this image contains text
Mr. Man
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Issue Two / Volumne One
- August 93
TRiBE would like to welcome three new members: QuaZar, E
mp and Glenn Danzig
from Nemesis and iCE, TaG or NaG and m/x respectively. Also
for those
of you familar with Slugs, Tom Sawyer has also joined to write. .
TRiBE would like to explain why Mr. Man and G-Man are st
ill listed as being
in TRiBE, when most people know theyve joined LOGiC. This is two
1 They both have ANSis released in this months Archiv
e which were done
last month but didnt make it in time for the second Archive.
2 Neither have officially notified TRiBE that they have
LEFT, just that
they have joined LOGiC. LOGiC was explained to me as being an a
around group, ANSis, Cracking, Trainers, Poems, Demos etc. and
TRiBE really doesnt give a fuck psydo-moto dont you know ab
group shit, we see no reason/need to remove them unless they so w
to be removed. Theyre free to sign thier ANSis with LOGiC or T
or both for all we care. If it doesnt have TRiBE by it, it won
t go
in The Archive, and if either tells us theyve left, theyll glad
be removed, as per thier wishes. No arguements, no hard feelings
, no
backstabing or name calling once theyre gone. Hell, we wont ev
ask or look for reasons as if anyone needs one to leave a group
Both G-Man and Mr. Man helped set the tone for TRiBE and generally
a solid foundation from which weve built apon. If they leave, we
ll miss
working with them but wish them all the Fun and Money dah utter m
oto they
can handle in LOGiC. note: Opus belongs in a trashcan, damn pengu
TRiBE would like to address three rumors, two from Nemes
is and one from
m/x at this time:
Nemesis Rumor 1: Apparently, Rip-Tide told The Perfect
One that Leper
Messiah then in ACiD was given an ANSi by Lord Carnuss then in
of Chapel, which Leper used for a SWaT ANSi and gave no credit to
Carnuss. TPO then raised the question of where has honor gone a
nd makes
you wonder how many borrowed ANSis he Leper used to get into i
CE, etc.
I know Leper well, hes local to me. I brought him into iCE and h
elped him
develop his style. I can assure everyone that his ANSis are his,
and the
SWaT ANSi of Chapel was not a Lord Carnuss. LM is good, but hes
no LC...
LC is nearly no where as sloppy a shadder to draw THAT SWaT Chapel
of LMs.
I also called Lord Carnuss and talked to him. I could not remembe
r who told
TPO the rumor at that time, so he couldnt address the who, but
he pretty
much said, Well, yeah, Ive got a Chapel.. is his LMs a side v
iew too?
was his anwser to that. He also said, well, anyone who says Ive
said any
thing, fuck you... Im not that in the scene, I just draw ANSis,
I dont
talk to many people that often...
Nemesis Rumor 2: QuaSar called me up the other night an
d told me that a
member from Nemesis told him, Hey, Im not trying to recruite you
or any
thing, but you know that TRiBE fell apart and disbanded, right?
It should
be fairly obvious that its simply untrue simply from the fact thi
s file is
in your hands now, no?
m/x Rumor 1: Im alittle shakey on this one, since m/
x is so limited in
thier exposure, but apparently Snow Dog is having delusions of gra
ndure to
the extent of something like, Tribe sucks, they really stink but
merging with m/x so theyll be something... This isnt true we
re not
going to be merging with m/x or anyone else for that matter. Atl
east not
in the forseeable future. Besides, if Tribe, which sucks, merged
with them
wouldnt that make them suck by association?
What is it about TRiBE thats got all this bullshit going on. Are
you guys
really paying that much attention to us or are you that bored? Ei
ther way
you should really try making up better lies that arent this easy
to just
dismiss and disprove, if making lies is your intent. If its not,
then you
should make a couple of phone calls to reputable sources perferab
ly those
involved in the rumor before you go around talking about them.
TRiBE would like to make it known that WE are the one-m
an-show that The
Untimed refuses to acknowldge. Wed also like to point out that
its not
a fair statement there are more of us in TRiBE than Dreamevil!
Not to
mention that its that kind of closed mindedness that has iCE livi
ng in a
dream world where ..now theyre ACiD just a breeding grounds fo
r iCE..
and Quality is better than most. iCE Quality is the best.
TRiBE still does not have and does not want any Distribu
tion Sites. Please,
stop asking if you can be one. Look to SWaT sites and the better
Art boards
for future TRiBE Archives.
Shallow Grounds, a Magazine that TRiBE has strong ties w
ith has just put out
thier first issue. We all recommend you take a look at it and giv
e it a try
because it may have something youre interested in.
You may have noticed that TRiBE does not have an
ANSi viewer as of yet.
This is because we feel that its not better than those already ou
t there
then you wont want to use it anyway. Therefore we will include A
from this point on, until we can produce something youll want to
ALL your ANSis with. We feel its the best there is right now, b
ut it
could be better, and thats why were working on our own.
TRiBE wou
ld like to pronounce August as National SPAWN month!
Each August TRiBE will devote consi
derable effort to making
as many SPAWN ANSis as we can find t
he time for. Everyone is
completely in love with this cuddly little guy, a
nd who could
blame them?! P
lease sing with us now the offical SPAWN song,
Shihear Kallizad
STILL 1 of dem TRiBE guys
Greets: rags - TT
Cavalier: You should stop pretending not to be Cetis, youre not fool
ing anyone
except for afew ACiD members, but thats not that difficult to
Cetis: You should stop pretending to be Cavalier, youre not fooli
ng anyone
except for afew iCE members, but thats even easier to do!
Vision: Waiting anxiously for you to call back so we can talk about
RaD MaN: No escaping it, YOU *MUST* do the column every month from n
ow on!
Untimed: No escaping it, METAL HEAD *MUST* do the column from now on
SharP: Damn! Thats what I call a poem. Stormblades your new he
ro! :
CHack: Theyre coming to take you away HA! HA! ducking for cove
Cyber X: Please, please PLEASE! Put that HD back in! I need those
Mr. Man: Thats it, Im telling mom you havent behaved!!
MKnight: Could you upload your own damn ANSis occasionally?!
TThales: Yeah, yeah, but how did you get to the movies!
FusioN: Cant we all just get along... even IF we DO give you D
s?! :
Exile: How many covers did I say you needed to do for that site?
Perfect1: Guess youre not Perfect anymore, huh... Thats ONE mistak
e! :p
egghead: Oh, nothing... Just didnt want you to feel left out... :
Devil: babesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabe
AADA: AADAstry is neat, but wheres my DAMN ANSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Journd: I AM WORKING ON IT! Heres Glenn Danzigs to hold you over
Sblade: Um, could you use shorter sentences, I dont have enough ro
LogaN: Yes, EVERYONE is RELiC material, even TOM!
CBlind: Man, thats one BAD ANSi. snickerchortleghafahahahahahaaa
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Issue Two / Volumne One
- August 93
TRiBE would like to welcome three new members: QuaZar, E
mp and Glenn Danzig
from Nemesis and iCE, TaG or NaG and m/x respectively. Also
for those
of you familar with Slugs, Tom Sawyer has also joined to write. .
TRiBE would like to explain why Mr. Man and G-Man are st
ill listed as being
in TRiBE, when most people know theyve joined LOGiC. This is two
1 They both have ANSis released in this months Archiv
e which were done
last month but didnt make it in time for the second Archive.
2 Neither have officially notified TRiBE that they have
LEFT, just that
they have joined LOGiC. LOGiC was explained to me as being an a
around group, ANSis, Cracking, Trainers, Poems, Demos etc. and
TRiBE really doesnt give a fuck psydo-moto dont you know ab
group shit, we see no reason/need to remove them unless they so w
to be removed. Theyre free to sign thier ANSis with LOGiC or T
or both for all we care. If it doesnt have TRiBE by it, it won
t go
in The Archive, and if either tells us theyve left, theyll glad
be removed, as per thier wishes. No arguements, no hard feelings
, no
backstabing or name calling once theyre gone. Hell, we wont ev
ask or look for reasons as if anyone needs one to leave a group
Both G-Man and Mr. Man helped set the tone for TRiBE and generally
a solid foundation from which weve built apon. If they leave, we
ll miss
working with them but wish them all the Fun and Money dah utter m
oto they
can handle in LOGiC. note: Opus belongs in a trashcan, damn pengu
TRiBE would like to address three rumors, two from Nemes
is and one from
m/x at this time:
Nemesis Rumor 1: Apparently, Rip-Tide told The Perfect
One that Leper
Messiah then in ACiD was given an ANSi by Lord Carnuss then in
of Chapel, which Leper used for a SWaT ANSi and gave no credit to
Carnuss. TPO then raised the question of where has honor gone a
nd makes
you wonder how many borrowed ANSis he Leper used to get into i
CE, etc.
I know Leper well, hes local to me. I brought him into iCE and h
elped him
develop his style. I can assure everyone that his ANSis are his,
and the
SWaT ANSi of Chapel was not a Lord Carnuss. LM is good, but hes
no LC...
LC is nearly no where as sloppy a shadder to draw THAT SWaT Chapel
of LMs.
I also called Lord Carnuss and talked to him. I could not remembe
r who told
TPO the rumor at that time, so he couldnt address the who, but
he pretty
much said, Well, yeah, Ive got a Chapel.. is his LMs a side v
iew too?
was his anwser to that. He also said, well, anyone who says Ive
said any
thing, fuck you... Im not that in the scene, I just draw ANSis,
I dont
talk to many people that often...
Nemesis Rumor 2: QuaSar called me up the other night an
d told me that a
member from Nemesis told him, Hey, Im not trying to recruite you
or any
thing, but you know that TRiBE fell apart and disbanded, right?
It should
be fairly obvious that its simply untrue simply from the fact thi
s file is
in your hands now, no?
m/x Rumor 1: Im alittle shakey on this one, since m/
x is so limited in
thier exposure, but apparently Snow Dog is having delusions of gra
ndure to
the extent of something like, Tribe sucks, they really stink but
merging with m/x so theyll be something... This isnt true we
re not
going to be merging with m/x or anyone else for that matter. Atl
east not
in the forseeable future. Besides, if Tribe, which sucks, merged
with them
wouldnt that make them suck by association?
What is it about TRiBE thats got all this bullshit going on. Are
you guys
really paying that much attention to us or are you that bored? Ei
ther way
you should really try making up better lies that arent this easy
to just
dismiss and disprove, if making lies is your intent. If its not,
then you
should make a couple of phone calls to reputable sources perferab
ly those
involved in the rumor before you go around talking about them.
TRiBE would like to make it known that WE are the one-m
an-show that The
Untimed refuses to acknowldge. Wed also like to point out that
its not
a fair statement there are more of us in TRiBE than Dreamevil!
Not to
mention that its that kind of closed mindedness that has iCE livi
ng in a
dream world where ..now theyre ACiD just a breeding grounds fo
r iCE..
and Quality is better than most. iCE Quality is the best.
TRiBE still does not have and does not want any Distribu
tion Sites. Please,
stop asking if you can be one. Look to SWaT sites and the better
Art boards
for future TRiBE Archives.
Shallow Grounds, a Magazine that TRiBE has strong ties w
ith has just put out
thier first issue. We all recommend you take a look at it and giv
e it a try
because it may have something youre interested in.
You may have noticed that TRiBE does not have an
ANSi viewer as of yet.
This is because we feel that its not better than those already ou
t there
then you wont want to use it anyway. Therefore we will include A
from this point on, until we can produce something youll want to
ALL your ANSis with. We feel its the best there is right now, b
ut it
could be better, and thats why were working on our own.
TRiBE wou
ld like to pronounce August as National SPAWN month!
Each August TRiBE will devote consi
derable effort to making
as many SPAWN ANSis as we can find t
he time for. Everyone is
completely in love with this cuddly little guy, a
nd who could
blame them?! P
lease sing with us now the offical SPAWN song,
Shihear Kallizad
STILL 1 of dem TRiBE guys
Greets: rags - TT
Cavalier: You should stop pretending not to be Cetis, youre not fool
ing anyone
except for afew ACiD members, but thats not that difficult to
Cetis: You should stop pretending to be Cavalier, youre not fooli
ng anyone
except for afew iCE members, but thats even easier to do!
Vision: Waiting anxiously for you to call back so we can talk about
RaD MaN: No escaping it, YOU *MUST* do the column every month from n
ow on!
Untimed: No escaping it, METAL HEAD *MUST* do the column from now on
SharP: Damn! Thats what I call a poem. Stormblades your new he
ro! :
CHack: Theyre coming to take you away HA! HA! ducking for cove
Cyber X: Please, please PLEASE! Put that HD back in! I need those
Mr. Man: Thats it, Im telling mom you havent behaved!!
MKnight: Could you upload your own damn ANSis occasionally?!
TThales: Yeah, yeah, but how did you get to the movies!
FusioN: Cant we all just get along... even IF we DO give you D
s?! :
Exile: How many covers did I say you needed to do for that site?
Perfect1: Guess youre not Perfect anymore, huh... Thats ONE mistak
e! :p
egghead: Oh, nothing... Just didnt want you to feel left out... :
Devil: babesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabesbabe
AADA: AADAstry is neat, but wheres my DAMN ANSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Journd: I AM WORKING ON IT! Heres Glenn Danzigs to hold you over
Sblade: Um, could you use shorter sentences, I dont have enough ro
LogaN: Yes, EVERYONE is RELiC material, even TOM!
CBlind: Man, thats one BAD ANSi. snickerchortleghafahahahahahaaa
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