this image contains text
P,d yy,gP4a.,d yy,dPyyP 4
:::::: ::: *m,, ::: ::: :i:t::s::::a:::c:o:l:l:y:
:::::: tHE ::: dq :.b ::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: yy ::::::::::::::::::
:,gP4a.,d yy,gP4a, :: ,dPyy,dPyy,P ,gP4a.
*m,. 4b,*m,. dS4b, 4b 4b *m,,
dq b dq bPb,bmmmm dq b
7 yy yy
.b,dS4b,db,dS d4b,d4b,d4b,db,dS
pimptite for the economy demented!tUS
y ,d : dP4
dP 4 : ,d:: :
** he b ,d
4b, yy 4b, ,d
nP* l l l dP 4b,
,d,d sual : :,* b 7
P ,dP ,d 4 b,4,4,4bmmd4 4bdP,d
4b * *, i was completely stoned when i drew
5bd *4b this,i imagined it to be some pipes
yyuspectS with stuff decaying on them.
this is the first collection of anything ive ever done,also i know this is ugly
so dont tell me.if you think you want an ascii from me please email me at:
hello to cain,trasher,double zero,tripologic, and all the folks in ascii,tus
:::::: ::: *m,, ::: ::: :i:t::s::::a:::c:o:l:l:y:
:::::: tHE ::: dq :.b ::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: yy ::::::::::::::::::
:,gP4a.,d yy,gP4a, :: ,dPyy,dPyy,P ,gP4a.
*m,. 4b,*m,. dS4b, 4b 4b *m,,
dq b dq bPb,bmmmm dq b
7 yy yy
.b,dS4b,db,dS d4b,d4b,d4b,db,dS
pimptite for the economy demented!tUS
y ,d : dP4
dP 4 : ,d:: :
** he b ,d
4b, yy 4b, ,d
nP* l l l dP 4b,
,d,d sual : :,* b 7
P ,dP ,d 4 b,4,4,4bmmd4 4bdP,d
4b * *, i was completely stoned when i drew
5bd *4b this,i imagined it to be some pipes
yyuspectS with stuff decaying on them.
this is the first collection of anything ive ever done,also i know this is ugly
so dont tell me.if you think you want an ascii from me please email me at:
hello to cain,trasher,double zero,tripologic, and all the folks in ascii,tus
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