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This months THRuSt page was rather small. Hades was out raving in LAtill the 3rd, Corpse Warpers g/f is pregant or something, this, that, blah blahblah. We still put out a pack, chock full of nice ansi/ascii, along with a kickvga by Hades. A note: He turned it in in bmp 1024x1024 format. When i convertedit, it didnt come out quite as nice. If you want a copy of the bmp, just ask meon irc.
This month we gained a few members... sort of. Piratebox is finallyback from his hd crash. What we thought was a hd crash, ended up being his 6node bbs getting stolen. Bummer. : But, hes back, and has a pic this month.We also gained a web page type person. Mastermind has been appointed web coord.xpect to see a THRuSt page in the near future. We also now have a mascot! w00p! Everyone say hi to Alt, our good friend.
*** Current channel: THRuSt
everyone Hi Alt!@@
Alt Hi ppl.
There have also been a few problems... THRuStVu has been delayed, as Eclipse hasbee n busy with college read: abducted by thr government. We may call on ourold friend Lord Cracker to do a viewer, but when Eclipse is finished with tv, itit will be the offical thrust viewer.
Hi Mom.
We also lost a member... Cerulean came and went, without ever releasing a s3m.He has basically stoppped tracking, which is a major loss. If you ever see anyof his work i believe he released with Defiance, take a peep, he deserves yourattention. Cerulean, there will always be a place reserved for you in THRuSt.
I was lazy this month, and didnt go guest hunting. But, we still got a great
guest shot from my bud Snake Grunger of Bleach. Thankz sg!@
Thats all the member info for this month... wtf?! Come on ppl, THRuSt is whereits at! :
While on the topic of cowsex, there is a THRuSt demo a brewin. Hades came to mewith the idea, and it ran from there. Maxwell doesnt he seem to be a member?has agreed to code it, with music by a as of yet undetermined person. If we getwho we want, your eares are in for a iCEy cold treat.
Well i guess ill keep it short and end the info file here. Go look at the pack. -TReeP
--------------------- - -- -- -- -----------------quickie fonts rule.
This months THRuSt page was rather small. Hades was out raving in LAtill the 3rd, Corpse Warpers g/f is pregant or something, this, that, blah blahblah. We still put out a pack, chock full of nice ansi/ascii, along with a kickvga by Hades. A note: He turned it in in bmp 1024x1024 format. When i convertedit, it didnt come out quite as nice. If you want a copy of the bmp, just ask meon irc.
This month we gained a few members... sort of. Piratebox is finallyback from his hd crash. What we thought was a hd crash, ended up being his 6node bbs getting stolen. Bummer. : But, hes back, and has a pic this month.We also gained a web page type person. Mastermind has been appointed web coord.xpect to see a THRuSt page in the near future. We also now have a mascot! w00p! Everyone say hi to Alt, our good friend.
*** Current channel: THRuSt
everyone Hi Alt!@@
Alt Hi ppl.
There have also been a few problems... THRuStVu has been delayed, as Eclipse hasbee n busy with college read: abducted by thr government. We may call on ourold friend Lord Cracker to do a viewer, but when Eclipse is finished with tv, itit will be the offical thrust viewer.
Hi Mom.
We also lost a member... Cerulean came and went, without ever releasing a s3m.He has basically stoppped tracking, which is a major loss. If you ever see anyof his work i believe he released with Defiance, take a peep, he deserves yourattention. Cerulean, there will always be a place reserved for you in THRuSt.
I was lazy this month, and didnt go guest hunting. But, we still got a great
guest shot from my bud Snake Grunger of Bleach. Thankz sg!@
Thats all the member info for this month... wtf?! Come on ppl, THRuSt is whereits at! :
While on the topic of cowsex, there is a THRuSt demo a brewin. Hades came to mewith the idea, and it ran from there. Maxwell doesnt he seem to be a member?has agreed to code it, with music by a as of yet undetermined person. If we getwho we want, your eares are in for a iCEy cold treat.
Well i guess ill keep it short and end the info file here. Go look at the pack. -TReeP
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