this image contains text
tm 05 infofile ..
swaptm 05 -
info written 09/2
5/96 by cheeze
wow.. i am impresse
d. great turnout this time around.
and no one lef
t well, widowmaker did, but came back,
weee! then left again, and came back -
but it didnt ruin
blank anything. in this info, ill
be giving just some
general info, rules for swaptm, and a new
section -
rules! tips .. some of the rul
es are adapted/changes, so
be sure to read them..
and im sure youll find the
ips section interesting.
first, some general info on swaptm 05:
well, there isnt much to say except im really happy with t
his one, even thoughthe ansis that were produced didn
t turn out the best. although we had some
problems when time was up getting back all the ansis it too
k way too long, andhad a minor problem with widowmak
er leaving a couple times, everything else wentwell.
i will be making a new file format though, which ill
discuss in the
rules section thanks diez .. thats about it.
ok. wow. that was fun. now for the rules and stuff you need
to know:
* swaptm will always be held in swaptm unless other
wise stated by me
* due to the fact that people like to leave, i have come up
with a solution:
dont leave. make sure youll be able to stick around. an
d if for some
reason you DO have to leave, let me know between segments ri
ght after you give
me the ansi you just completed so that i can easily get a re
placement. thanks.
* people limit: 7-9 .. any more, and it would just go on for
ever and ever
oh yeah.. and no stragglers. sorry.
* new file format: nick.ans is the ansi , nick is
the nick of the
person working on the ansi .. wow. hard, huh. a trial
run of this new
format will take place in swaptm 06
* everyone in the channel will start an ansi after i go ove
r the rules and
assign s and work on it for 15 minutes. they will assign
the ansi the i
give them, and then save it in the new file format. then th
ey send the ansis to me, and when i get em all, i
ll redistribute them to the next people and
well start drawing again for 15mins. wow..
* no newbies. i know this may seem like a shitty rule, but i
have found the
need to impliment it. you have to be pretty good to enter
you dont have to
be like ld/ck quality AT ALL, just have to have some experie
nce and decent
skills. thanks.
the people that made swap happen:
a big warm kiss goes out to flame
, nail,
pariah, bviper, widowmaker, vade7
9, and illx
for filling in when we needed it.
also thanks
go to dieznyik for being there wh
we needed a fill-in, but really d
also thanks to crayon for the ori
ginal joint
idea, hennie + warpus for the act
ual swaptm
idea and name, mice for this pack
ets diz, cz?
cytral for starting swaptm asci
i edition in
the near future, and anyone else
who supports
swaptm and helps bring fun back
to the scene
tips from cheeze to swaps
participants .. hope this helps
here is where i give tips to swap participants as i see fit.
this is in no way
meant to piss you guys off, its meant to help you with som
e things i think
you are struggling with art wise, of coz .. so here goes
nail - i didnt really see anything that i thought you might
want to be more
careful about other than your fonts. i really like the
messy style you
are using with em, but you might want to watch for makin
g things overly
jagged ie. the O for chaos on ansi 07
pariah - ya need to work on your pic skills and proportions.
i know your not
really an ansi guy, but if you plan on getting into it m
ore, be sure
to work on that. you also need to work on shadding/shapp
ing, as well as using some better judgement.
widowmaker - stop leaving the swaps! if you arent going
to be able to stick
around, then dont enter! i know.. it wasnt an arti
stic tip..
sue me
vade79 - you REALLY need to work on shadding, as well as you
r use of colors.
use good judgement when it comes to the colors, and don
t just mix
anything. many colors look horable together. also, sha
dding wise,
stay away from over-shadding. just shade a little.. not
much is needed to be effective. also try to be l
ess random in your shadding.. it
helps if its uniformly random.. not just all over the pl
wow.. ok. hope that can help you guys a bit. yup.
info on the next swaptm:
swaptm 06 will be held on saturday evening, 09/28/96
at 8pm eastern in
swaptm .. why the change from tuesday to saturday? well,
this will be a trialrun.. if things dont work out, w
ell go back to the tuesday swaps.. if they do,look f
or saturday night to be swap night .. im doing this
because of the
school year. many people arent able to make it to the tuesda
y night swaps
because they either have to study, or have a job. so this s
hould give everyone
a chance to join in on the fun.
contacting swap staff ahem.. cheeze :
you can get intouch with me + pickup the swap weekly packets
released on the
wednsday directly after the swap at these locations:
inet email: swap-@cris.com
WHQ: doink - 407-783-1522
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpack
telnet: tregency.res.cmu.edu
- or -
any scene concious board and hell, if they don
t have it, they arent worth
the call!
there are no distros, and no headquarters besides what a
re listed above.
s w a pt m 05 infof ile layout/ansis - chee
ze .. all rig hts .. sold.
tm 05 infofile ..
swaptm 05 -
info written 09/2
5/96 by cheeze
wow.. i am impresse
d. great turnout this time around.
and no one lef
t well, widowmaker did, but came back,
weee! then left again, and came back -
but it didnt ruin
blank anything. in this info, ill
be giving just some
general info, rules for swaptm, and a new
section -
rules! tips .. some of the rul
es are adapted/changes, so
be sure to read them..
and im sure youll find the
ips section interesting.
first, some general info on swaptm 05:
well, there isnt much to say except im really happy with t
his one, even thoughthe ansis that were produced didn
t turn out the best. although we had some
problems when time was up getting back all the ansis it too
k way too long, andhad a minor problem with widowmak
er leaving a couple times, everything else wentwell.
i will be making a new file format though, which ill
discuss in the
rules section thanks diez .. thats about it.
ok. wow. that was fun. now for the rules and stuff you need
to know:
* swaptm will always be held in swaptm unless other
wise stated by me
* due to the fact that people like to leave, i have come up
with a solution:
dont leave. make sure youll be able to stick around. an
d if for some
reason you DO have to leave, let me know between segments ri
ght after you give
me the ansi you just completed so that i can easily get a re
placement. thanks.
* people limit: 7-9 .. any more, and it would just go on for
ever and ever
oh yeah.. and no stragglers. sorry.
* new file format: nick.ans is the ansi , nick is
the nick of the
person working on the ansi .. wow. hard, huh. a trial
run of this new
format will take place in swaptm 06
* everyone in the channel will start an ansi after i go ove
r the rules and
assign s and work on it for 15 minutes. they will assign
the ansi the i
give them, and then save it in the new file format. then th
ey send the ansis to me, and when i get em all, i
ll redistribute them to the next people and
well start drawing again for 15mins. wow..
* no newbies. i know this may seem like a shitty rule, but i
have found the
need to impliment it. you have to be pretty good to enter
you dont have to
be like ld/ck quality AT ALL, just have to have some experie
nce and decent
skills. thanks.
the people that made swap happen:
a big warm kiss goes out to flame
, nail,
pariah, bviper, widowmaker, vade7
9, and illx
for filling in when we needed it.
also thanks
go to dieznyik for being there wh
we needed a fill-in, but really d
also thanks to crayon for the ori
ginal joint
idea, hennie + warpus for the act
ual swaptm
idea and name, mice for this pack
ets diz, cz?
cytral for starting swaptm asci
i edition in
the near future, and anyone else
who supports
swaptm and helps bring fun back
to the scene
tips from cheeze to swaps
participants .. hope this helps
here is where i give tips to swap participants as i see fit.
this is in no way
meant to piss you guys off, its meant to help you with som
e things i think
you are struggling with art wise, of coz .. so here goes
nail - i didnt really see anything that i thought you might
want to be more
careful about other than your fonts. i really like the
messy style you
are using with em, but you might want to watch for makin
g things overly
jagged ie. the O for chaos on ansi 07
pariah - ya need to work on your pic skills and proportions.
i know your not
really an ansi guy, but if you plan on getting into it m
ore, be sure
to work on that. you also need to work on shadding/shapp
ing, as well as using some better judgement.
widowmaker - stop leaving the swaps! if you arent going
to be able to stick
around, then dont enter! i know.. it wasnt an arti
stic tip..
sue me
vade79 - you REALLY need to work on shadding, as well as you
r use of colors.
use good judgement when it comes to the colors, and don
t just mix
anything. many colors look horable together. also, sha
dding wise,
stay away from over-shadding. just shade a little.. not
much is needed to be effective. also try to be l
ess random in your shadding.. it
helps if its uniformly random.. not just all over the pl
wow.. ok. hope that can help you guys a bit. yup.
info on the next swaptm:
swaptm 06 will be held on saturday evening, 09/28/96
at 8pm eastern in
swaptm .. why the change from tuesday to saturday? well,
this will be a trialrun.. if things dont work out, w
ell go back to the tuesday swaps.. if they do,look f
or saturday night to be swap night .. im doing this
because of the
school year. many people arent able to make it to the tuesda
y night swaps
because they either have to study, or have a job. so this s
hould give everyone
a chance to join in on the fun.
contacting swap staff ahem.. cheeze :
you can get intouch with me + pickup the swap weekly packets
released on the
wednsday directly after the swap at these locations:
inet email: swap-@cris.com
WHQ: doink - 407-783-1522
ftp: ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/incoming/artpack
telnet: tregency.res.cmu.edu
- or -
any scene concious board and hell, if they don
t have it, they arent worth
the call!
there are no distros, and no headquarters besides what a
re listed above.
s w a pt m 05 infof ile layout/ansis - chee
ze .. all rig hts .. sold.
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