this image contains text
- --/------sep2k1------------------------------------------/--- -
. Ladies Gentlemen, .. ..
: oh-la-dee-da :
ave dTR
: ... Would Like To Introduce You :
To One Of These Dirty ASCII Groups .
:... With All These Dirty Old Men Between
. The Younger Dirty Men, Which Kicks
Dirty Styles And Does All The Dirty
Work For This Dirty, Dirty Planet.
, ... But Doin It Oldschool. w0rD!
: Come On, Johnnie! Say Hello To
this time with a small
that doesnt
deserve a name
o1 this item is supposed to say .......... Avenger
o2 this item is supposed to say .......... Droids
o3 . this item is supposed to say .......... FusionVCD
o4 this item is supposed to say .......... Impure
o5 this item is supposed to say .......... Logoff
o6 this item is supposed to say .......... P C
o7 : this item is supposed to say .......... RaketNBrot
. o8 this item is supposed to say .......... The Ascii Charts
: o9 this item is supposed to say .......... The Living Dead
. 1o this item is supposed to say .......... Zu Ende
: Shall We? :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o1/1o oOo ,, A V E N G E R
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o2/1o oOo ,, D R O I D S
.... . . ........: , d r o i d s , , , , , , , :... .. ........ ...
:. ......... . ... ..: maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o3/1o oOo ,, F U S I O N V C D
: ...... o0 / :
-:---------- / ------------ ma/BM
: F u s i o n V C D i n 2 o o 1 p r e s e n t s .
. I.
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o4/1o oOo ,, I M P U R E
ma/tUS :
: i M P U R E :
: a s c i i :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o5/1o oOo ,, L O G O F F
youre abou to
-:-/-------.-----------.-------- maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o6/1o oOo ,, P A R T N E R S C R I M I N A L S
Oo /
ma tUS
,, p a r t n e r s c r i m i n a l s
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o7/1o oOo ,, R A K E T N B R O T
- -maTUS--- -- - ------ -- --- : ------- :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o8/1o oOo ,, T H E A S C I I C H A R T S
//. /----/ issue o2/2k1
/ : / // issue o2/
/----- / issue o2 /
the ascii charts / / -/---------- .
-+- ----------------- - - ------/ / iss -/-----/
. . o2/
-------- -/-------- . issue o2/2
issue o22k1
: issue o22k1
. maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o9/1o oOo ,, T H E L I V I N G D E A D
t h e l i v i n g d e a d : . :
ma ......................... tUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ 1o/1o oOo ,, Z U E N D E
Z U E N D E E N D E .
ma.TUS Z U E N D E E N D E .
Z U E N D E :
.------/ Z U E N D E : :
/--- -: : / E-Mail:
-------------:--/-/- m0ther@gmx.net
. mother@blackmaiden.de :
/--/----- / /- /---- IRCnet: blackmaiden
----..---- /-----------. EFnet: ansi.de :
. ascii
++ CREDITS ------------------------ ICQ:
. just ask me. :
artwork design .. Mother/bMtUS!a . .
mother header ... Avenger/bMdTRmMC :
- ------ -- ++ GREETINGS -----------+-
. oO / . aleks, ave, cain, dip, .
: : / : d0n, faxe, genius, kyp, :
. : / mool, pandur, pos, poti
. potze, rezine, skope,
toot, trasher, tribe,
zaner, zippy
/ no. collection title group released
--/ oo1 Rudi Registrierers... bLACK mAIDEN o6/3o/97 --/
oo2 The Forest is my Throne kWEST o9/27/97 /
/. oo3 Barbie Girl kWEST 12/o1/97 .
// oo4 Katrin bLACK mAIDEN 12/o7/97
/ oo5 Mother North kWEST 12/25/97
. oo6 P.F.E.R.D. bLACK mAIDEN o7/28/99 .
oo7 The Steppenwolf tRUE!ASCII o8/15/99 //
/ oo8 Die Saat der Gewalt bLACK mAIDEN o8/o4/2k1
oo9 Mini-Collection tUS!ASCII o9/o1/2k1 /
-:-/ . /ma
. A Low-Size Collection by :
. Mother / bMtUS!a :
: o9/o1/2k1 .
++ t h e u s u a l s u s p e c t s
. Ladies Gentlemen, .. ..
: oh-la-dee-da :
ave dTR
: ... Would Like To Introduce You :
To One Of These Dirty ASCII Groups .
:... With All These Dirty Old Men Between
. The Younger Dirty Men, Which Kicks
Dirty Styles And Does All The Dirty
Work For This Dirty, Dirty Planet.
, ... But Doin It Oldschool. w0rD!
: Come On, Johnnie! Say Hello To
this time with a small
that doesnt
deserve a name
o1 this item is supposed to say .......... Avenger
o2 this item is supposed to say .......... Droids
o3 . this item is supposed to say .......... FusionVCD
o4 this item is supposed to say .......... Impure
o5 this item is supposed to say .......... Logoff
o6 this item is supposed to say .......... P C
o7 : this item is supposed to say .......... RaketNBrot
. o8 this item is supposed to say .......... The Ascii Charts
: o9 this item is supposed to say .......... The Living Dead
. 1o this item is supposed to say .......... Zu Ende
: Shall We? :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o1/1o oOo ,, A V E N G E R
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o2/1o oOo ,, D R O I D S
.... . . ........: , d r o i d s , , , , , , , :... .. ........ ...
:. ......... . ... ..: maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o3/1o oOo ,, F U S I O N V C D
: ...... o0 / :
-:---------- / ------------ ma/BM
: F u s i o n V C D i n 2 o o 1 p r e s e n t s .
. I.
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o4/1o oOo ,, I M P U R E
ma/tUS :
: i M P U R E :
: a s c i i :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o5/1o oOo ,, L O G O F F
youre abou to
-:-/-------.-----------.-------- maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o6/1o oOo ,, P A R T N E R S C R I M I N A L S
Oo /
ma tUS
,, p a r t n e r s c r i m i n a l s
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o7/1o oOo ,, R A K E T N B R O T
- -maTUS--- -- - ------ -- --- : ------- :
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o8/1o oOo ,, T H E A S C I I C H A R T S
//. /----/ issue o2/2k1
/ : / // issue o2/
/----- / issue o2 /
the ascii charts / / -/---------- .
-+- ----------------- - - ------/ / iss -/-----/
. . o2/
-------- -/-------- . issue o2/2
issue o22k1
: issue o22k1
. maTUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ o9/1o oOo ,, T H E L I V I N G D E A D
t h e l i v i n g d e a d : . :
ma ......................... tUS
- -- oO /-- -- - - - -- - --- ---
/ 1o/1o oOo ,, Z U E N D E
Z U E N D E E N D E .
ma.TUS Z U E N D E E N D E .
Z U E N D E :
.------/ Z U E N D E : :
/--- -: : / E-Mail:
-------------:--/-/- m0ther@gmx.net
. mother@blackmaiden.de :
/--/----- / /- /---- IRCnet: blackmaiden
----..---- /-----------. EFnet: ansi.de :
. ascii
++ CREDITS ------------------------ ICQ:
. just ask me. :
artwork design .. Mother/bMtUS!a . .
mother header ... Avenger/bMdTRmMC :
- ------ -- ++ GREETINGS -----------+-
. oO / . aleks, ave, cain, dip, .
: : / : d0n, faxe, genius, kyp, :
. : / mool, pandur, pos, poti
. potze, rezine, skope,
toot, trasher, tribe,
zaner, zippy
/ no. collection title group released
--/ oo1 Rudi Registrierers... bLACK mAIDEN o6/3o/97 --/
oo2 The Forest is my Throne kWEST o9/27/97 /
/. oo3 Barbie Girl kWEST 12/o1/97 .
// oo4 Katrin bLACK mAIDEN 12/o7/97
/ oo5 Mother North kWEST 12/25/97
. oo6 P.F.E.R.D. bLACK mAIDEN o7/28/99 .
oo7 The Steppenwolf tRUE!ASCII o8/15/99 //
/ oo8 Die Saat der Gewalt bLACK mAIDEN o8/o4/2k1
oo9 Mini-Collection tUS!ASCII o9/o1/2k1 /
-:-/ . /ma
. A Low-Size Collection by :
. Mother / bMtUS!a :
: o9/o1/2k1 .
++ t h e u s u a l s u s p e c t s
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