this image contains text
The Gecko Te
The king of t
he Reptiles, lizard divine,
A small scutling mass of its claws and it
s scales
It climbs up the wall of it
s altar sublime
While the floors are knee-deep in i
ts broken-off tails.
It joins all its kin while the brazier below
forth its great pillars of scented perfume,
The room starts to fill with the m
asses who show
re to worship amongst all the smokey grey plumes.
The lizards pay little, if any at all,
Attention towards their sweet rap
turous crowd
Though the people glance upwards with gazes ent
thought of disturbing their gods is allowed.
Luscious tapestries, jewels are consumed in the fire,
ll items of value sacrificed thus.
That their essences, altere
d, might rise even higher
To service
their masters, and leave only dust.
The geckoes, with passionate di
Find the pursuit of flie
s to be more to their taste
They see up in flames go the most and the best
And so swiftly take note, with reptilian
Soon all of the goods have sin
ce perished in flame
And the satisfied h
ordes exeunt thus the great cave.
ritual here has established the game
Played twixt cold-blooded masters
and humanoid slaves.
The lizards set forth in the summers hot night
To engage in a
wild orgiastic bash
In the coals, natures
left here to do as it might,
nd they lay all their eggs in the valuable ash.
iature reptiles rise in mere days
To embark in the chase for their hungers relief.
They ch
ow down on pests by the dawns early rays,
But then vanish unseen into c
hambers beneath.
Insatiable hatchlings spring
forth from the ground
And proceed to devour all inve
Their sphere of consumption is ranged
all around
And gives farmers fair reaso
n to all celebrate.
The cro
ps are developed, the harvest is near,
And all thanks
to lizards with big appetites.
Theyll do the same ritual year after year
In the small Gecko Temple theyve
found to work right.
Cthulu / Mistigris
The Gecko Temple! Sy
sops: Zen Render Gecko. Joint Produc
tion by TL/Mist 1996
The Gecko Te
The king of t
he Reptiles, lizard divine,
A small scutling mass of its claws and it
s scales
It climbs up the wall of it
s altar sublime
While the floors are knee-deep in i
ts broken-off tails.
It joins all its kin while the brazier below
forth its great pillars of scented perfume,
The room starts to fill with the m
asses who show
re to worship amongst all the smokey grey plumes.
The lizards pay little, if any at all,
Attention towards their sweet rap
turous crowd
Though the people glance upwards with gazes ent
thought of disturbing their gods is allowed.
Luscious tapestries, jewels are consumed in the fire,
ll items of value sacrificed thus.
That their essences, altere
d, might rise even higher
To service
their masters, and leave only dust.
The geckoes, with passionate di
Find the pursuit of flie
s to be more to their taste
They see up in flames go the most and the best
And so swiftly take note, with reptilian
Soon all of the goods have sin
ce perished in flame
And the satisfied h
ordes exeunt thus the great cave.
ritual here has established the game
Played twixt cold-blooded masters
and humanoid slaves.
The lizards set forth in the summers hot night
To engage in a
wild orgiastic bash
In the coals, natures
left here to do as it might,
nd they lay all their eggs in the valuable ash.
iature reptiles rise in mere days
To embark in the chase for their hungers relief.
They ch
ow down on pests by the dawns early rays,
But then vanish unseen into c
hambers beneath.
Insatiable hatchlings spring
forth from the ground
And proceed to devour all inve
Their sphere of consumption is ranged
all around
And gives farmers fair reaso
n to all celebrate.
The cro
ps are developed, the harvest is near,
And all thanks
to lizards with big appetites.
Theyll do the same ritual year after year
In the small Gecko Temple theyve
found to work right.
Cthulu / Mistigris
The Gecko Temple! Sy
sops: Zen Render Gecko. Joint Produc
tion by TL/Mist 1996
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