this image contains text
drax97 greets: gravedancer@4 * ** , ::: ::: . ,, . :: .,g, ,t, . ,, : : * . f . . . :: . : . . .:: .. * . : .: ,, . :: .: .,g,, . ,,,..,, : :.,g,, : :: :?** : :*. . . . . : . * . , :: : :: ,t, . . :: :: : ,tt, . . . , . ,, . : , . :: ,:, , :. :, , . :, ,, , , ,, , wax!ascii owns spies@ spies!ascii
i get knocked down, but i get up again, they aint never gonna keep me down.
Bad news this month, Wax died, Gravedancer and Drax killed it, because of the
way the group was treated by some artists around the scene. I personally dont
think they shouldve killed it, who gives a fuck about anyone in the scene
anywayz?! not me.
Gravedancer has joined spies - he will release his stuff here, and stay away
from scene politics. Drax has also been invited.
also joins us this month kayozz - a canadian OS artist, i think his style is
wicked, expect to see more from him in the future.
another newspy is krage - an israeli artist, wif loads of talent, and the rite
attitude. we welcome all of them, and wish them good luck.
also joins us from wax - dezibel, a kickass OS artist, youll see his stuff
in the next pack, along wif most of the other new comers.
D2mac joins the group as co-senior, and replaces luke skywalker in leading the
group wif me, he donated one ascii this month, and its kickass as usual.
spies is now known as spies/65, why?? because I feel like it.
enjoy the pack, motherfuckers.
This pack is a spies production, all rights reserved, for more information just
hack your way into www.spiez.gov/ , good luck
i get knocked down, but i get up again, they aint never gonna keep me down.
Bad news this month, Wax died, Gravedancer and Drax killed it, because of the
way the group was treated by some artists around the scene. I personally dont
think they shouldve killed it, who gives a fuck about anyone in the scene
anywayz?! not me.
Gravedancer has joined spies - he will release his stuff here, and stay away
from scene politics. Drax has also been invited.
also joins us this month kayozz - a canadian OS artist, i think his style is
wicked, expect to see more from him in the future.
another newspy is krage - an israeli artist, wif loads of talent, and the rite
attitude. we welcome all of them, and wish them good luck.
also joins us from wax - dezibel, a kickass OS artist, youll see his stuff
in the next pack, along wif most of the other new comers.
D2mac joins the group as co-senior, and replaces luke skywalker in leading the
group wif me, he donated one ascii this month, and its kickass as usual.
spies is now known as spies/65, why?? because I feel like it.
enjoy the pack, motherfuckers.
This pack is a spies production, all rights reserved, for more information just
hack your way into www.spiez.gov/ , good luck
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