this image contains text
tm 05 fileinfo ..
05 was held 09/24/96 in irc
channel swaptm. there were 8 people
total, no unfin
ished ansis, and it took
3 hours. wee!
01 : flame 05a: widowmaker
02 : nail 05b: ill
usionx fill-in
03 : pariah 06 : cheeze
04 : bviper 07 :
*the file
names are in the following format:
being the ansi , xx being the persons who ju
worked on
it - the original ansis are compiled into -steps.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-03.ans
01-03.ans 02-04.ans
01-04.ans 02-05.ans
01-05.ans 02-06.ans
01-06.ans 02-07.ans
01-07.ans 02-01.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
01-final.ans 02-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- the first 2 ansis were looking great - i
really for the most part like thisthen, something
happened in ansi 03 one. a great comb
ined effort from the
the font turned out pretty cool, bo
ys. nice work and that backgroundbut otherwise,
well, this could have rules
been much better.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans skipped
03-05.ans 04-06.ans
03-06.ans 04-07.ans
03-07.ans 04-01.ans
03-01.ans 04-02.ans
03-02.ans 04-03.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
03-final.ans 04-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this one was okay, for the most part -
i rather like this one. the shadding
i really like that backround, and the o
f bone could use a little work, and thefont is pretty
swell, although it font needs some
touchups, but otherwise,could use some work. the shad
ding cool ansi. those colors shadded i
n the
on bone is really bad though. backroun
d are horrid though
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-07.ans
05-07.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans
05-02.ans 06-03.ans
05-03.ans 06-04.ans
05-04.ans 06-05.ans fill-in
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this wouldve turned out pretty nice -
this could have turned out really coolhad it been cle
aned up a little. also too, but the shad
ding/colors in the fontthe colors/shadding in the fon
t are are just aweful. and it could us
e a disgusting. but i still like it non-
---+ ansi:
---+ consists of:
07-05.ans fill-in
---+ final ansi:
---+ notes:
- this one turned out great, even
with the backround un-colored. i think
this was the best of the night. good
work, everyone.
tm 05 fileinfo ..
05 was held 09/24/96 in irc
channel swaptm. there were 8 people
total, no unfin
ished ansis, and it took
3 hours. wee!
01 : flame 05a: widowmaker
02 : nail 05b: ill
usionx fill-in
03 : pariah 06 : cheeze
04 : bviper 07 :
*the file
names are in the following format:
being the ansi , xx being the persons who ju
worked on
it - the original ansis are compiled into -steps.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
01-steps.ans 02-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
01-01.ans 02-02.ans
01-02.ans 02-03.ans
01-03.ans 02-04.ans
01-04.ans 02-05.ans
01-05.ans 02-06.ans
01-06.ans 02-07.ans
01-07.ans 02-01.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
01-final.ans 02-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- the first 2 ansis were looking great - i
really for the most part like thisthen, something
happened in ansi 03 one. a great comb
ined effort from the
the font turned out pretty cool, bo
ys. nice work and that backgroundbut otherwise,
well, this could have rules
been much better.
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
03-steps.ans 04-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
03-03.ans 04-04.ans
03-04.ans 04-05.ans skipped
03-05.ans 04-06.ans
03-06.ans 04-07.ans
03-07.ans 04-01.ans
03-01.ans 04-02.ans
03-02.ans 04-03.ans
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
03-final.ans 04-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this one was okay, for the most part -
i rather like this one. the shadding
i really like that backround, and the o
f bone could use a little work, and thefont is pretty
swell, although it font needs some
touchups, but otherwise,could use some work. the shad
ding cool ansi. those colors shadded i
n the
on bone is really bad though. backroun
d are horrid though
---+ ansi: ---+ ansi:
05-steps.ans 06-steps.ans
---+ consists of: ---+ consists of:
05-05.ans 06-06.ans
05-06.ans 06-07.ans
05-07.ans 06-01.ans
05-01.ans 06-02.ans
05-02.ans 06-03.ans
05-03.ans 06-04.ans
05-04.ans 06-05.ans fill-in
---+ final ansi: ---+ final ansi:
05-final.ans 06-final.ans
---+ notes: ---+ notes:
- this wouldve turned out pretty nice -
this could have turned out really coolhad it been cle
aned up a little. also too, but the shad
ding/colors in the fontthe colors/shadding in the fon
t are are just aweful. and it could us
e a disgusting. but i still like it non-
---+ ansi:
---+ consists of:
07-05.ans fill-in
---+ final ansi:
---+ notes:
- this one turned out great, even
with the backround un-colored. i think
this was the best of the night. good
work, everyone.
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