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November Nineteen Ninety Five...
First off I would like to thank all the artists and musicians and any
and everyone who has been involved in making another tDD sixpack possible.
Well it has been 2 months since our last release and as you can figure out
from this pack, school has started and most of us are busy.So for the most
part we will be releasing every 2 months now unless we get some more help.
Just a little note before I go further. There are 2 old vgas in this pack
that were done by cable. I just thought Id throw them in cuz hey first of
all the rock and second, I finally got dcc so I can spread the packs more
now. Those 2 vgas were from our april pack.
Ok now to business... Well Ive notice a lot of changes over the past
summer. A few great groups are gone like integrity , Union, Vapor and more
And Well Saga has now come into the scene which I think is the fastest to
rise to the top. They got most of the Union and shiver guys and many other
great ansi guys are joining now. Hmm maybe there is still a chance to make
the scene interesting again. I dunno if you feel the same way,but I always
get the feeling these days that.. the scene just isnt the same anymore. I
started getting into art like about two years ago... and well its just so
different these days. Lets just hope with the new and upcomming groups in
the scene today. We can get back to the good old days of art for the love
of it and not for the . Well now about group news. Its been a slow couple of months for all
of us. We still have a substantial pack this month,but it took us 2 months
to produce it. I myself have been busy too, school 17 credits, working p/t
serving in church and school fellowship, relationship, and drawing. By now
you guys all know my job as the head of this group is a 24hr job.ehhe Well
and losing one of our senior members didnt help much either.At the moment
Im in search of a new senior member.You can reach me on irc if interested
in the position. I need someone to take the workload off me so i can spend
more time drawing. So hey were not a real competitive group, but were a
decent group and were going to be around for a longtime. So if you think
you can contribute dont hesitate to apply. Give it a shot
W H A T S N E W ?
New MembComeThis Month Are.....
Casper, Comes to us from Wicked. Enjoy his works in this pack.
Chaos, Hey he may be young, but he just may be the next Chromatik.
Fiddler, Welcome the best musician in the UK!
Uppercut, Comes to us also from Wicked. A welcome addition to the 30ty Dozen.
There were no promotions this month..
Future plans.....
tDD is planning to continue to expand and grow,were still looking for more
talented and dedicated people. As you can see were more than just art....
Were here to make some good for the scene were here to encourage people
to think about where their life is headed, and maybe give them a little bit
of help from above. You will see that the quality of our 6packs are getting
better with every month. Thats because our artist and all our members will
be and are improving with every work. I believe in working with people, and
do what I can to make this group work. In simple words loyalty friendship
are what makes this group great. In the near future our current viewer PDv1 or Pixel Dreams v.1.0 as we call it, will be replaced by v.2.0 which now is
in the making. It will have a svga interface and will include a player for
our music. Also in the near future we hope to have a web site and ftp site
setup where all our packs and info can be picked up directly.
Member of the month.....
Netman, He is not only our senior member, but also a valued artist friend
Hes the guy who has stuck wround with us even when the going was tough. We
appreciate all your help dude. Keep those new ideas comming.
Thought of the month.....
Dont take your life for granted. Value time and life itself.For once words
are spoken or actions are done. It cannot be taken back. But remember God is
always willing to forgive if we are willing to admit.What can a man trade in
return for his soul?
Romans 8:28 For we know in all things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been called according to his purpose
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
N o v 1 9 9 5
November Nineteen Ninety Five...
First off I would like to thank all the artists and musicians and any
and everyone who has been involved in making another tDD sixpack possible.
Well it has been 2 months since our last release and as you can figure out
from this pack, school has started and most of us are busy.So for the most
part we will be releasing every 2 months now unless we get some more help.
Just a little note before I go further. There are 2 old vgas in this pack
that were done by cable. I just thought Id throw them in cuz hey first of
all the rock and second, I finally got dcc so I can spread the packs more
now. Those 2 vgas were from our april pack.
Ok now to business... Well Ive notice a lot of changes over the past
summer. A few great groups are gone like integrity , Union, Vapor and more
And Well Saga has now come into the scene which I think is the fastest to
rise to the top. They got most of the Union and shiver guys and many other
great ansi guys are joining now. Hmm maybe there is still a chance to make
the scene interesting again. I dunno if you feel the same way,but I always
get the feeling these days that.. the scene just isnt the same anymore. I
started getting into art like about two years ago... and well its just so
different these days. Lets just hope with the new and upcomming groups in
the scene today. We can get back to the good old days of art for the love
of it and not for the . Well now about group news. Its been a slow couple of months for all
of us. We still have a substantial pack this month,but it took us 2 months
to produce it. I myself have been busy too, school 17 credits, working p/t
serving in church and school fellowship, relationship, and drawing. By now
you guys all know my job as the head of this group is a 24hr job.ehhe Well
and losing one of our senior members didnt help much either.At the moment
Im in search of a new senior member.You can reach me on irc if interested
in the position. I need someone to take the workload off me so i can spend
more time drawing. So hey were not a real competitive group, but were a
decent group and were going to be around for a longtime. So if you think
you can contribute dont hesitate to apply. Give it a shot
W H A T S N E W ?
New MembComeThis Month Are.....
Casper, Comes to us from Wicked. Enjoy his works in this pack.
Chaos, Hey he may be young, but he just may be the next Chromatik.
Fiddler, Welcome the best musician in the UK!
Uppercut, Comes to us also from Wicked. A welcome addition to the 30ty Dozen.
There were no promotions this month..
Future plans.....
tDD is planning to continue to expand and grow,were still looking for more
talented and dedicated people. As you can see were more than just art....
Were here to make some good for the scene were here to encourage people
to think about where their life is headed, and maybe give them a little bit
of help from above. You will see that the quality of our 6packs are getting
better with every month. Thats because our artist and all our members will
be and are improving with every work. I believe in working with people, and
do what I can to make this group work. In simple words loyalty friendship
are what makes this group great. In the near future our current viewer PDv1 or Pixel Dreams v.1.0 as we call it, will be replaced by v.2.0 which now is
in the making. It will have a svga interface and will include a player for
our music. Also in the near future we hope to have a web site and ftp site
setup where all our packs and info can be picked up directly.
Member of the month.....
Netman, He is not only our senior member, but also a valued artist friend
Hes the guy who has stuck wround with us even when the going was tough. We
appreciate all your help dude. Keep those new ideas comming.
Thought of the month.....
Dont take your life for granted. Value time and life itself.For once words
are spoken or actions are done. It cannot be taken back. But remember God is
always willing to forgive if we are willing to admit.What can a man trade in
return for his soul?
Romans 8:28 For we know in all things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been called according to his purpose
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
N o v 1 9 9 5
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