this image contains text
hey, look at what we have here! just one big swap infof
ile, instead of the
files.ans and info.ans .. YAY! ALL THE UMPA-LUMPAS CAN
this swap went pretty well. i didnt participate, just host
ed it, with the
help of bviper. i think it goes better that way, so i can j
ust be there and
not be rushing to the deadline myself. and ive realized th
at i need to be
strict on the whole no newbies rule.. without it, the art
can go down the
tubes like this time ..
heres the list of participants by theyre numbers:
01 nail 05 black viper fillins:
02 illusionx 06 mel farr suppastah - defiant for stc
last 2 segs
03 epoxy 07 corinthian
04 pzyko 08 stone the crow
ok.. wee. that was fun. im gunna keep this short. thank
s to those guys, to
warpus/hennie/crayon for the ideas, and pzyko for that nifty
logo up there..
oh.. and bv, guess what? YOUR THE NEW SWAP STAFF PERSON!
reviews.. wee:
01-final.ans :: turned out ok, could have been way better.
02-final.ans :: i dunno how illx did all that shadding/that
font/etc in the
last 15min segment oh well.. it rules. wee.
03-final.ans :: wow.. i really like this. good salvage job.
simple, yet
very nice.
04-final.ans :: the font WOULDVE been cool if this didnt g
et so damn fucked
up. this final version is utter shit. what the hell w
ere you
people thinking!?
05-final.ans :: this one couldve been great from the first
ansi, but from
the second one to the end, this blew. the purpose of t
he swap
is not to make shit.. bah. fuck it.
06-final.ans :: the version of this right before the final i
s prolly the best
one. the bricks and shit are pretty cool.. i dunno. bl
07-final.ans :: this one has some cool shapes and shit in it
, but they just
dont go together at all.. couldve been cool.
08-final.ans :: this one is prolly the best one of the night
or at least ties
with 02 .. great work.
next swap will be on sunday night 10/21 at 7pm eastern
in swaptm. NO
SCENE NEWBIES! sorry.. you must have some ansi experience.
wee.. be there.
contact me, cheeze, at swap-@cris.com or on doink 407-7
83-1522 for any
questions/info.. you can grab the swap packets on ftp.cdrom.
incoming/artpacks, by telneting to tregency.res.cmu.edu, or
by calling doink.
phear the swap, for it phears you.
hey, look at what we have here! just one big swap infof
ile, instead of the
files.ans and info.ans .. YAY! ALL THE UMPA-LUMPAS CAN
this swap went pretty well. i didnt participate, just host
ed it, with the
help of bviper. i think it goes better that way, so i can j
ust be there and
not be rushing to the deadline myself. and ive realized th
at i need to be
strict on the whole no newbies rule.. without it, the art
can go down the
tubes like this time ..
heres the list of participants by theyre numbers:
01 nail 05 black viper fillins:
02 illusionx 06 mel farr suppastah - defiant for stc
last 2 segs
03 epoxy 07 corinthian
04 pzyko 08 stone the crow
ok.. wee. that was fun. im gunna keep this short. thank
s to those guys, to
warpus/hennie/crayon for the ideas, and pzyko for that nifty
logo up there..
oh.. and bv, guess what? YOUR THE NEW SWAP STAFF PERSON!
reviews.. wee:
01-final.ans :: turned out ok, could have been way better.
02-final.ans :: i dunno how illx did all that shadding/that
font/etc in the
last 15min segment oh well.. it rules. wee.
03-final.ans :: wow.. i really like this. good salvage job.
simple, yet
very nice.
04-final.ans :: the font WOULDVE been cool if this didnt g
et so damn fucked
up. this final version is utter shit. what the hell w
ere you
people thinking!?
05-final.ans :: this one couldve been great from the first
ansi, but from
the second one to the end, this blew. the purpose of t
he swap
is not to make shit.. bah. fuck it.
06-final.ans :: the version of this right before the final i
s prolly the best
one. the bricks and shit are pretty cool.. i dunno. bl
07-final.ans :: this one has some cool shapes and shit in it
, but they just
dont go together at all.. couldve been cool.
08-final.ans :: this one is prolly the best one of the night
or at least ties
with 02 .. great work.
next swap will be on sunday night 10/21 at 7pm eastern
in swaptm. NO
SCENE NEWBIES! sorry.. you must have some ansi experience.
wee.. be there.
contact me, cheeze, at swap-@cris.com or on doink 407-7
83-1522 for any
questions/info.. you can grab the swap packets on ftp.cdrom.
incoming/artpacks, by telneting to tregency.res.cmu.edu, or
by calling doink.
phear the swap, for it phears you.
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