offend me or anything
mossy it was cool, cause i like grotesk pictures like that..
I find them
astream its like porn.. but more blood
KyoO that splatt pack was fucking nasty
illogic leet
As you can see there were mixed feelings about the pack. Eit
her people
were immature and said you should be shot, like some
people that will stay
un-named. Or there were the people that didnt mind, or even lik
ed, the pack.
You may be thinking, Who the hell would want to download th
is crap?? but..
you may be surprised that when I offered SPLT1196.ZIP,
I got a total of 66
gets! Well, enough of this talk, go look at the pic
s... if you havent
-- skatter
Member Listings ..
Handle Position Specialty
1......The Silent Killer............
Pic Gatherer.......Ascii
6......The Guardian.................
The Silent Killer
Wow. Youd be surprised how much of a hit Splatt
pack 1 was. I
cant even remember how many people messaged me on irc and said
that pack
ruled or cool, how can I join? One person even said
, Cool pack. Want
some more pics like that? So this little joke isn
t that stupid, is it?
If it makes some people happy, the least I can do is take an hour
out of a
month to do a header for this file and to write a little bit that
s been on
my mind. Id just like to say that we take no cred
it for these pictures
featured in the Splatt packs, we did not
take them, we simply made a large
compilation of them and are releasing about 20 every month
. If you didnt
like the first pack, then you probably shouldnt go any further t
han this
in the newsletter. If you did like the pack, then you
re cool. There are
more to come. :
-- The Silent Killer
Well, its another month of Splatt and Im sure yo
ure all looking
forward to see what weve got in store for you this month, but fi
rst read our
newsletter! Weve had a lot of comments on SPLT1196.ZIP
after its release.
Some good, some bad, and some we dont want to discuss. We will
talk about
that later, but first lets talk about Splatt. Though
we are the only group
to release pictures of dead mutilated people, we ar
e still a group. What do
you do when you see a group offering a pack you dont like? You
dont get it
of course. That is the only advice i can give you people that fi
nd pictures
of dead people offending. DONT GET THE FUCKING PACK!
But.. I know there are
those of you out there that, for some reason, love looking at pic
tures of dead
mutilated bodies. That is what we are here for. Ok, lets get o
n with this..
--- What the scene had to say about SPLT1196.ZIP irc quot
es ---
litoz umm its too sick and stuff..
ir it was wIERd!@
eVer splattgay
glue splatt isnt gay
magnatOp if somebody likes those packs theyre stupid as all
fucking hell
spo0k this pack is the most worthless waste of a half meg, i
f you look at
this and enjoy it, or think its a funny joke, yer a sick worthles
fuck... i hope the fact that ppl were mutilated and had their brai
smashed in just so you could have a few laughs makes you sleep bet
pariah i thought it kicked ass
greyy splt1196.zip rocked..
nahal splatt scared the shit out of me
follower made me think twice about scattering my brains all
over the wall
with a shotgun
flair it was interesting, im not into that kind of stuff..
but it didnt
offend me or anything
mossy it was cool, cause i like grotesk pictures like that..
I find them
astream its like porn.. but more blood
KyoO that splatt pack was fucking nasty
illogic leet
As you can see there were mixed feelings about the pack. Eit
her people
were immature and said you should be shot, like some
people that will stay
un-named. Or there were the people that didnt mind, or even lik
ed, the pack.
You may be thinking, Who the hell would want to download th
is crap?? but..
you may be surprised that when I offered SPLT1196.ZIP,
I got a total of 66
gets! Well, enough of this talk, go look at the pic
s... if you havent
-- skatter
Member Listings ..
Handle Position Specialty
1......The Silent Killer............
Pic Gatherer.......Ascii
6......The Guardian.................
The Silent Killer
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