this image contains text
Mr. Man
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Volume One / Issue Three
- September 93
A hardy hidyho to Final Descendant who joins us this mont
h, with the apparent
break up of Nemesis due to most of thier Staff and a couple artists
up with ACiD. Check out his Bubba Land ANSi in this Archive and lo
ok for more from him next month.
Welcome Cardiac Arrest to TRiBE just off his stint with A
CiD. Next month he
will have a couple of pieces in the pack, and we aint talkin no c
in Cybersuits.
Also say howdy to Shattered Mind. Hes hyped down from h
is LOGiC days and is
doing more than just LiTSHiT. though he still be doing that too,
the TRiBE
way now. . . Check out the Dungeon piece to see how Lit ought to
be done in
ANSi Groups.
Bid a big bye-bye to Mr. Man. He officially left the gro
up this month to go
forth and start his own group, Criminal Minded Artists. His last T
was his best ANSi to date, so make an effort to track down that CMA
G-Man hasnt given notice to us yet, and theres an ANSi here by hi
m, so we
have kept him on the list another month, even though Mr. Man report
ed that
he and G-Man were in CMA. It doesnt matter to US, but Im sure it
does to
him, so thats why were mentioning it here. Yeah, yeah, I could
call him
but my cup runneth over as it is. . . That last TRiBE ANSi from M
M, by the
way, can be found in this Archive.
Cyber X notified us of his departure due to TRiBE, Not b
eing what I expected
really. CyberHack also quit due to his selling his modem and pret
ty much
leaving the scene. Both Quasar and Glenn-Danzig quit, without any
what so ever. Theyre free and welcome to leave at anytime, no har
d feelings
but when they leave in a huff, without a word, without so much as a
well. . . Thats just down right inconsiderate, rude, and complete
ly bad
form. Pif pif old chaps, and all that rot. Both also went to ACiD
, the
later admitidly recruited by a so called third party acting in thie
r behalf.
Still no sites! Dont have them. Dont want them. Stop
RipTide is still running around spewing forth that ridicu
lous lie about Lord
Carnuss and Leper Messiah. Basicly, ignore this increadibly stupid
fucker whenever he pops up, because he doesnt have an honest bone
in his
body. Even when faced with his bald faced lie, he just tries to d
rop it
but believes that Lord Carnuss gave Leper Messiah a Chapel ANSi tha
t was for
his board, that he paid Lord Carnuss for and Leper Messiah didnt d
yadda, yadda, yadda. Ignorant little twit even went and wrote an a
rticle on
the subject for Paradigm. He just doesnt know when to call it qui
ts with
this kind of bullshit. Sigh.
Thats it for this month, Im outta here. . . For more T
RiBEness, check out
the new TRiBE Column in Paradigm. Yeah, yeah, they twisted my arm.
. . You
should enjoy it while it lasts, because I dont think that Column i
s going to
last very long.
Due to greetusoverloadus in the scene recently, in large due to Caval
ier doing
14k worth of them, now, theres a neat thing... Cavalier, ever the
followed Mitch right out of the scene were unable to sit here and t
ype out
a bunch of them. Take a big yellow or a bite me as you deserve
and lets
all move on with our lives. See yah, wouldnt wanna be yah. . .
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Volume One / Issue Three
- September 93
A hardy hidyho to Final Descendant who joins us this mont
h, with the apparent
break up of Nemesis due to most of thier Staff and a couple artists
up with ACiD. Check out his Bubba Land ANSi in this Archive and lo
ok for more from him next month.
Welcome Cardiac Arrest to TRiBE just off his stint with A
CiD. Next month he
will have a couple of pieces in the pack, and we aint talkin no c
in Cybersuits.
Also say howdy to Shattered Mind. Hes hyped down from h
is LOGiC days and is
doing more than just LiTSHiT. though he still be doing that too,
the TRiBE
way now. . . Check out the Dungeon piece to see how Lit ought to
be done in
ANSi Groups.
Bid a big bye-bye to Mr. Man. He officially left the gro
up this month to go
forth and start his own group, Criminal Minded Artists. His last T
was his best ANSi to date, so make an effort to track down that CMA
G-Man hasnt given notice to us yet, and theres an ANSi here by hi
m, so we
have kept him on the list another month, even though Mr. Man report
ed that
he and G-Man were in CMA. It doesnt matter to US, but Im sure it
does to
him, so thats why were mentioning it here. Yeah, yeah, I could
call him
but my cup runneth over as it is. . . That last TRiBE ANSi from M
M, by the
way, can be found in this Archive.
Cyber X notified us of his departure due to TRiBE, Not b
eing what I expected
really. CyberHack also quit due to his selling his modem and pret
ty much
leaving the scene. Both Quasar and Glenn-Danzig quit, without any
what so ever. Theyre free and welcome to leave at anytime, no har
d feelings
but when they leave in a huff, without a word, without so much as a
well. . . Thats just down right inconsiderate, rude, and complete
ly bad
form. Pif pif old chaps, and all that rot. Both also went to ACiD
, the
later admitidly recruited by a so called third party acting in thie
r behalf.
Still no sites! Dont have them. Dont want them. Stop
RipTide is still running around spewing forth that ridicu
lous lie about Lord
Carnuss and Leper Messiah. Basicly, ignore this increadibly stupid
fucker whenever he pops up, because he doesnt have an honest bone
in his
body. Even when faced with his bald faced lie, he just tries to d
rop it
but believes that Lord Carnuss gave Leper Messiah a Chapel ANSi tha
t was for
his board, that he paid Lord Carnuss for and Leper Messiah didnt d
yadda, yadda, yadda. Ignorant little twit even went and wrote an a
rticle on
the subject for Paradigm. He just doesnt know when to call it qui
ts with
this kind of bullshit. Sigh.
Thats it for this month, Im outta here. . . For more T
RiBEness, check out
the new TRiBE Column in Paradigm. Yeah, yeah, they twisted my arm.
. . You
should enjoy it while it lasts, because I dont think that Column i
s going to
last very long.
Due to greetusoverloadus in the scene recently, in large due to Caval
ier doing
14k worth of them, now, theres a neat thing... Cavalier, ever the
followed Mitch right out of the scene were unable to sit here and t
ype out
a bunch of them. Take a big yellow or a bite me as you deserve
and lets
all move on with our lives. See yah, wouldnt wanna be yah. . .
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