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s y n t h e t i c
WaRP!s contribution to the oz art scene for August
This months anscii colly. Im a bit lost this month, so im not really doing
anything for a reason. Ugh...
Sub Culture
WRP s u b c u l t u r e
Whoa man... 3D ish...Funky
back in action with another kick arse ansi! i think the style has been used b4
coz it looks familiar. anywayz i still like it coz its FUNKY!
Hell-bent PacMan
ah crap! i went ansi again... i meant to do an ascii here... ugh.
!SNIP! If you look carefully at what ive done in the past at what you see here, you
will find that my collys have become more colourful! oh joy! bliss! :
!UN-SNIP!let the show continue!
time for sum more ascii
cold, hard and...
NO, thats NOT how i like my girls!Skinny
warm, soft and... ss -- man, if you cant read that it says SKINNY
-- no quotes...der. if you still cant work it
-- out could could just read the header at the
s -- top of this work of art!...Ugh...
s -- secret message!... that looks SOOOOOO shit! :
and... NO, i also DONT like my girls like that!!SNIP! bloody hell! shouldnt there be more art in this colly instead of just crap?!?oh yeah... if theres a guy on your BBS called Kicker 69 or Sick Cunt, kick themoff! theyre my friend...he thinks hes so kewl and 3133t3 coz hes on BBSs.Back to business... btw. tis only a joke, dont really kick them off! :
!UNSNIP!shit im slack!, yet ive managed to reach 89 lines at this point!
Annalus ....
s, this is a REAL word! no shit! s
its a shape like a cylinder, but has another ssssWRP
smaller cylinder inside it. First time i heard
it, i almost pissed my pants in class! funny stuff!
i like this ansi!
Was listening to Warren G: Take A Log Over Your Shoulder Reality when i did this lil piccy/logo/thingy so now you know why i did this.
!SNIP! this colly was supposed to by for Julys Pack, but i couldnt call back to MURcoz the line was engaged for a bout 3 years. When i finally connected the pack
was already released. Oh well... enough of my snivelling. Im gonna append this
colly with Augusts stuff so i can have a... SUPER COLLY wif 200+ lines! YEAH!
!UNSNIP!up to 129 lines here
Decay After d/ling Synthetics Pack 11 i found out that the new WHQ for Synthetic
is Trippahs new board called Decay. Just thought i might do sumthing for him.
D e e K a y i doubt your gonna want to use this piece of shit on D e c a y your board! :Myth Drannor
d r a n n o r
Fat Monkey
style borrowed from the Shockwave NFOChromosome
/ ./ / . . . / . ./ . . . . // . . / / / / WRPHappy Birthday!
- mmm chocolate
synthetic... now one year old! line 200
!ENDISM! I was hoping id make 200 lines! I made it...just. Oh well... were one year
old now. Lots of groups dont even last one pack, yet weve managed 12! In our
time weve also made history - releasing the biggest Oz and possibly the worlddigital art pack! 4 disks. Must have been all those VGAs. Imagine 4 disks of
WaRP!s contribution to the oz art scene for August
This months anscii colly. Im a bit lost this month, so im not really doing
anything for a reason. Ugh...
Sub Culture
WRP s u b c u l t u r e
Whoa man... 3D ish...Funky
back in action with another kick arse ansi! i think the style has been used b4
coz it looks familiar. anywayz i still like it coz its FUNKY!
Hell-bent PacMan
ah crap! i went ansi again... i meant to do an ascii here... ugh.
!SNIP! If you look carefully at what ive done in the past at what you see here, you
will find that my collys have become more colourful! oh joy! bliss! :
!UN-SNIP!let the show continue!
time for sum more ascii
cold, hard and...
NO, thats NOT how i like my girls!Skinny
warm, soft and... ss -- man, if you cant read that it says SKINNY
-- no quotes...der. if you still cant work it
-- out could could just read the header at the
s -- top of this work of art!...Ugh...
s -- secret message!... that looks SOOOOOO shit! :
and... NO, i also DONT like my girls like that!!SNIP! bloody hell! shouldnt there be more art in this colly instead of just crap?!?oh yeah... if theres a guy on your BBS called Kicker 69 or Sick Cunt, kick themoff! theyre my friend...he thinks hes so kewl and 3133t3 coz hes on BBSs.Back to business... btw. tis only a joke, dont really kick them off! :
!UNSNIP!shit im slack!, yet ive managed to reach 89 lines at this point!
Annalus ....
s, this is a REAL word! no shit! s
its a shape like a cylinder, but has another ssssWRP
smaller cylinder inside it. First time i heard
it, i almost pissed my pants in class! funny stuff!
i like this ansi!
Was listening to Warren G: Take A Log Over Your Shoulder Reality when i did this lil piccy/logo/thingy so now you know why i did this.
!SNIP! this colly was supposed to by for Julys Pack, but i couldnt call back to MURcoz the line was engaged for a bout 3 years. When i finally connected the pack
was already released. Oh well... enough of my snivelling. Im gonna append this
colly with Augusts stuff so i can have a... SUPER COLLY wif 200+ lines! YEAH!
!UNSNIP!up to 129 lines here
Decay After d/ling Synthetics Pack 11 i found out that the new WHQ for Synthetic
is Trippahs new board called Decay. Just thought i might do sumthing for him.
D e e K a y i doubt your gonna want to use this piece of shit on D e c a y your board! :Myth Drannor
d r a n n o r
Fat Monkey
style borrowed from the Shockwave NFOChromosome
/ ./ / . . . / . ./ . . . . // . . / / / / WRPHappy Birthday!
- mmm chocolate
synthetic... now one year old! line 200
!ENDISM! I was hoping id make 200 lines! I made it...just. Oh well... were one year
old now. Lots of groups dont even last one pack, yet weve managed 12! In our
time weve also made history - releasing the biggest Oz and possibly the worlddigital art pack! 4 disks. Must have been all those VGAs. Imagine 4 disks of
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