this image contains text
- organizers/leaders -
pfezzyo... catonica... mendator...
- seniors -
d-vibe...db - primal rage...pr
- artists -
abnormal... ab - baltazar... bz - d-vibe... db hoodoo... ho - liithn... ln - mendator... md
mortal enemy... me - pfezzyo... pf - pharcyde... ph
polymorph... pm - primal Rage... pr - quasar... qs
sensei... se - sonofagun... sg
- VGA/RIP artists -
- coding division -
asperon... as - catonica... ca - crimson... cr
fade... fd - mag... mg - spiritseeker... ss
pfezzyo... pf - reptile... rp
- modding division -
liithn...ln - spiritseeker...ss - mendator...md
- music division -
onyx...on - zalt...zl
- internet administrators -
atomic...ac - pfezzyo...pf
white nicks Coordinators
- The distsites -
- modem communication -
board ATDT sysop pos
moose city +46-8-55O16892 catonica WHQ
diabolica 1+1-9O9-786-9854 nevarre d. W.USH
rebel base +1-718-967-5422 luke/casper E.USH
colosseum +1-9O9-985-4693 nero/seize C.USH
impure +1-514-441-554O jeepee CAN.H
shelter base 1+49-8141-34445 blade/walker EUROH
fusion n1 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx doodle SCANH
fusion n2 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx
fusion n3 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx
WANTED! --------------- AUSHQ
grind +46-87479632 liithn/spirits. MEMB
rush hour +46-8-261591 crimson MEMB
sacred +46-16-343399 mendator/energy MEMB
secret accsess 1+46-19-186646 onyx MEMB
2+46-19-189644 MEMB
spantobi 1+46-18-127761 quasar/doze MEMB
2+46-18-2528OO MEMB
the black library +46-18-464470 asperon MEMB
mortal desire Opens later on! sonofagun/dr.d. MEMB
WANTED! --------------- MEMB
WANTED! --------------- DIST
Stile is currently looking for affils over the world.
Contact us if you or your board are qualified enough.
- internet -
You can contact us on IRC via the stile channel
Our homepage is still under construction because
atomic is waiting for some nice vgas by antialias
but it will be up soon and kicking!
- stile NFO -
At the moment, we really want VGA / RIP artists so
just apply for that. We also want more talanted
ANSI / ASCII artists. Read the stile news magazine
for info about how you apply. Do remember that we
we can be reached at any of our affils and boards!
- T H E C R E A T I V E T E A M 1 9 9 6 -
member list by mendator/stile
- organizers/leaders -
pfezzyo... catonica... mendator...
- seniors -
d-vibe...db - primal rage...pr
- artists -
abnormal... ab - baltazar... bz - d-vibe... db hoodoo... ho - liithn... ln - mendator... md
mortal enemy... me - pfezzyo... pf - pharcyde... ph
polymorph... pm - primal Rage... pr - quasar... qs
sensei... se - sonofagun... sg
- VGA/RIP artists -
- coding division -
asperon... as - catonica... ca - crimson... cr
fade... fd - mag... mg - spiritseeker... ss
pfezzyo... pf - reptile... rp
- modding division -
liithn...ln - spiritseeker...ss - mendator...md
- music division -
onyx...on - zalt...zl
- internet administrators -
atomic...ac - pfezzyo...pf
white nicks Coordinators
- The distsites -
- modem communication -
board ATDT sysop pos
moose city +46-8-55O16892 catonica WHQ
diabolica 1+1-9O9-786-9854 nevarre d. W.USH
rebel base +1-718-967-5422 luke/casper E.USH
colosseum +1-9O9-985-4693 nero/seize C.USH
impure +1-514-441-554O jeepee CAN.H
shelter base 1+49-8141-34445 blade/walker EUROH
fusion n1 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx doodle SCANH
fusion n2 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx
fusion n3 +46-xx-xxxxxxxx
WANTED! --------------- AUSHQ
grind +46-87479632 liithn/spirits. MEMB
rush hour +46-8-261591 crimson MEMB
sacred +46-16-343399 mendator/energy MEMB
secret accsess 1+46-19-186646 onyx MEMB
2+46-19-189644 MEMB
spantobi 1+46-18-127761 quasar/doze MEMB
2+46-18-2528OO MEMB
the black library +46-18-464470 asperon MEMB
mortal desire Opens later on! sonofagun/dr.d. MEMB
WANTED! --------------- MEMB
WANTED! --------------- DIST
Stile is currently looking for affils over the world.
Contact us if you or your board are qualified enough.
- internet -
You can contact us on IRC via the stile channel
Our homepage is still under construction because
atomic is waiting for some nice vgas by antialias
but it will be up soon and kicking!
- stile NFO -
At the moment, we really want VGA / RIP artists so
just apply for that. We also want more talanted
ANSI / ASCII artists. Read the stile news magazine
for info about how you apply. Do remember that we
we can be reached at any of our affils and boards!
- T H E C R E A T I V E T E A M 1 9 9 6 -
member list by mendator/stile
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