this image contains text
--------------- the step-by-step process of drawing qualit
y ascii -----------
the following procedures are the ones which I use. Use
to your own benefit
.I was asked by one uh hem and here I am doing it
thanks tentum. I only
started last month therefore I feel that Im in no place to
say much so later!
- The next five steps show how I draw the let
ter N of the alpha-bet
The N
1. well for any letter of the alpha-bet ... i start of by d
oing this ...
--- number of beside each other gives de
pth ... try it!
2. then i add the curves if any ... but for n ... it goin
g to the next part
-- note the .s and s and ... its up to
you to find
characters you think make the curve, curve bes
3. then i just finish the other side .. copying the first
a-- exactly the same as 2 yet flipped..
4. then i just add the next box of s...
-- get the proportions right
5. finally you come up with ...
final note: if you didnt come up with that or something li
ke it... do the
steps again... it takes time.
- if you still are having problems then you can
contact me or something
askee is loved by watOr of toon prodoce
y ascii -----------
the following procedures are the ones which I use. Use
to your own benefit
.I was asked by one uh hem and here I am doing it
thanks tentum. I only
started last month therefore I feel that Im in no place to
say much so later!
- The next five steps show how I draw the let
ter N of the alpha-bet
The N
1. well for any letter of the alpha-bet ... i start of by d
oing this ...
--- number of beside each other gives de
pth ... try it!
2. then i add the curves if any ... but for n ... it goin
g to the next part
-- note the .s and s and ... its up to
you to find
characters you think make the curve, curve bes
3. then i just finish the other side .. copying the first
a-- exactly the same as 2 yet flipped..
4. then i just add the next box of s...
-- get the proportions right
5. finally you come up with ...
final note: if you didnt come up with that or something li
ke it... do the
steps again... it takes time.
- if you still are having problems then you can
contact me or something
askee is loved by watOr of toon prodoce
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