this image contains text
OK. This is TsCs second Pack ever! Whohoo! Well as it turns out Style is away
in England and has left me, Sliver, to put together a decent pack. As for the
promissed viewer, Freejack never bothered to help us. So anyone out there that
can code please help us. If u dont like the pack then too bloody bad :
Membership Stuff
Some people were kicked out of TSC they are:
White death: For infecting our first pack with the screaming fist virus
Silver Talon: He just plain Sucks
New additions:
Pure Voltage - Abrev: PV a bright prospect for the future of TSC -Ansi/LiT
John Kwan - Abrev: JK - Ansi
Gumbi - Courier Hear is some werk for u
HolyWater - Courier - S: Upcoming BBS - SOon
Pantera - S: Rise of The Midnight Sons - Distribution Site
This brings are total membership to:
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 - That makes 11 i think
If u are interested in becomin A TsC member please download the Application
form TSC-APP.zip. We are looking especially for a couple more coders and some
Vga artists.
-SLIVER TsC Acting PreZ
OK. This is TsCs second Pack ever! Whohoo! Well as it turns out Style is away
in England and has left me, Sliver, to put together a decent pack. As for the
promissed viewer, Freejack never bothered to help us. So anyone out there that
can code please help us. If u dont like the pack then too bloody bad :
Membership Stuff
Some people were kicked out of TSC they are:
White death: For infecting our first pack with the screaming fist virus
Silver Talon: He just plain Sucks
New additions:
Pure Voltage - Abrev: PV a bright prospect for the future of TSC -Ansi/LiT
John Kwan - Abrev: JK - Ansi
Gumbi - Courier Hear is some werk for u
HolyWater - Courier - S: Upcoming BBS - SOon
Pantera - S: Rise of The Midnight Sons - Distribution Site
This brings are total membership to:
1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 - That makes 11 i think
If u are interested in becomin A TsC member please download the Application
form TSC-APP.zip. We are looking especially for a couple more coders and some
Vga artists.
-SLIVER TsC Acting PreZ
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