![tone 01/99 infofile by toneorn](/pack/tone0199/x1/TONE0199.NFO.png)
this image contains text
tone studios second release
this month tone studios got alot phatter!
we have kicked the groupwhore taevore, he
deserved for that. but then we got alotta
new guys! photek, lichmist, deathrai, fat
pacifist and soulscream decided to become
my art slaves.
- this pack is delayed due to some person
not named zippy. : so dont fux0r me for
releasing it a bit late.
- now the group adds another rule - well
accept one guest appearance per month for
the best groups friends who want to sup-
port us. this time we have no guest stuff
but next month guest pet will be mrwrong
from the sticky group glue.
- from the next pack we will release pack
newsletter called tribal hate where well
put shit on anyone whom we dont like. so
fear us :
- last minute the old zippy joined. yes,
zippy from fuel! well, he didnt draw aa
- well, group greets fly to: sadist - bm
plf - kibosh - cia - ice - legion - gen.
- now some fuck yous from me, seltorn:
dyingsoul .... this is not a question of
age - its question of having balls
shrimp .... i dont like you not because
you are jew. i dont like you beca-
use you are shrimp
- now some greets from me, seltorn any-
way others will agree:
avenger - shine - sephiroth - savage cow
gloss - prosthesis - line noize - cpunch
t h e e n.......
tone studios second release
this month tone studios got alot phatter!
we have kicked the groupwhore taevore, he
deserved for that. but then we got alotta
new guys! photek, lichmist, deathrai, fat
pacifist and soulscream decided to become
my art slaves.
- this pack is delayed due to some person
not named zippy. : so dont fux0r me for
releasing it a bit late.
- now the group adds another rule - well
accept one guest appearance per month for
the best groups friends who want to sup-
port us. this time we have no guest stuff
but next month guest pet will be mrwrong
from the sticky group glue.
- from the next pack we will release pack
newsletter called tribal hate where well
put shit on anyone whom we dont like. so
fear us :
- last minute the old zippy joined. yes,
zippy from fuel! well, he didnt draw aa
- well, group greets fly to: sadist - bm
plf - kibosh - cia - ice - legion - gen.
- now some fuck yous from me, seltorn:
dyingsoul .... this is not a question of
age - its question of having balls
shrimp .... i dont like you not because
you are jew. i dont like you beca-
use you are shrimp
- now some greets from me, seltorn any-
way others will agree:
avenger - shine - sephiroth - savage cow
gloss - prosthesis - line noize - cpunch
t h e e n.......
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