this image contains text
ired, and STILL
up at 2:13 in the morning
trying to finish up the last minute contributions
towards this months
This months release in my opinion
is one of our best
Teklordz is
probably the only group
out ther
e that creates
mostly all origina
l art-
work. I
ts something TekLordz
prides itself on. As the group
approaches the firs
t aniversary
of its rebirth in July 1995, we
begin to s
ee the fulfillment of
the long term goals of reinventing
Teklordz as a group whi
ch is not
only closely-knit, but one that stands
from the crowd, in terms of art
and music, as you will hopefully see
when Teklor
dz releases its first music
, TekTonic.
We brought a few n
ew folks aboard this
month that are worth mentio
ning: Hellbeast, a coder
recruited by Amnesia. We hope to see some neat stuff
from him in the futur
e. He is currently working on TLView,
hopefully within a few months we can have aviewer all set
to go. In the music department, Inner Vision returns
to Teklordzas Senior Musician after a few jaunts in Surge Musi
c and the North American demogroup Pure Resistance. We hope h
is return to Teklordz will be a long and enjoy-able one. : W
e also brought aboard another coder, Lightning Hacker,
whose COPSloader you will see in this months release.
Because of inactivity a few other members were also finally cu
t. Stimpy,Shadow Image, and Digital Apocalypse were removed
from the memberlist. Bleyswho came to us via the Teklordz -
THC merge a few months back decided to stay inWicked when he
was informed of our no-dualing rule.
Anywho this should be enuff for now, so here comes O-Trons wacky new
s thingies.I hope you enjoy this pack. :
TekLordz Member Coordinator
h boy, its my turn. Wacky?? M
Damn right. ts has an advantage o
n me, as he already h
as most of the pack
contents in front of him, where as I hav
only seen his stuff and of course mine,
which unfortunately wasnt as much as Id hoped to do
for the pack. But real life shows up and interferes
sometimes. However, communication between Teklordz
members remains good, and we have all come to a
consensus on quality -- its top priority. I think
I speak for the group as a whole when I say that we
are dedicated to doing the best art and music that we
can, and that has become apparent. Ive looked at
all the packs released so far this month which is
most of them and I think that the overall quality of
art put out recently has leveled off...not necessarily
declined, but no better than in the past. So think of
Teklordz as your Scene Improvement Specialists, cuz
most of the members Ive talked to lately have agreed
with me that we have gotten consistently better with
every pack we put out.
Enough inspirational chatter and lofty ideals tho...its
time for of that good ol Teklordz phunk now legalized in
38 states. It doesnt stop here either -- watch for both the
Teklordz musicdisk and some other top-secret projects in the near
future. Until then, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching
for the adult comics on the very top rack.
teklordz art coordinator
ired, and STILL
up at 2:13 in the morning
trying to finish up the last minute contributions
towards this months
This months release in my opinion
is one of our best
Teklordz is
probably the only group
out ther
e that creates
mostly all origina
l art-
work. I
ts something TekLordz
prides itself on. As the group
approaches the firs
t aniversary
of its rebirth in July 1995, we
begin to s
ee the fulfillment of
the long term goals of reinventing
Teklordz as a group whi
ch is not
only closely-knit, but one that stands
from the crowd, in terms of art
and music, as you will hopefully see
when Teklor
dz releases its first music
, TekTonic.
We brought a few n
ew folks aboard this
month that are worth mentio
ning: Hellbeast, a coder
recruited by Amnesia. We hope to see some neat stuff
from him in the futur
e. He is currently working on TLView,
hopefully within a few months we can have aviewer all set
to go. In the music department, Inner Vision returns
to Teklordzas Senior Musician after a few jaunts in Surge Musi
c and the North American demogroup Pure Resistance. We hope h
is return to Teklordz will be a long and enjoy-able one. : W
e also brought aboard another coder, Lightning Hacker,
whose COPSloader you will see in this months release.
Because of inactivity a few other members were also finally cu
t. Stimpy,Shadow Image, and Digital Apocalypse were removed
from the memberlist. Bleyswho came to us via the Teklordz -
THC merge a few months back decided to stay inWicked when he
was informed of our no-dualing rule.
Anywho this should be enuff for now, so here comes O-Trons wacky new
s thingies.I hope you enjoy this pack. :
TekLordz Member Coordinator
h boy, its my turn. Wacky?? M
Damn right. ts has an advantage o
n me, as he already h
as most of the pack
contents in front of him, where as I hav
only seen his stuff and of course mine,
which unfortunately wasnt as much as Id hoped to do
for the pack. But real life shows up and interferes
sometimes. However, communication between Teklordz
members remains good, and we have all come to a
consensus on quality -- its top priority. I think
I speak for the group as a whole when I say that we
are dedicated to doing the best art and music that we
can, and that has become apparent. Ive looked at
all the packs released so far this month which is
most of them and I think that the overall quality of
art put out recently has leveled off...not necessarily
declined, but no better than in the past. So think of
Teklordz as your Scene Improvement Specialists, cuz
most of the members Ive talked to lately have agreed
with me that we have gotten consistently better with
every pack we put out.
Enough inspirational chatter and lofty ideals tho...its
time for of that good ol Teklordz phunk now legalized in
38 states. It doesnt stop here either -- watch for both the
Teklordz musicdisk and some other top-secret projects in the near
future. Until then, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching
for the adult comics on the very top rack.
teklordz art coordinator
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