this image contains text
F / X X F
Hiya... Well this is our long awaited art package finally here!
we hope everyone enjoys these select art pieces, they were created
by our hard working members who are dedicated to their artwork. Read the
Question Answer section of this file to answer some of the questions
you might have about us... if your question dosent get answered ask us
at one of our affiliated boards...
DiscMan CoURiER
* Files included in this package *
1. 3d-Anime.zip - Anime Fanatics Animation - CYBoMAN -
2. 3d-cyber.zip - CYbERSPACE Bbs SVGA Animation - CYBoMAN CAblE -
3. ca-cable.exe - SVGA DiGitAl DiMENSiON Bbs Ad - CABLE -
4. ca-guile.exe - TUS F/X SVGA Advertizement - CABLE -
5. cy-anime.exe - Anime Fanatics SVGA Ad - CYBoMAN -
6. cy-tus.exe - TUS F/X VGA Advertizement - CYBoMAN -
7. tosloadr.exe - The Other Side 19.4k Loader - CABLE CYBoMAN -
8. tusapp.exe - TUS F/X Application Generator - ARE -
9. ar-ares.ans - PRoMo ANSi - ARE -
10. ar-cspac.ans - CYbERSPACE Bbs ANSi Ad - ARE -
11. ar-digit.ans - DiGitAl DiMENSiON Bbs ANSi Ad - ARE -
12. ca-anarc.exe - ANARChY UNlEAShEd - CABLE -
13. ca-netru.exe - NETRUNNERS SVGA AdVERtISEMENt - CABLE - - -
14. tusfx1.nfo - This FilE your Reading - TUS F/X STAff -
Ohh Yea, before I forget! Greets go out to:
Sandstorm, Cyber Angel, Ace Of Spikes, Viceroy, Dazed,
Frozen Spirit, Terminal Insanity, Bad Sector Thang Cast.
. Ace Of Spikes : NiCE GUY... VERY polite.
. Viceroy : Did you finally recover from the impact of our beta?
. Frozen Spirit : Hook me Up!
. Terminal insanity : I cant believe Tyson gave the girl V.D.!
. Thang Cast : Thanx for the modem !
. SandStorm : Good Luck with Netrunners! Keep it going strong!
. Cyber Angel : ooops Call waiting.
. DAZEd : GREAt Courier for ToS
. DYNAMo : was the pot worth it? i think not. MUahhahah!
* Question Answer Section *
Q: What is TUS F/X?
A: Well.. were a small group of dedicated artists who enjoy
expressing ourselves through our artwork.
Q: How did TUS F/X form?
A: TUS F/X formed after many years of friendship and art dedication
to hopefully make the world a little better through art.
Q: What does TUS F/X do exactly?
A: TUS F/X compiles VGAANiMAtioNANSi F/X for Quality Bulletin
Boards, groups, or programmers.
Q: How can i request a VGA/ANSi ?
A: Leave E-MAiL to CYboMAN at any of our DiStSitES or call DiGitAl
DiMENSiON bbs the WhQ. Any and all requests will be discussed and we
will get back to you only if you include all information needed such
1: VoiCE
2: Bbs iNfO / GRoUP iNfO
3: Any background you feel we need to know..
Q: How do I apply to join TUS F/X?
A: Fill out the Application included with this package and upload
the TUS.APP to CYboMAN at any TUS F/X associated bulletin board.
the application must be filled out truthfully, any fake information
will be rejected. Be SURE to include a portfolio of your work , 2
piece minimum.
P.S. Special thanx go out to cable for his amazingness
Ohh yea.. and special thanx to Thang Cast for his one liners such as:
- Multitask??!? waddia we the fuckn flinstones!
- if it aint vasiline....... We dont use it
- and much MUCH more...
Cya next time.
* TUS F/X Affiliated Bulletin Boards *
DiGitAL DiMENSioN - 7i8NoT.4YoU - CYBoMAN - GRoUP WhQ
DARk kiNGdoM - 7i8PRi.VAtE - iMPACt - DiStSitE
CYbERSPACE - 7i82Go.od4U - ViCERoY - DiStSitE
GAtES Of DARkNESS - 7i8NoT.2dAY - AERodYNE - DiStSitE
Hiya... Well this is our long awaited art package finally here!
we hope everyone enjoys these select art pieces, they were created
by our hard working members who are dedicated to their artwork. Read the
Question Answer section of this file to answer some of the questions
you might have about us... if your question dosent get answered ask us
at one of our affiliated boards...
DiscMan CoURiER
* Files included in this package *
1. 3d-Anime.zip - Anime Fanatics Animation - CYBoMAN -
2. 3d-cyber.zip - CYbERSPACE Bbs SVGA Animation - CYBoMAN CAblE -
3. ca-cable.exe - SVGA DiGitAl DiMENSiON Bbs Ad - CABLE -
4. ca-guile.exe - TUS F/X SVGA Advertizement - CABLE -
5. cy-anime.exe - Anime Fanatics SVGA Ad - CYBoMAN -
6. cy-tus.exe - TUS F/X VGA Advertizement - CYBoMAN -
7. tosloadr.exe - The Other Side 19.4k Loader - CABLE CYBoMAN -
8. tusapp.exe - TUS F/X Application Generator - ARE -
9. ar-ares.ans - PRoMo ANSi - ARE -
10. ar-cspac.ans - CYbERSPACE Bbs ANSi Ad - ARE -
11. ar-digit.ans - DiGitAl DiMENSiON Bbs ANSi Ad - ARE -
12. ca-anarc.exe - ANARChY UNlEAShEd - CABLE -
13. ca-netru.exe - NETRUNNERS SVGA AdVERtISEMENt - CABLE - - -
14. tusfx1.nfo - This FilE your Reading - TUS F/X STAff -
Ohh Yea, before I forget! Greets go out to:
Sandstorm, Cyber Angel, Ace Of Spikes, Viceroy, Dazed,
Frozen Spirit, Terminal Insanity, Bad Sector Thang Cast.
. Ace Of Spikes : NiCE GUY... VERY polite.
. Viceroy : Did you finally recover from the impact of our beta?
. Frozen Spirit : Hook me Up!
. Terminal insanity : I cant believe Tyson gave the girl V.D.!
. Thang Cast : Thanx for the modem !
. SandStorm : Good Luck with Netrunners! Keep it going strong!
. Cyber Angel : ooops Call waiting.
. DAZEd : GREAt Courier for ToS
. DYNAMo : was the pot worth it? i think not. MUahhahah!
* Question Answer Section *
Q: What is TUS F/X?
A: Well.. were a small group of dedicated artists who enjoy
expressing ourselves through our artwork.
Q: How did TUS F/X form?
A: TUS F/X formed after many years of friendship and art dedication
to hopefully make the world a little better through art.
Q: What does TUS F/X do exactly?
A: TUS F/X compiles VGAANiMAtioNANSi F/X for Quality Bulletin
Boards, groups, or programmers.
Q: How can i request a VGA/ANSi ?
A: Leave E-MAiL to CYboMAN at any of our DiStSitES or call DiGitAl
DiMENSiON bbs the WhQ. Any and all requests will be discussed and we
will get back to you only if you include all information needed such
1: VoiCE
2: Bbs iNfO / GRoUP iNfO
3: Any background you feel we need to know..
Q: How do I apply to join TUS F/X?
A: Fill out the Application included with this package and upload
the TUS.APP to CYboMAN at any TUS F/X associated bulletin board.
the application must be filled out truthfully, any fake information
will be rejected. Be SURE to include a portfolio of your work , 2
piece minimum.
P.S. Special thanx go out to cable for his amazingness
Ohh yea.. and special thanx to Thang Cast for his one liners such as:
- Multitask??!? waddia we the fuckn flinstones!
- if it aint vasiline....... We dont use it
- and much MUCH more...
Cya next time.
* TUS F/X Affiliated Bulletin Boards *
DiGitAL DiMENSioN - 7i8NoT.4YoU - CYBoMAN - GRoUP WhQ
DARk kiNGdoM - 7i8PRi.VAtE - iMPACt - DiStSitE
CYbERSPACE - 7i82Go.od4U - ViCERoY - DiStSitE
GAtES Of DARkNESS - 7i8NoT.2dAY - AERodYNE - DiStSitE
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