this image contains text
Hello People down here...
Jezz right, a new Group is boRn nothing nEw 4 u, if u stay sine XX yEars
in the Scene..
One Time i read a TXT : German Scene, DEAD !..I dont think so, cause a lot
people who can help the Scene out there, cant kick their aSS uP ! Sure
there a lot of Lamers/Fakers in the Scene, but i think: its not a really
ReASon to leave the Scene...THank Good some Lamers left :
BeatSUXXXX !!PROLLO!! left the
Scene with more than 50 Shitty Text-Releases..His last File was a kind
of I Leave the Scene PART 121. No one was able to say him the True
YOU ARE LAME ..Not Schlagmeister Wie..NOT thousands of People who
replayed this lame Letter with MR.X.! The Answer of his Lameness came
from some Kewl GRoups GETTiNGX..They Kicked him out of their Nfos ..
Thanks to MGE/DF/TBS/...
But now lets talk about something other...
The most Legal Groups are in War against each other ..S U X X
...Some Kewl Support BBS went offline or Lame : Hideout Offline+.20 More.!
Others run PCb..oN /X or /T Ami-StYle-SuXX
The iLLegal Scene ? ..pUh more than 250 Mbs of DUPE/Fakes thiz Year...Most
of them By XXX- i Dont want a War..Look at da FakeWatcher...
Time Passed On...COMMERZ/MONEY...i-Net and iSDN Rules the World..
a Time to form a Group, that say what the most people in the Scene Think.
will take this Part of German-Scene....
What means TERRORGRUPPE ? SoUNDS GErman ?,Yes
iT means Anarchy...Say what u think...Fight for ure Right
we get thiz name, cause we want to show the World, that the German
Scene dont suXX... We will kill All Lamerz like BXX !!! CENSORED
Dont pass thiz Meaning through your Brain, Use urE Heart, cos ure not a
Join our KiCK-DA-ASS-UP Tour to save the German Scene...
Connect us, whereever u See US !
- SiD ViCiOUS -
PROUD TO SAY My Meaning without XXX at the end
Jezz right, a new Group is boRn nothing nEw 4 u, if u stay sine XX yEars
in the Scene..
One Time i read a TXT : German Scene, DEAD !..I dont think so, cause a lot
people who can help the Scene out there, cant kick their aSS uP ! Sure
there a lot of Lamers/Fakers in the Scene, but i think: its not a really
ReASon to leave the Scene...THank Good some Lamers left :
BeatSUXXXX !!PROLLO!! left the
Scene with more than 50 Shitty Text-Releases..His last File was a kind
of I Leave the Scene PART 121. No one was able to say him the True
YOU ARE LAME ..Not Schlagmeister Wie..NOT thousands of People who
replayed this lame Letter with MR.X.! The Answer of his Lameness came
from some Kewl GRoups GETTiNGX..They Kicked him out of their Nfos ..
Thanks to MGE/DF/TBS/...
But now lets talk about something other...
The most Legal Groups are in War against each other ..S U X X
...Some Kewl Support BBS went offline or Lame : Hideout Offline+.20 More.!
Others run PCb..oN /X or /T Ami-StYle-SuXX
The iLLegal Scene ? ..pUh more than 250 Mbs of DUPE/Fakes thiz Year...Most
of them By XXX- i Dont want a War..Look at da FakeWatcher...
Time Passed On...COMMERZ/MONEY...i-Net and iSDN Rules the World..
a Time to form a Group, that say what the most people in the Scene Think.
will take this Part of German-Scene....
What means TERRORGRUPPE ? SoUNDS GErman ?,Yes
iT means Anarchy...Say what u think...Fight for ure Right
we get thiz name, cause we want to show the World, that the German
Scene dont suXX... We will kill All Lamerz like BXX !!! CENSORED
Dont pass thiz Meaning through your Brain, Use urE Heart, cos ure not a
Join our KiCK-DA-ASS-UP Tour to save the German Scene...
Connect us, whereever u See US !
- SiD ViCiOUS -
PROUD TO SAY My Meaning without XXX at the end
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