this image contains text
. S*l b,. . .. . ,d b.b. : j lP : jb. * : * b. + *S.,/ .d lb. * d7
l . d . : : . . * A :* + ..**S /
7 l : @p. b.,d : . * : .dSp. . jS*: q@ .q@S7 .d./ : : . b..dl.*.q@ . j : *@p. :.@Sb. :: 7@p,. .d7 ., .,p@q@ P,d*b.dl
*b.*QQ ..7 : /:
:.db. +. S*/.dib.*Sq@l : /.
b. . :l : ..d 7bq@Sll b.d :l
b. .*S : :: S .,* : .q@S:
.q@S+ l lS@plS*l 7@pl .
:: : : : *Q: @ *S: :: :: : .@p. * ** .d l : lA : l
. : l : :
S Y S T E M I I : :,*
I N F O R M A T I O N l l M E M B E R S
I decided to keep the group going.. why? because im still producing at my regular rate. because i ZEROSTAR like making .NFOs and .DIZs, and because its AESTHETIC funner than releasing in mimic or remorse SMOKE CLEANER Id like to welcome Smoke to the group, who .........
produces ANSi yeah, that blocky stuff - you know .........what it is, and id also like to give a big ......... fuck off to bill gates for putting a Windows key ......... on my keyboard, and making it instantly minimize . a DOS window everytime i hit it. Oh yeah, Cleaner also decided to join this month, which brings the . total of members to four. :
As for me, this is probably my most productive month:
EVER, i drew 25 logos and 2 joints in one month whi : . .
ch should put me in the record books or something : . . :
the main reason for this is actually really simple, i b . l
here in Austria, the internet is expensive. my dad l . .dP b.
wont shell out the cash for an unlimited account, I,q@** . *Sb.
and i can only net about 30 minutes a day. 7.q@@pdb *SAlso, since im a foreigner with no german skills, .di cant get a job. And i dont go to school. so S@p. +S* .dduring the day i never have anything to do but draw:L ascii. nights and weekends are different but during:P l 7the time i would be in work or school normally im lS* : *Sdrawing ascii instead. so there you go in other :
words, dont expect something like this every month.l
Oh and BTW smoke runs Wicked Minority, a telnet bbs : that is soon to be up. so pH34R! : : oh yeah and im going to Switzerland and then Italy :
this coming month, so dont expect too much art fromi
me in the next pack. l
ok. im done rambling. enjoy the pack. I
OK, this month its a little more organized.
.asc newschool ascii
.ans ANSI give me something
.txt oldschool ascii i can sink
.png pencil+paper logo my teeth into
And as for that eleven logo, well, I dont know
what the fuck that is
a file id, memberlist, and nfo file all rolled
into one.. cool, huh?
l . d . : : . . * A :* + ..**S /
7 l : @p. b.,d : . * : .dSp. . jS*: q@ .q@S7 .d./ : : . b..dl.*.q@ . j : *@p. :.@Sb. :: 7@p,. .d7 ., .,p@q@ P,d*b.dl
*b.*QQ ..7 : /:
:.db. +. S*/.dib.*Sq@l : /.
b. . :l : ..d 7bq@Sll b.d :l
b. .*S : :: S .,* : .q@S:
.q@S+ l lS@plS*l 7@pl .
:: : : : *Q: @ *S: :: :: : .@p. * ** .d l : lA : l
. : l : :
S Y S T E M I I : :,*
I N F O R M A T I O N l l M E M B E R S
I decided to keep the group going.. why? because im still producing at my regular rate. because i ZEROSTAR like making .NFOs and .DIZs, and because its AESTHETIC funner than releasing in mimic or remorse SMOKE CLEANER Id like to welcome Smoke to the group, who .........
produces ANSi yeah, that blocky stuff - you know .........what it is, and id also like to give a big ......... fuck off to bill gates for putting a Windows key ......... on my keyboard, and making it instantly minimize . a DOS window everytime i hit it. Oh yeah, Cleaner also decided to join this month, which brings the . total of members to four. :
As for me, this is probably my most productive month:
EVER, i drew 25 logos and 2 joints in one month whi : . .
ch should put me in the record books or something : . . :
the main reason for this is actually really simple, i b . l
here in Austria, the internet is expensive. my dad l . .dP b.
wont shell out the cash for an unlimited account, I,q@** . *Sb.
and i can only net about 30 minutes a day. 7.q@@pdb *SAlso, since im a foreigner with no german skills, .di cant get a job. And i dont go to school. so S@p. +S* .dduring the day i never have anything to do but draw:L ascii. nights and weekends are different but during:P l 7the time i would be in work or school normally im lS* : *Sdrawing ascii instead. so there you go in other :
words, dont expect something like this every month.l
Oh and BTW smoke runs Wicked Minority, a telnet bbs : that is soon to be up. so pH34R! : : oh yeah and im going to Switzerland and then Italy :
this coming month, so dont expect too much art fromi
me in the next pack. l
ok. im done rambling. enjoy the pack. I
OK, this month its a little more organized.
.asc newschool ascii
.ans ANSI give me something
.txt oldschool ascii i can sink
.png pencil+paper logo my teeth into
And as for that eleven logo, well, I dont know
what the fuck that is
a file id, memberlist, and nfo file all rolled
into one.. cool, huh?
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