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Late pack?! Yeah, well... byte me!
Hello and welcome to the November 1995 Teklord
z Artiphaks! October
was a genuinely lousy month for us all-- extracurr
icular activities,
midterms, or just general laziness, but Teklordz re
turns in November in full force.
Others have asked me why we release our packs so late and as a
ult we are often categorized as a dying group Howev
er, releasing late can be a go
od thing. Think of it this way: almost every group
in the art scene releases promptly at the beginning
of the month.
By the time you reach midmonth, you are so desperate to look at a
pack that comes along. Teklordz fills that empty feeling with a
happy pack to brighten your day!
Between October and November, we lost a few members.
Youthanasia, left Teklordz because he felt i was mismanag
ing the
Seize, left the group to Saga. Personally I dont blame
him for
leaving, i admit i did fuck up a bit. Forgot to include his name
on the memberlist twice. no hard feelings
Kxmode, decided to quit after being inactive. Kxmode has
with us since nearly the beginning of Teklordz, and we wish him
the best of luck with his demo group A-Men.
and Shroom. This guy is amazing. He left the group beca
use he
felt that the only way he was going to get good was in another
group. Incidentally, he went to Fire, and shafted Halaster as we
when he left for Saga. Do I detect a trend here?
I have also cut some members that are inactive. Tsunami and
Crazy Arty are no longer on the memberlist.
November wasnt all bad. We did get a few more members:
Sabotage, returns to Teklordz after quitting Saga, and is
with us as a courier.
Amorphis, joins up with Teklordz for a few days then leav
es when
he and Sudden Death create their own group. Apparently theyre
a package deal, but its cool with me. At least they told me
early on, which i appreciate.
and Brass Monkey, our newest musician. Interesting sound
music, thanks to tsits for bringing him in for us.
Anyway enough of my babbling.
Extra thanks to O-tron for compiling the pack this month.
teklordz member coordinator
O-Tron here, in my first month as a coordinator for Teklordz. It
has been a helluva month or two, as ts pointed out.
Seems to be
that way all over though. I came over from Motion because it
to be dying. It did, and then came back, and then died again.
I was asked to leave Teklordz to join Saga...which now has me
into Acid. But Im still here, so how about that?
Anyway, all that is pretty typical scene happenings these day
s, so
Teklordz is one of those few constants in this mess. As f
ar as
other news goes, Tosh10 is taking the month off afte
r assuming there
would be no pack this month. Smooth has returned fo
r good, as he
assured me on IRC. Nothing else going on as far as I know.
If you
want to join Teklordz, apply and drop by teklordz. Operator
s are
standing by.
Well, thats it as far as I can tell. OK, so the pack is a l
small and a little late, but its here. Watch for more from
us crazy
cats at Teklordz real soon!
teklordz art coordinator/fos ss
Hello and welcome to the November 1995 Teklord
z Artiphaks! October
was a genuinely lousy month for us all-- extracurr
icular activities,
midterms, or just general laziness, but Teklordz re
turns in November in full force.
Others have asked me why we release our packs so late and as a
ult we are often categorized as a dying group Howev
er, releasing late can be a go
od thing. Think of it this way: almost every group
in the art scene releases promptly at the beginning
of the month.
By the time you reach midmonth, you are so desperate to look at a
pack that comes along. Teklordz fills that empty feeling with a
happy pack to brighten your day!
Between October and November, we lost a few members.
Youthanasia, left Teklordz because he felt i was mismanag
ing the
Seize, left the group to Saga. Personally I dont blame
him for
leaving, i admit i did fuck up a bit. Forgot to include his name
on the memberlist twice. no hard feelings
Kxmode, decided to quit after being inactive. Kxmode has
with us since nearly the beginning of Teklordz, and we wish him
the best of luck with his demo group A-Men.
and Shroom. This guy is amazing. He left the group beca
use he
felt that the only way he was going to get good was in another
group. Incidentally, he went to Fire, and shafted Halaster as we
when he left for Saga. Do I detect a trend here?
I have also cut some members that are inactive. Tsunami and
Crazy Arty are no longer on the memberlist.
November wasnt all bad. We did get a few more members:
Sabotage, returns to Teklordz after quitting Saga, and is
with us as a courier.
Amorphis, joins up with Teklordz for a few days then leav
es when
he and Sudden Death create their own group. Apparently theyre
a package deal, but its cool with me. At least they told me
early on, which i appreciate.
and Brass Monkey, our newest musician. Interesting sound
music, thanks to tsits for bringing him in for us.
Anyway enough of my babbling.
Extra thanks to O-tron for compiling the pack this month.
teklordz member coordinator
O-Tron here, in my first month as a coordinator for Teklordz. It
has been a helluva month or two, as ts pointed out.
Seems to be
that way all over though. I came over from Motion because it
to be dying. It did, and then came back, and then died again.
I was asked to leave Teklordz to join Saga...which now has me
into Acid. But Im still here, so how about that?
Anyway, all that is pretty typical scene happenings these day
s, so
Teklordz is one of those few constants in this mess. As f
ar as
other news goes, Tosh10 is taking the month off afte
r assuming there
would be no pack this month. Smooth has returned fo
r good, as he
assured me on IRC. Nothing else going on as far as I know.
If you
want to join Teklordz, apply and drop by teklordz. Operator
s are
standing by.
Well, thats it as far as I can tell. OK, so the pack is a l
small and a little late, but its here. Watch for more from
us crazy
cats at Teklordz real soon!
teklordz art coordinator/fos ss
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